Deck of Pain (Dark/Steel)
Paul Gomez
February10, 2001
Hi my name is Paul and it is my first time posting one of my killer
decks.This is my first time ever winning a tournement. Well enough talking
lets get to the deck.
The deck of Pain
16 Pokemon
4 Onix
3 Steelix
4 Sneasel
2 Scyther
2 Chanseys
1 Ditto
28 Trainers
4 Computer Search
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
3 Rockets Sneak Attack
3 Gold Berry
3 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
2 Ecogym
2 Energy Charge
1 Nightly Garbage Run
16 Energy
4 Steel
4 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless
The deck was full with pokemon but i took them out and added some trainers.
I needed a fast deck so I added more bills to draw faster and more computer
searches so I could get important cards out like energy. The object of my
deck was to get Steelix out and pile on steel energy to protect it and in
desparate times I would add Dark energy to Steelix and do extra damage while
the Steel energys cancled out the Dark energy from adding ten to me. By the
way this is an original deck. Well here is the report.
Round 1 vs Dillion (fighting/colorless)
Dillion won the coin toss so he went first. he had only gligar up and hit my
sneasel for 20. I then drew a Dark energy and hit him for 30. Dillion then
hit me for 20. I drew a computer search and got an oak and got my bench full
and attached another dark energy and used beat up and knocked his pokemon. I
won he had no bench.
Round 2 vs Shane (Slowking lock)
This was a one sided game all the way. I beat up all his Slowpoke and I had a
powered up Steelix with three steel energy. He eventually decked himself and
I had one prize anyway. He had all six.
Round 3 vs Pablo ( sneasel beatdown)
I beat him real bad i used all my power to beat him he was tough but he ran
out of pokemon.
Round 4 vs Frankie ( a wierd looking trap deck)
This was the match I feared the most. this person started off with Hitmonchan
and I with Sneasel. I went first and hit his hitmon for 40. He attached a
fighting energy and two pluspowers and hit me for 40. I drew a darkness
energy and killed the hitmonchan and he then put up chansey and killed me
with double edge. I then sent out steelix and it had 2 steel energy on it and
I added a darkness energy to it and tacked on 60 to chansey. Next turn I
killed it and as a prize I got energy chare and put cards in my deck.He then
put up another chansey and he stalled me alot of turns. He then oaked his
last seven cards in his deck and passed and I passed and he decked himself
and I won.
Round 5 vs Joe (Sneasel/ psychic)
This is Frankies cousin and he was no threat what so ever. I had sneasel out
and a ditto on my bench. I went first and attached a darkness energy and hit
him for 20. He then attached a Darkness energy and hit me for 30. i then drew
an oak and used it and got three basic and the most important one was a Dark
energy and I attached it and used beat up and won cause he had no bench.
Round 6 vs Steven (dark vileplume lock)
Once I heard he had dark vileplum I Knew I was going to lose cause my deck
depends on trainers and lets just say I was smacked around with his Sneasel
while his dark vileplume was on the bench. I could not attack and was
powerless. Plus he took my Onix out quick. then I could not get Sneasel
pumped up and he killed all my bench one by one.
I came in first place and got 13 packs of pokemon cards.
If you have any questions or suggestions E-mail at