Riptide Surprise (Water)
    by Rick Wonder
     Sarge's Comics Megastore
New London CT
    Sunday, February 10th, 2001
      Roughly 23 total participants

I created this deck as soon as I had recieved my box of Neo cards I preordered at Wizards. I am a really good Player, and Water is my favorite type. I have played this deck in 3 tournaments thus far, working out to be about 75 matches in which I was undefeated. This is by far a really nasty deck because if it is hit by an Energy Removal Deck, it helps out, plus the constant discarding also get LOTS of Water Energy in the discard. Incase you haven't guessed, this is a Feraligatr deck. It heats up fast and keeps on going. I have also never even come close to decking thanks to the Riptide attack. As new cards come out, I plan on updating to make it even more ferocious! But as of right now, its plenty mean, nasty, and underhanded.

Riptide Surprise

Pokémon: 17

4x Totodile (Lv. 20)
3x Croconaw (Lv. 41)
2x Feraligatr (Lv. 69)
1x Feraligatr (Lv. 56)
4x Marill (Promo)
3x Azumarill

Trainers: 14
4x Misty's Wrath
2x Pokédex
2x Fervor
2x Trash Exchange
2x Professor Oak
2x Pokémon Breeder

Energy: 29
29x Water Energy

This deck works really well. The Feraligatr are mainly used for their super strength. The Lv. 56 Feraligtr is used for his power more than anything. The main attacker of this deck is the Lv. 69 Feraligatr. I use his power and attack the most. I can virtually manipulate the deck to kill exactly, and never deck. The Fervor seems out of place, but combined with a Pokédex, it can provide a quick way to do 30 more damage. The same is true for Misty's Wrath. I can discard all the energy I find, and I can get two cards I need. It is a quick way to add up the damage. Another good part about this deck is that the Professor Oak can get you the cards you need, and get rid of, in the best way, many water energy. This is a quick and simple way to destroy an opponent. The Breeder let me get my heavy hitters into play faster, and the attacks on my mid-stages are also helpful. The Trash Exchange card is a gamble every time. I can get Water Energy into the discard as fast as I can get it back in. And it can also act like a free exchange, more usefull cards back to the deck to be used again. You of course can't have a deck that relies souly on evolution types, so the Marill/Azumarill are in there for support. I tried computer search in this deck, but it just doesn't work that well, I run through my deck so fast, I have no need of it. Plus the Riptide always keeps me from decking! It is the perfect combination of strenght, speed, and smarts. It can take down the nastie Electric decks that threaten it in record time, plus the fact that a stall deck just doesn't work when you can choose how much damage a Pokémon will get each turn. It also doesn't hurt when your main attacker has 120 HP!! (o':'o)

Round 1 vs Nate (Psy)
What I would consider my least worrysome match-up.  Nate just falls before my awesome power..  Unfortunately, he's pretty fast, turing the game into nothing more than a launch game. If I get up and going first, I will come out on top, If he gets going first, it gives me a 50% chance. I, lukily, launched first. Now that I knew this game would be a speedy one, I just laid back and let my deck work its magic. A few Misty's Wrath, Fervor, etc. got me to a point where his stallers just couldn't do anything but be swept away. It was a perfect victory too. I drew all 6, he drew none. The deck was off to an explosive start!

Round 2 vs Steve with a Classic Haymaker
BAM! it was over before it started. He started off with the fun loving Hitmonchan. It got punchy on me, so I decided to fight back, and not only fight back, but kill his bench too. Marill on turn one, Azumarill on turn 3. Sure I was almost dead, but he didn't have enough energy for a Special punch. A few minutes in the Bubble Showers, and his Hitmonchan and his bench were all beat up. Sure, he killed my poor Aquamouse, but I retallied with some Riptides. His bench was so messed up, I don't care it his Scyther did Swords Dance and was ready to finish me off, A Misty's Wrath and then the final blow wrapped up this classic beat-em-dead vs. haymaker match-up!

Round 3 vs Ryan with Haymaker
How predictable are these people? I take Haymakers out lik nobody's busisness. another classic upstet. Turn 4 Feraligtr after a Sweep Away (which discarded 3 Water Energy) left the Haymaker king of Sarges in a pile of farm clippings! Well, his deck didn't launch anyway, a single Hitmonchan vs. Feraligtr. Not my favorite way to beat RyGuy, but it is effective.

Round 4 vs Chirs with Haymaker
Oh goodness. How many of these things are there?!?!?! Again, a stunning victory. I won't go into particulars, but lets just say that his Electabuzz got some payback for wiping out a whole slew of poor little Totodile!!!

Round 5 vs Jon with his Trainer Destruction/Rain Dance Deck
This deck can get REALLY annoying. His Tram Rocket's Traps/ Rocket's Snaek Attacks are like a beedrill stinging you over and over. I got around the speedy classic Rain Dance deck by wiping out his Blastoise in 1 hit with the Riptide Master. It was such a close match. It was down to 1 prize each, all my water energies were in my deck now. I drew what would probably be my last card, which it was. TRASH EXCHANGE. I had a heard of Zubat move trash around and ended up with more than enough water energy in my discard to finish of his ferocious Clefairy. (o^:^o)

Round 6 vs Corey
I had the advantage from the start. It was Riptide Surprise vs. a Fire Deck. I took out poor Corey and his expiremental deck on the 3rd turn. Most people underestimate the power of a well placed Tackle attack. I congratulated him for making it to the Semi-Final, but there must always be a winner and a loser, and this time, I won.

Round 7(final Round in this Single Elimination Tourney)
It all came down to this match. It was me vs. David SM, and his nasty Raichu deck. I was a sizeable disadvantage. I started off with only a Marill and a hand full of water energies. I got first turn, which didn't help much, becasue on the very next turn his Pikachu fried me with a Quick Attack and 2 Plus Powers. My Marill was about to bite the dust. An undefeated day down the tubes. My next card, a PROFESSOR OAK! Yeah! Oaked my hand, ended up with the Fera. Combo, an Azumarill, some more water energies, and a Misty's Wrath. I tackeled his Pikachu with Azu, but next turn he fried my Azumarill, I sent out Totodile. Which I immedieatly evolved into Croconaw. A tackle then a Sweep Away killed the Raichu leaving me open to an attack from Team Rocket's Zapdos. But, The Fera came in and the water went out along with the game. The win was mine, another 1st place in a tourney, Grand Prize, and 7 more wins to tack onto my record! YEAH!!!

Well, this extends my winning streak to 81 games.  If it was DCI sanctioned, I know I could be back up to 3rd best in the world in no time Flat. Oh well, soon we can sanction tourney's again, and then, I can play for keeps!

Kudos to all who played and won, Single Elimanition Format can be a real pain. But, thats the way the Exeggcute cracks. Shame on Patrick though, I never faced him, but you just don't use a Computer search for a Magikarp when you can win the game with a dragon rage if you got an energy. Oh well. Better luck next time.

Thanks for Reading!!

~Rick Wonder