Nose Goblins ver. 1.0(Grass)
By Jill Hansen(or FemaleQ)
Fresno, California
Sunday, February 4th, 2001
Roughly 20-30 Participants
It has been a while since I last wrote in to submit a deck, but I can give
credit to the fact that I can't take very good notes.^_^;
While this was just a league event, no prizes except the feeling of
accomplishment that you whipped someone. I'd decided to try my hand at Dk.
Muk, after reading through Clefairy Doll's deck. Sounded pretty cool to me.
Anyway, here's the deck that I built the day before.
Nose Goblins v. 1.0
4x Grimer(FS)
4x Dark Muk
3x Chansey
2x Scyther
2x Rocket's Scyther
3x Prof. Oak
4x Comp. Search
4x Item Finder
4x Rocket's Sneak Attack
3x Gust of Wind
4x Energy Removal
3x Super Energy Removal
2x Scoop Up
2x Sprout Tower(I know it cripples Chansey, but Wigglytuff is a greater
2x Nightly Garbage Run
10x Grass
4x DCE
Strategy: First, note there are no Neos whatsoever. Do you think Murkrow
might be a good addition to the deck? Anyway, you want a turn 2 fully
powered Muk. Poison the enemy and make it so they can't retreat. Then,
remove their energy so they can't attack, or power up a big hitter on the
bench. RSA, IMHO, is better that Lass, since you can choose. So, you use RSA
to make sure your opponent doesn't get the Switch or Scoop Up they need to
get away.
Okay, before I start the report, I'd just like to tell you all about this
league I went to. It's a long ways away from our house, but since it was
holding a league, and I had a deck to test out, we decided to go.
When we got there, an older women was apparently overseeing the whole thing
while a pudgy young man, definitely not qualified for the part, was the Gym
Leader. We came in, and they told us to sign in. My mother told them I was
from another Toys-R-Us, and already had a badge book.
At this, the women said we couldn't get any points, since this wasn't where
we lived.
The weird thing was that there weren't any houses in the vicinity, so no one
at this league could live around here. Go figure. She almost didn't let us
play. But isn't that the whole spirit of the league? To travel to different
"gyms" if you will, gaining points and battling the leaders? That
spirit was
crushed here. 2 nudniks who knew zippo about the game, and were just weird
because they'd come right up behind you and say, "Are you having
fun?", "Do
you want a playmat? It will keep your cards clean and like new!" ruined
league. I dub thee, "Retarded Gym". Onto the matches.
Round 1: Nose Goblins versus Young Trainer with ???
Opening Hand: Grimer, Computer Search, Scyther, Energy, Energy, Nightly
Garbage Run, and Chansey.
I can't really call this a match, since he didn't know anything. The match
began Grimer, versus Charizard. I should've spoke up, but he was a strange
little kid that didn't like to talk. I Searched(discarding Nightly and
Chansey for a Muk.) I attached energy to Grimer and Nasty Gooed. Tails(not
that it mattered). Next turn, he has nothing and passes. I draw, Chansey.
Place her on the bench, attach energy to Grimer, and bring out the
Daddy-o-all-snots, Dk. Muk. I Sludge Punched, and he drew and passed. Sludge
Punch. Draw and Pass. That's pretty much how it went until Charizard finally
[Favorite Game play moment-When Charizard is knocked out by Poison from the
60HP Dk. Muk.] 1-0-0
Round 2: Nose Goblins versus a Person Who I Don't Know, But Seems to Know Me
w/ Wigglytuff(*gasp*)
Opening Hand: Grimer, Scyther, Chansey, Sprout Tower, Energy Removal,
Energy, Nightly Garbage Run.(Bad Bad bad shuffling on my part)
I was scared. With no way to assure myself of getting a Muk, I sent out
Scyther. He had out a Scyther of his own, with Elekid and Jiggly on the
bench. To make matters worse, he goes first. Attaching a Double Colorless
energy to Jigglypuff, he Playful Punches. Heads. I draw my card. A Super
Energy Removal. I removal the Jigglypuff. Lay down Sprout Tower, and attach
to Scyther. Swords Dance. He goes. Attaches to Jigglypuff, and Playful
Punches. Heads(I swear, my coins hate me!)
