Slowkings Killer Combo(V2.0)
By Kevin Hawkins A.K.A. Hawkboy
Macon Georgia
Saturday Febuary 10th, 2001
this deck was a killer it took me forever to get
all the cards i needed but i now know it was worth it this is probably one of
the Best decks i ever made. and i am proud of it on to the Deck list
Slowkings Killer v2.0
4 Slowpoke-either one u prefere i go with fossil
cuz of its second attack
3 Slowking- Greatest pokepower ever in my opinion
keep on the bench
4 R Zaps- For getting things started and kickin
4 Buzz- there for when you want a good hard
hitting poke in the beginin
4 sneasel- a heavy hitter to clean up during
middle or late game
4 Professor oak- no comment
4 Computer search- no comment
4 Item finder- no comment
3 energy charge- to get the Dark energy back
4 gust of wind-to get the little pokes
3 Nightly Garbage run- anti decking
15 Lightning-DUH
4 Dark energy-DUH
On to the matches i'll try and remember as much as
i can cause about 40 ppl showed up only 32 were allowed to play thank god i
got to play ;)
this is a funny style i never heard of its like
double elim but the losers of the last 2 matches play 2 decide who plays the
loser of the second round
winner? i was confused.
Match 1 Slowkings Killer Vs.Wigglytuff (played By
it started off ok i started with sneasel and
benched slowpoke
i got to go first i drew a Slowking so i decided
not to oak i computer
searched for a D energy and did fury swipes for 30
on his only pokemon
a Electabuzz he went played lightning and oaked
with no luck
he gusted out my slowpoke
and Shocked it no paralis i went drew a computer
search put a energy on
Slowpoke and retreated evolved and put a R
Zap on the bench and swiped him for 20
he went and Drew oaked i flipped tails
agian to only get a Jigglypuff and slowpoke
he punched me and flipped tails to add another
counter to himself then i went played a
Dark energy on Sneasel and swiped him for 50 he
sent out jigglypuff no nrg evolved to tuff
and put me to sleep i woke up and drew a computer
search i searched for a oak and oaked
then he got finished off in two turn to make a
long story short
Match 2 vs. Buddy with Sneasel beatdown
this was a short game i got R zap he had a lone
sneasel i oaked
for nothing plasmaed him 3 times for the ko he
sent out Scy and passed
i put a D energy on R zap for the ko and the win
match 3 Vs. Andy with Raindance
i thought this would be easy like it was but the
only reason i won is
because i got Slowking out early and took his
Articunos out with buzz and zapdos
he never even got out a Blastoise but he did come
back at the end to get it down to
1 prize apiece then i busted out a sneasel with 4
dark energy that i had been powering up on the bench
to ko his chansey for the win
Match 4 Semifinals Vs. Brain with insane damage
swap deck
i knew this game i woud have to protect Slowking
so i did
i kept him on the bench with nrg to retreat and
just gave it all i
had he did a ok job but really couldn't of won cuz
my Slowking kept him from
getting any chanseys or Poke centers to win with
Match 5 final Vs. Scott with Super powered
Sneasel deck (note: he is one of my Best freinds and i knew i could win)
this was a bad game for me we staretd and he
Kicked my butt for ever the whole game and then at the end i brouht
oiut a sneasel with 4 D on it to clean him up and
then time was called i had 1 prize left he had 2 so i won it and we finished
just for fun and he won =/
Now that isn't the end of it they made me fight
the winer of last weeks tournament for a SUPER HUGE prize
i had already won 10 Neo boosters and 10 dollars
store credit but now we were playing foir a Neo Booster box
AND a Gym 1 and Gym 2 Booster as well.
Mastch 6 Vs. Shawn With Turbo
now i wonder how he makes his deck work so well
but this wasn't that hard a match
he wanted to start over but i said no i got to go
first he had a Lone Slowpoke Vs. My Sneasel
i went and put a D on Sneasel and Swiped for 30 he
Ered me and did space out to get a damage off him
then i went put another D on him to ko it for the
win and 3 BOOSTER BOXES don't u hate me ;/
Props and slops
none really at the moment
By Kevin Hawkins A.K.A Hawkboy