Erika’s Shutdown v.3

By Anthony Nguyen
Browser Games & Comics
Houston, Tx
Sunday February, 4, 2000
Rougly 20 Participants

I’ll make this quick and to the point.  This deck revolves around quickness and the ability to cripple the opponent before any form of defense and as well as offense can be formed. 


x4 Erika’s Jigglypuff
x3 Wooper (added it in recently due to increase in fire and electric)
x3 Ditto
x2 Erika’s Dratini
x2 Jungle Scyther

(if you notice, this deck has all 50 hp pokemon and under, except for Scyther)


x4 Comp. Search
x4 Oak
x4 Pluspower
x3 Gust of Wind
x3 Scoop Up
x3 Chaos Gym
x3 Lass
x3 Item Finder

(remember, its all about speed > power)


x4 Recycle Energy
x4 Double Colorless Energy
x4 Full Heal
x4 Potion Energy
x3 Water or Grass

(Energy Color doesn’t matter because this deck Is colorless allround)

I’ve won tournaments before and writing deck reports but never submitted them in fear of being to long, so ill make it blunt.  This deck is speed in its greatest form. Main strategy: first turn KO if possible.  If not, switch tracks and get the chaos gym and combo it with a lass to knock out all trainers so basically your opponent is crippled.  I usually make sure I have a decent hand b4 I do this, so oaking is necessary.  Item Finders are there to get whatever u discarded in search of the good hand..  I consider this deck to be anti-haymaker cause I got dratini (no more basics can hurt me), scyther, wooper (by magmar, zappy, and electabuzz), jiggly (whats a mewtwo?), and ditto (yeah, bring on your zapdos, sneasel, wiggly, hitmonchan, and esp. mewtwo).  As u can see I got all point covered, though I will admit a cleaner deck is this decks weakness.  But, I know that every cleaner pokemon has weak basic, which means its jiggly bait.  Ne ways, on to the report.


I use this deck cause its not a “typical” haymaker, even though speed is the theme.  The three tournaments I’ve won with this deck have given me faith in it. I mainly use this deck to win tourneys so I can get magic cards.  Yeah, I know, using one tcg to get another tcg.  Anyways this deck only loses to bad flips and lucky people with cleaner decks. With that said, read on…

Round 1 vs. Good Victor w/ electic deck

I was gonna get a bye this round cause there was an uneven number, but Victor came late so I was put up against him.  Nuthin special in this game.  All he had was small basics such as pikachu and voltorb.  I took a prize every turn.  I took all six, shook hands and got my win.  Afterwards, I helped him make a wiggly deck so he can survive a lil better next time.
Record: 1-0-0

Round 2 vs. Kid w/ Haymaker-ish deck

Basically I took this kid’s haymaker town because my chaos+lass combo was successful and he got terrible flips whenever tried to oak, elm, or comp.  Bad luck I guess, but pokemon is 75% luck and 25% skill w/deck.  I shook hands with him and got my points after I took all six prizes.
Record: 2-0-0

Round 3vs. Matt w/ electric and sneasel

I wanted to play this guy cause I heard he cheated and won first turn, so I figured I would take sum action and beat him.  I was so sure I would beat this guy cause I had him locked down early, but like I said, I only lose with this deck when my opponent gets lucky flips.  I had him shutdown early (chaos gym+lass), but he top-decked an Elm and flipped heads against my chaos and drew 7 cards.  Afterwards, whatever trainers he used he got heads over and over and over.  He only got tails three times out of thirty to forty flips.  I had many chances to beat him, but I didn’t get my flips.  It ended up the game came down to one flip w/ each of us having one more prize left.  He elmed with the help of his lucky flip, got the last evil energy he needed, brought out a sneasel and did beat up.  He managed to get three head to do 80 damage to my ditto.  He shook hands with me and said good game.  I told him ill see him in the semis and beat him.
Record: 2-1-0

Round 4 vs. Thomas w/ psy haymaker

Now my back was against the wall, so I could take any opponent for granted.  Thomas had a haymaker (yay!) with ditto, mewtwo, scyther, and sum other stuff.  I basically KO four of his pokemon with my jiggly b4 he killed em.  Then I brought out a powered up ditto to KO his scyther and mewtwo.
Record: 3-1-0

There was a tie for semi spots, so I had to play to get into the semis.

Pre-semi match vs. kid / haymaker (enough haymakers?)

