Matthew Osborne
Deck:    A Muky Situation 
City:  Culver City
Place:  Pokemon League
State:  California
Date:   Saturday, January 13, 2001

Hey all you Pokefans, I havnt did a report since 99, and I might start
doing it at least once a month.
Any way after the West Coast Super Trainer Showdown, I got sick of Haymaker
and Wiggly decks.
So I havnt played one since then. So now, im starting to play my own decks
that I created.  This one is bassed
around Kogas, Muk  and its pokemon power.  I I added certain cards so it
could fight back against Haymaker pokemon,
and Wigglytuff.  So on with the deck.  And im hoping  this kind of deck
will make it in the STS. I came in 50th last time.

13 Pokemon,( I just realized I need more)
4 Kogas Grimer
3 Kogas Muk (Pokemon Power!)

3 scyther- its ok, not as good as it use to be in my opinion.
2 Ditto- never will be a bad card.
1  Scarmory- just  there until I get some Sneazels.

25 trainers 
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
2  Prof Oak
2  Prof Elm
3  Gust Of Wind (dont really need em)
2  Fuchsia City Gym( sometimes works as a Mr Fuji from any where)
3 Sprout  Tower. ( I destroyed 2 Wigglytuff decks with it  today)
3 nightly Garbage Run.
2. Computer Search

22 energys
16 Grass energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
3 Recycle Energy (its one of the best combos with Super energy Removal)

This is how it did.
Round 1 VS Keanan  who gave up his Haymaker and tried new things.
I start with 1 K Grimer, 2 Kogas Muk, and  grass energy.
I thought I was about to loose, and he starts with Scyther, with A nidoran
Male on the bench.
 B. Koffing and F. Grimer. Any way H e went first and started swords
dancing. I drew an  energy removal
to slow him down.  But for the next 4 turns I kept gettting everything I
didnt want. except for a gust and an enrgy removal. so then I drew an ELM.
I used it and drew ditto, Kogas Muk and a scyther I couldnt use my
trainers. I started sludge  whirlpooling his Scyther. And few turns later
he had a fully powerd Nidoking, and one energy on Muk. I couldnt use my
power so things got a little sticky.  He kept using Toxic and Super potion.
I could never beat it. not even my ditto could handle it.  but every time
he used super potion he lost energy that was the only thing helping. But
after I drew an Oak, it was smooth sailing from there.  the only thing was
he had only 2 prizes left and I had 5. I drew a few SER and Recycle energy
did its thing. and after I gusted out muk and beat it. the  K. Muks pokemon
power worked 5 times out  of about 11 times they took damage.  He was enrgy
less and My energys just kept coming back. It came down to 2 prizes a
peace. but then he decked out.  that was a very fun and close game.

Round 2. I battled a young friend of mine with a psy deck.
 I lost the coin flip then I lost first turn to a sabrinas Abra lv.18
against my ditto.

Round 3.  We played again, and the same thing started to happen.
I lost the flip and had only grimer out. His Abra Fliped tails twice
that got me time to get out a scyther, another grimer and Ditto.  He
started to build up his Mewtwp for the Psyburn. But every time he energy
absorbtioned I supered with recylce energy, then I gusted it out and beat
it with K Muk. All he had left were abras  a scyther and a Gastly. Kogas.
Muk beat up scyther, and scyther beat abra and Gastly.

Round 4. VS Criss, always with Ghost pokemon.
I lost the Flip again and started with Ditto, Scarmory, and Grimer. He had
Sabrinas Gastly. I beat it in 3 turns  and he sent out scyther. But after I
beat gastly Ditto got beaten. He had a dratini on the bench with a double
colorless,  and  a Sabrinas Haunter and A fossil Haunter. Scyther slashed
for  2 turns then K. Muk started to take over. but Sabrinas haunter almost
beat it, so I laid down F. city gym abd tried to send Muk  into my deck. I
fliped tails. the I retrieted with a recycle enrgy and double clorless and
sent out ditto to fight back.  I made his Haunter fall asleep and it was
asleep until it was beaten. He put down  K, ditto, and I thought that would
poss no threat. he sent out K. ditto, and used giant growth.. and it
worked. SO I put down Sprout tower and and not realizing what happend, I
used giant growth and it  worked. when he attacked me it did nothing and
when I attacked him it did nothing. we both kept building up are benches
but it took so long, the league was over and we had to clean up. 

Round 5. acroos the street at Big Lous, collectors shop. theres no league
but I wanted to battle my wiggly loving friend to
test out sprout tower.
Round 5 VS Tam.
He was always one of the best players at the league and so I needed to test
this deck at its best. I couldnt befor becuase the league just started up
 Any way, I started with 2 Grimers. He started with Scyther 2 jigglys and a
I won the flip and attached an energy to Grimer and used sludge grip, witch
fliped tails.
Scyther swords danced, and I energy removaled it. I attached another energy
and used sludge toss, for 20.
He attached an energy to jiggly and passed. I evoled into K Muk, then I put
down Sprout tower and attacked for 40.
His Mewtwo, never got charged up and he kept telling me I would be down the
drain if it wasnt for Sprout tower. K, Muks poke power worked only 4 times
in the whole game but took away 2 D.C and 2 PSY energy.  ANY WAY, DITTO
took care of a mewtwo and muk took care of another. The JigglyPuffs kept
putting my Muks to sleep, and It took forever to attack.
Then he put  in a No removal Gym , So then attached a double colorless, and
used do the wave for 50. My muk was about to faint, so I out down F. C. Gym
and fliped heads and shuffled it back into my deck. then I put down sprout
tower and slashed wiggly. It used dop the wave for 20 and then it was
beaten.  After  that he could never recover, not even with his mewtwos.
Ditto took care of everything else. the easiest match against a wigglytuff
deck I ever played.  He only picked up about 2 prizes.

Well I battled him again with Riandance but I had to leave in the middle of
the battle.  My deck did pretty good, and it can fight back against Wigglys
and Hays. 

Nothing  really to say now, so if you have any coments on anything about
this deck, email me at