The scizzor deck:
David Caffey
browsers game center houston,Tx
20 participants
Well i got bored one day and came up with this beefy deck.
The scizzor
12 pokemon
3-rocket scyther
1-ericas dratini
28 Trainers
4-Rockets sneak attack
3-rockets trap
3- comptuter search
4- item finders
3-profesor oak
3-scoop up
1-chaos gym
1-no removal gym
Energy 20
12 grass
4-double colorless
4-reycle energy
Well the point of this deck is to screw there hand then lay chaos gym so then
they will be trainer screwed. Then there is also free retreat with the
recycle energys then u just beat the crap out of them with scythers and keep
retreating for free.
Round 1 little boy thats was pretty bad
well he busted out a pinser and he dident have any energy at all so i had out
a ditto with 2 double colorless in my hand and i killed him like 2nd turn.
Round 2 against thomas
well u know that im playing weakness to fire well i didnt know anybody uses
straight fire decks so i got whooped. he had a ton of magmars.
Round 3 against nick
well it took me about three turns to bust out chaos then he quit cause he got
a beating.
Round 4 against a guy that looks like fred durst
well he had out some chanseys and dittos so i took some out then i hade like
a lil combo with each scyther coming in and out so he took 30 then 40 i did
that to win. (he was pared down against me he was 3-0)
Round 5 tyler
Well he had only 1 scyther out and i swords dance first turn then killed his
hand and played chaos. so then he pulled and oak second turn but i got to use
it cause he fliped a tails. then i killed him cause he had no hand and i had
a charged up scyther.
Top 4 eric my good friend
Well he was playing one of those haymakers with zapdoes and i took them out
quick and i took away three electric energys with one trap so i screwed him.
Then i spilt with anthony and we both got 45 dollars
props to steve for thinkin of a name
props to bryan fro lookin like fred durst