I felt bad about beating this kid cause he was new to Browser tournaments and I don’t think he was aware Browser has like the best pokemon players in all of Houston, if not anywhere.  A lot of people in Browser tournaments would do fairly well if not awesome in STS or Wizards tourneys, but Wizards never seems to want to bring anymore poke tournaments down to Houston, not even remotely near texas for that matter.  Anyways, I thought I was gonna lose this match because I knew he had fighting pokemon.  I figured If I got screwed with only a erika’s jiggly, he could jab me w/ a pluspower and take the game first turn.  I drew my hand and what did I get?………….5 energies, an item finder, and a jigglypuff……NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  I was hoping I would get to go first,  and I won the flip to go first.  I drew my card and got crap…..i didn’t even have a DCE.  I put down a recycle and passed.  I thought he would oak to get hitmon !
d take me out, but I guess he di
dn’t have one.  His active was an electabuzz w/ scyther on bench.  He laid an electric and shock me without being able to paralyze.  My turn, I drew a card and got a ditto. Well this should buy me some time.  I laid down a energy, retreated jiggly and brought out ditto to shock and paralyze.  His turn, he drew a card, laid and energy, passed.  My turn, I finally drew an oak.  I oak and basically fill my bench and pull out my chaos+lass combo.  He tries to oak and comp but cant cause of my gym.  I take all my prizes.  I felt so bad for this guy that I gave him a free neo genesis holo and two Japanese cd set porygons.  I shook hands with him and told him to come back next week. Yay, im in the semis.

Semis vs. Matt (kid that beat me b4)

I wanted to play him again so badly, and I got to.  First game I shuffled very well, but obviously not well enough.  I drew my seven and got a dratini, item finder, chaos gym, and four energies.  Doesn’t matter anyways because he went first, oaked twice, and basically RSA’d and trapped to knock out all my energies leaving me with useless trainers. Next turn I draw my card and get nothing.  Turn after that I draw an erika’s jiggly, hoping this will buy sum time.  He gust it out and attaches two pluspowers to ko it with his electabuzz.  Where are my woopers?!?!?!  Basically I got benched and he killed my dratini with his electabuzz.

The semis are two out of three, so I had one more chance.  I surely thought I was gonna lose cause the odds were against me to win two in a row.  He mulligans so I get to draw to extra cards, not good when ur playin against my deck.  We roll and I win the roll to go first.  We flip basics, he has a zapdos while I have a scyther and benched jiggly and dratini.  I retreat scyther and bring out jiggly.  I comp for a DCE and laid a pluspower in my hand.  I had another comp but didn’t want to use it cause I had an oak.  I oaked and got another pluspower!  I figured why not go for the the first turn KO.  I got another oak in that hand and oaked again.  I drew seven and got an item finder and another pluspower!  FIRST TURN KO!

Now this was down to the tie-breaker.  I got to go first again.  All he was an electabuzz and I had a jiggly on active and dratini on bench.  I oaked and got a lass, pluspower and DCE.  I place a DCE and lassed him.  I had no trainers left, so I didn’t have to reshuffle any back in.  But I totally jacked up his hand.  I took out two prof. Elms and a sprout tower gym.  I pulled punch for fifty and it was his turn.  He drew and placed an electric energy on electuzz in hopes on shocking me and paralyzing me.  He failed.  Next turn I draw and get an energy.  I put down a recycle energy on a benched ditto and take a risk.  I discard the DCE energy on jiggly to retreat and bring out ditto.  Im hoping that if I can paralyze him with shock, he cant paralyze me and buy himself time.  You know what, it worked.  I paralyzed him and he had 60 damage on his electabuzz.  I could have won that turn if I drew a DCE, pluspower, item finder, comp search, or oak. But I didn’t.  I j!
t hoped he didn’t draw ano
ther basic or comp or oak or elm so I could bench him, and he didn’t.  he drew an item finder and then could do anything because he was paralyzed so I shocked him to KO his only basic and win.  YAY! Im in finals!  See I knew I would beat him if I got the chance to play him.

We didn’t play finals because I decided to split with the other winner of the other semi match, Trent.  Its ok cause we both got 45 dollars in store credit and I bought invasion packs for future drafts.


-to all the people who don’t use tr zapdos and other cheap and broken haymaker cards
-to Daniel for taking me to tournaments and for our deck making strategies
-to victor, bryan luce, chris, bryan scott, david, and all you other cool people that make these tournaments sumthing for me to look forward to.
-steven for being funny as heezy and being an all around cool guy
-for all those people that are good sports knowing that pokemon comes down to luck sumtimes
-to browser and the people that work there for coordinating these awesome tourneys
-and to all the people that actually try to make other decks other than typical haymaker


-to whoever stole my book stamper
-to josh for talking smack all da time when u just copy people’s decks and for not carrying the correct translation for the neo 3 entei.

Thanks for reading and email me with criticism!

Anthony Nguyen