OK, last Friday I was on pojo, and I say sneasil on Card of the day. I though, hmmm that looks really good. And The whole only 4 energies thing was no problem for me, about the amount of 1 color in my decks. So yes, this is a dark/fighting deck. So I thought about it, and wasn't sure about it. then on the way to the pokemon league, I decided to make a deck around it. But since dark energy and sneasil are fairly new, and rare, it took me 40 minutes to get the cards. So I only had 1 hour 20 minutes to play, but I decided to play all the best people in the league. here's the deck.
The Measles.
4 sneasils -And amazing card
2 ryhorn -Better than you'd think
1 scyther -Very useful
2 ditto -good for having the same as your opponent, but faster
3 the rockets trap -my version of energy denial
4 rockets sneak attack -NO oaks for you!
1 no removal gym -gotta protect my dark energies
1 eco gym -if you don't have no removal, this works
4 bill -2 for 1 coupon
3 oak -don't get me started
3 plus power -just a silly 10 more damage
4 recycle -this is the only deck I would think about using this, but it's the
only way I can get most of my energies back. it works.
3 gust of wind -no, not that one, that one.
2 scoop up -almost had me that time
1 goop gas attack -Mr. mime and blastois, no more trouble
1 nightly garbage run -whoops, went a little overboard on the oaks
4 computer search -gotta power up the sneasils
3 item finder -like a good recycle for trainers
4 dark energy -duh!
4 double colorless -works on all my pokemon
6 fighting energies -power up everyone else
ok, you may laugh when I say ryhorn, but think about it.
resistant to lighting, first turn 50% chance of invincibility, 2nd turn 30,
that's 60 for all you electebuzz and wigglytuff, and works perfectly with DCE.
and ditto and scyther are just great pokemon. And The thing about sneasil,
is he does TONS OF DAMAGE For BARELY ANY ENERGY! First turn fury swipes does 10
or 20 usually, but with a dark energy, you get 20 or 30, on turn 1, which is a
great opener (thats why hitmonchan and TR Zapdos got so popular) But the 2nd
attack is what gets you. Beat up is so good, It unproportional to the
energy cost. for 2 darkness energies and a full bench, the odds are with
you, that you will ko any archetypical pokemon, including wiggly. You get
to flip 6 coins(with a full bench) and 20 times the heads. that
means your average amount of lips, 3/6, does 60. but don't forget the
darkness energies act as pluspowers, so it does 80. you have a 75% chance
of ko-ing any of those quick basics. and if you add a pluspower, than It's
almost impossible to not ko those big basics. I hate flipping coins as much as
the next guy, but with these odds it's fun just to taunt your opponent with
them. his bottom stats could be any better either. Here's what
match 1 vs. ryland.
Now this guy got lucky and beat me at the last tourney,and
last week in a tie to sudden death luck win, so I was really mad. he
played a magmar haymaker. I took a 5 minute turn, but got out a no removal
gym, a ryhorn, a ditto, and 2 sneasils. he had out an electebuzz, and a
magmar. I powered up ryhorn real quick, and ko the buzz. He couldn't er
me, because I used trap and sneak to either get rid of them, or take away enough
cards so he couldn't use them. he sent out magmar, but we all know it's
not fast enough to beat a powered up sneasil. I koed him easily, and that
was it.
match 2 vs Mindy
Mindy, one of the few girls at the league, has a very odd
deck, almost like she's trying to start a new archetype. And she never
changes it, even though it stinks. It uses jynx and mr. mime to build up
damage, and backs it up with wiggly. This deck it anything but a speed
deck, and she could even deal damage to me sneasil. I powered it up, and
koed 2 jynx, and goop gased out a mime. but she still got in a wiggly,(with 1
pokemon on bench, hehe) and yet koed my sneasil. Now everyone knows when a
wiggly koes a sneasil, then ryhorn gets mad. real mad. with the aid of 2 plus
powers, I koed the wiggly that turn. she sent out an abra, and
psyshocked, I figured why go all out and search for a scoop or something, so I
waited, she evolved into kadabra, just to stay alive another turn. That
didn't work. retreat ryhorn, out with another recycled dark energy powered
sneasil. and that was the end of it. Mindy is cool though, and a
good loser, I guess she's used to it. as you can tell, by now I'm getting a
little cocky. she was getting a little mad, and she kept calling sneasil
"the Measles", hence the name of the deck.
Match 3 vs. Guy
No, that's his name, Guy. he played a rain dance machamp
deck? I donno, But I've known this guy for years. basically, I smeared
him. I think he did 3 damage the whole time. oh well
Match 4 vs Guy
yeah, he wanted a rematch. I beat him again, that simple
match 5 vs. Mark
Mark played probable the best deck you can make against my
deck. he played a wiggly fighting scyther deck. almost like he knew I was
coming. But He was pretty sad. He got nothing. only pokemon,
and useless energies. lucky me!
match 6 vs. Andy
Good pizza, bad Andy. Andy Rosales isn't into this
whole "little damage, llota speed" that all these archetypes are into.
He plays a deadly charizard chansey deck. Yo may think that's terrible,
but when he hits you for 100 every other turn, you'll se how he plays. And
I was also mad because I hadn't beaten since i stopped using my rain dance deck
in january 2000. But that all changed. I used my trapper deck combo
to leaved him hitting me with growliths and charmeleon. he almost koed one
of my sneasils, but I smeared him. By now my head was to big to fit out
the door, so I played one more guy.
match 7 vs Scott
Now scott has been my long time rival for years now. Me
and him had been neck and neck for a long time. he played a magmar
haymaker, much like his friend ryland at the last tournament. He was
really really mad when I single handedly eliminated him from the last
tournament(I beat him in both the winner's and the loser's bracket.) So He made
a colorless + dugtrio deck to beat my mewtwo electebuzz sponge deck.
Little did he know, that wasn't the best move. Unfortunately, he didn't
have his deck with him, so I played his modified Neo theme deck.
Basically, he put up a good fight, and koed one of my sneasils, and he never had
any trainers, and My traps never worked. so it was pokemon against
pokemon. I could get any dark energies so he got another sneasil with a
pikachu, but I cleaned house with ryhorn, (told you it was good!!!!!) he stalled
with that sting ray looking pokemon( I don't know neo's) But I koed that, and
went head to head with a kingdra. I finally got a sneasil out with some
energies, but only 3 benched pokemon. I still managed to beat him.
That may not sound close, but I wasn't getting much energy, and The last thing I
needed was for him to get on a role.
match 7 vs jacob
Jacob is cool, and he plays a promo legendary birds deck, but
we both had to go, so we called it a draw. oh well, that's not a loss is
final. 7-0
to Mindy for being a good sport
to the guys at toys R us and wizards who own pokemon league.
to all the people who traded me for these cards
to ryland for annoying me for a rematch
to Andy for calling me a little monkey
sneasel, is not only amazingly strong and fast, and deadly, but his name is
also fun to say. and I told you ryhorn was good! don't laugh! stop it!
Hitmonchan? NO way, weak against mewtwo and can't hurt scyther and zapdos, come
on. oh well
whatever, Cya!
Matt Haithcock