Turbo Wiggly (Colorless with a hint of Grass)
by Michael Fischer
Toys R Us
Miami, Florida
Saturday, January 13, 2001
At least 30 participants
Deck List:
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Scyther
3 Chansey
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Item Finder
4 PlusPower
4 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Bill
3 Scoop Up
3 Gust of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
9 Grass Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Strategy is to try to get Wigglytuff out and powered up to deal 60+ to the
opponent each turn. My support staff consists of Scyther and Chansey. On to
the battles!
Round 1: Turbo Wiggly vs. Fable/Wiggly deck
I saw this kid beating down on another kid with Movie Promo Mewtwo and
Clefable, so I asked for a match.
I opened with Scyther, him with Jigglypuff. I attached a grass, but forgot to
call out Swords Dance. I hate when I do that! He placed a Double Colorless
Energy on Jigglypuff and put a PlusPower and Pounded me for 30. I Computer
Searched for a Double Colorless Energy and that's when I realized I didn't
Swords Dance. I slashed for 30. He added a Full Heal Energy to Jigglypuff and
Super Energy Removed my Scyther. I played a Jigglypuff, added a PlusPower,
and Oaked. I Computer Searched for a Double Colorless Energy and retreated
Scyther for Jigglypuff I attached the Double Colorless Energy to Jigglypuff
and pounded for the win.
Round 2: Turbo Wiggly vs. Fable/Wiggly deck
Same kid. I saw him shuffle a lot this time. He again played one basic. Base
Clefairy. I opened with Scyther. I added a Grass to it and Oaked. I Sneak
Attacked his Computer Search, then Sneak Attacked his Professor Oak. I
attacked with Swords Dance. He passed. I added two PlusPowers and Slashed for
80. Too quick. It probably would have been a good match.
Round 3: Turbo Wiggly vs. Flame Bird deck.
This kid has no experience. I don't even think he speaks English well. He
opened with Fossil Moltres and Movie Promo Moltres on the bench. I opened
with Scyther and Chansey on my bench. He played a fire on his Active. I
played a Grass on Scyther and Danced. He played a Rocket Charmander to his
bench and put another fire on his Active Moltres. I gusted up Charmander,
added a Double Colorless Energy to Scyther, and Slashed for 60. He sent out
Fossil Moltres and added a third fire to it. I played a Double Colorless
Energy on Chansey and Slashed. He passed. I Computer Searched for a Double
Colorless Energy and retreated Scyther for Chansey. I played the Double
Colorless Energy on Chansey and Double Edged his Moltres. He sent out
Moltres, added a fire, and passed. I Edged again for the win.
Round 4: Turbo Wiggly vs. Rain Dance deck
This kid who played a Wiggly deck like me just lost to this opponent. He took
my hand and played for me. He Oaked my deck dry and he lost. He really
wanted revenge! I played a real game and pounded his Rocket Squirtle with 3
PlusPowers for a First Turn Kill.
It was really fun and I hope to go next week too! Thanks for reading!
You can E-mail me at CyberkidX5@aol.com!