Playful Metronome
 Trainer Man
Boardwalk Games in Lancaster, CA, 1:00
22 Participants
Playful Metronome
Pok'emon 14
3 Scyther ( Good HP, 30 on turn 2, Free retreat, Resist to Fight, Why am I using him again )
3 'Fairy ( Clefable has to come from somewhere )
3 'Fable ( Gotta love that Metronome )
3 Magmar ( 2 Fossil, 1 Neo ) ( Bye,bye Scyther )
2 Elekid ( Great Pok'emon Power )
Trainers Alot
1 Elm ( I always have such huge hands against certain decks )
2 GOW ( Kill off the weak )
3 ER ( Out of energy, Muahahahahaha )
3 NGR ( Saved me from decking many times )
3 PC Search ( What you want, when you want )
3 Scoop Up ( Oops almost had me there )
3 Narrow Gym ( Mostly to take out other gyms, Flareon Master destroyed Wiggly in my area )
3 Item Finder ( I love to reuse stuff )
3 Oak ( Look at these nice new 7 cards )
4 SER ( See ER for details )
4 Pluspower ( Oh! Look I win )
Energy 14
4 Recycle E. ( Best for Clefable and retreating Magmar )
4 DCE ( For Scyther and the Neo Magmar )
6 Fire ( What do you think )
    Best 2 out of 3, 3pts for a win, 1pt for a tie, and 0pts for a loss.  There was a bonus 3pts for getting 2-0.  I fixed two of my friends decks than it was time to start.  Before I forget, entree fee is 5 dollars, and there are 3 rounds then Final Four.
Round 1 vs Geoffrey w/ Magmar deck
        I don't really remember much about this round, except that it was long and boring.  He is a very slow player and doesn't really think things through.  He used his Chanseys, Magmars, Elekids, and Dittos well, but I got lucky coin flips against his Elekids.  ended up winning the first one and tieing the second one to give me 4pts.
1-0-1 4pts
Round 2 vs Trevin w/ Neo Water deck
        He only had 2 pok'es and I killed them on my 3rd turn with Scyther.  I believe they were Totodile and Wooper( not sure about that ), both were weak to Grass I know.  I was hoping the second battle was going to be more difficult. 
        I let him go first and he powered up his water monsters .  It was okay because I removed all his energy.  The only evolution he had down was a Kingdra that was striped of its energy.  I had to Search out a Clefable and give it energy to destroy that thing before it got energized.  The rest were weak basics that I killed easilly.  I  never did see a Feraligatr or even a Croconaw.  I was hoping to get more of a challange than that.  
2-0 13pts
    Between rounds I asked to play Flareon Master but he only had 5pts so I couldn't >_<.
Round 3 vs Marc w/ Skarmory deck
        He had way too much energy.  He played Psychic, Fire, Rainbow, Metal, and DCE.  I think it was around 26.  I thought to myself, how does he have a perfect score of 18pts with this deck.  This game was fun because I was doing 80 damage to the Scythers and Skarmorys until a Magmar took him out with poison.  Then Clefable took out 2 Magmars and a Rocket's Mewtwo.  I almost decked that game, but I've come to expect that. 
         This one was a hell of a lot longer.  He tried to stall me out, but I took out his Scythers, Skarmorys, and Magmars pretty quick, considering that he was trying to stall.  I didn't see a Rocket's Mewtwo in that whole game, but I did see plenty of Psychic energy.  I won because I set traps for him ( I learned how to do that from an issue of the Pojo magazine.  It was Ness's report on the ECSTS that taught me how to do that.
2-0 22pts
    For the rest of the round I traded my friend Paul 2 Zubats for a Mew and Celebi that were both carrying Leftovers on to my Silver Version!  He said that he didn't care because he had a Mega Memory Card and could easily get them back.  I also found out that Flareon Master wouldn't make Final Four which kind of surprised me because he battled a couple of easy players.
Semi-finals vs Geoffrey w/ Magmar deck
        It was basically the same thing except a lot quicker both games even after a total of three mulligans .  I thought to myself, how does he sleep at night.  Sorry for not writing too much, but it would be the same as Round 1 and that would be kind of boring reading the same thing over and over again.
2-0 Next is Finals
Finals vs Paul w/ Sneasel deck
        Everybody was cheering him on because he had taken 5 prizes already and I had taken none.  We had attracted a small crowd of about 7 or 8 people.  Anyways once Clefable finally showed up, I took the lead and took 6 prizes strait to win that game.  It amazed even me because i had mulliganned 2 times before we started and had a bad hand.  He was playing like 8 gyms so my gyms only lasted about a turn. 
        He started with just sneasel against my Scyther, Magmar, Clefairy, and Elekid.  By turn two with help from Oaks, Searches, Pluspowers, and Finders, my Clefable with help from three pluspowers, did 150 damage to his lonely Sneasel.
    That makes 18 tournaments that I have won at Boardwalk Games.  Before I had a record of 12 tournaments in a row which is the best there so far.  Prize was 5 packs ( Your choice ) and a First Place Ribbon. 
to me for winning .
to everyone for being good sports .
to Clefable, how can you play a'Fable deck and not thank Clefable?
to David for running the tournament.
to Flareon Master for not making Final Four.
to me for not going last week.
My E-mail is .  I await your mail or other stuff.
Tha, Tha, That's all folks.