Name:Brian Kelley
Place:Toys R' Us
Where:Plano, TX
When: Saturday, January 10
Participants: About ten.

This is my first report and this deck has beat almost
everyone I have played aginst. But I guess my luck
took a turn. It was single elimination. A tourney is
only held here every so often.

Neptune's Knight

Water Pokemon:

2 TR Squirtle
1 TR Wartortle
1 TR Blastoise
3 Fossil Horsea
2 Fossil Seadra
1 Neo Kingdra
2 Base Magicarps
1 Base Gyarados
2 Neo Swinubs
1 Neo Piloswine
2 Promo Marril
1 Neo Azumarril
2 Neo Mantine
2 Fossil Lapras

Colorless Pokemon:

2 Base Dratini
2 TR Dragonair
1 TR Dragonite


4 Pluspower
3 Bill
2 Berry
1 Gold Berry
1 Lass
1 Ecogym


20 Water Energy

Now the report:

Battle 1: Sister with Cheap Haymaker

I built it for her so I knew what to expect. My hand
was Swinub,Lass,Magicarp,pluspower, and 3 water
I set down Swinub and Magicarp on the bench. I won the
flip. She had neo pikachu active, machop on the
bench.I drew an energy. Water to swinub and powder
snow. She flipped to see if she woke up. Tails. She
attached an energy. She flipped to wakeup and heads. I
drew piloswine. I attached an energy to swinub and
evolved. Freeze. Heads. She was so mad. She attached
an energy to machop and retreated pikachu. Machop came
up and low kicked me for 20. I drew a bill and played
it. Pluspower and energy. I attached both pluspowers
to piloswine and attached another energy. Blizzard!!!
One dead machop and heads does 10 to pikachu. My prize
was the blastoise. Pikachu had 10 hit points left. She
must have had no energy becase she passed. Freeze. I
won because of no bench. It turned out her next card
was a Chansey.

While the other matches finished, another kid who had
won his match traded me a sneasel for a magby.

Battle 2: ??? with powerful raindance.

I drew my 7 cards. Magicarp, pluspower, lass, and 4
energies. Carp was a dead fish. He won the flip. He
had a squirtle active and a horsea on the bench. He
attached an energy and bubbled. Non paralyze. I
attached pluspower and lassed. He had 3 water
energies, blastoise, and a breeder. Bye breeder!!! I
attached an energy and tackled. He must have drawn an
item finder becase he played one. Two energies away.
Then he got his breeder and evolved into blastoise. he
attached a water energy to blastoise and passed. I
drew an ecogym. Tackle. He used a professor oak, which
obviously he had drawn. He placed 2 energies onto
blastoise and one to seadra. Hydro pump. He won
because I had no bench.

Props and slops:

Props to my new sneasel.
Props to my sister for being a half good sport.
Slops to me losing.
Slops to the 4 winning neo boosters containing a
megainium,a sneasel,a clefa and a pichu.(We all stayed
around to look at them)

E-mail me at

                                 Brian Kelley