I draw, Item Finder. He attaches to Jigglypuff, evolves to Wigglytuff, and
sends out the big Puff ball. He gusts out Grimer and Does the Wave for 30
damage(Sprout Tower.) I draw an energy. I Super Energy Removal Wigglytuff
and pass. He places Resistance Gym to counter the Sprout and Lullabies. I
wake up, and draw a Computer Search! I discard Chansey and Nightly Garbage
Run. I grab an Oak. My newest hand consisted of: Oak, Energy, Dk. Muk,
Scyther, Scoop Up, Sprout Tower, and Energy. I played the Scyther, scooped
the Grimer, and placed it on the bench. I attached energy and placed Sprout
Tower and passed. He attached to Wiggly, and did the Wave for 30. I
retreated, sent out Grimer, evolved, and attached Energy. I had drawn an
Energy Removal, which I quickly used on the DCE. I Sludge Punched. His turn,
he puts down Resistance Gym, and Playful Punches with Elekid. Tails.
Wigglytuff has 40 damage on it. I draw, RSA. I look at his hand to find a
Computer Search. I quickly toss it back into the deck, and then Oak. New
hand: Item Finder, Chansey, Nightly Garbage Run, Energy, DCE, DCE, and
Energy Removal. I removal the Wigglytuff, and place Chansey with a DCE. I
Sludge Punch. He goes, attaches to Hitmonchan, and passes, letting
Wigglytuff die, and placing Elekid as active. My prize is a Gust, but I
decide to save it. I draw RSA and use it. I get rid of the only trainer, and
Item Finder. I flip successfully with the baby power and take out Elekid. He
draws and puts Hitmonchan in the active slot. He jabs. I draw, another Gust.
I attach a DCE to Chansey, and retreat. I Double Edge. My prize is an Oak.
He sends out another Hitmonchan and passes. He's Oaked severely throughout
the game, and has 3 cards left. I Double Edge and take us both out. My prize
is another Gust(so that's where you've been hiding!). He sends out a lone
Scyther versus my Muk. He draws, and passes. I draw, and R. Scyther. I
Sludge Punch. He goes, passes, and I Sludge Punch for the win.[Favorite Game
play Moment-When the opponent forgot Sprout Tower was out and Did the Wave
to my Grimer, thinking he'd knocked it out.]2-0-0
Round 3: Nose Goblins versus my brother Matt with Met@llic
Opening Hand: Grimer, Grimer, Scyther, Oak, Grass Energy, Grass Energy,
My brother had a cool deck, but it's lost every time to me. We were just
playing so other kids would come over and watch, and want to play against
us(which they did). So I put down Scyther, and the Grimeys and Chansey. He
started with a Mime and a Girafarig on the bench. I go first and attach to
Grimer and pass. He draws, attaches to Girafarig, passes. I draw(Gust of
Wind). I Gust to the Girafarig, attach energy to Grimer and Oak. New
Hand:Dk. Muk, Energy Removal, Energy, Energy, DCE, Nightly Garbage Run,
Scoop Up. I evolve, remove the energy from Girafarig, and retreat Scyther. I
promote Muk and Sludge punch. He gets another Mime, attaches Metal Energy to
it, and passes. I draw Computer Search, attach energy to the other Grimer
and Sludge Punch. My prize is an energy. He promotes the energy less Mime
and passes. I Sludge Punch it. He draws, attaches metal energy to Mime, and
passes, the Mime is KO'ed. I draw a Chansey. He promotes the other Mime. I
Sludge Punch for 0 damage, but he takes Poison damage. He uses berry and
passes. I knew I could win this turn, before he got out another Pokemon, so
I Computer Searched for a Super Energy Removal and discarded an energy
attached to the benched Grimer. I Sludge Punched for the win.
[Favorite Game play Moment:Searching for Super Energy Removal to discard the
2 Metal Energy attached to Mime.]3-0-0
Round 4: Nose Goblins versus Another Person That Seems To Know Me w/Hay
Opening Hand: Scyther, R. Scyther, Chansey, Energy, DCE, RSA.
I began with Scyther vs. Scyther. He placed a Rocket's Hitmonchan on the
bench. I attached energy to Chansey, and passed. He drew, attached to
Rocket's Hitmonchan, passed. I draw a Computer Search, discard Energy and R.
Scyther to get another DCE. I Sneak Attack away a Prof. Oak, retreat Scyther
for Chansey and Double-Edge. He draws, and Cross-Counters. I draw a card and
Double-Edge, he uses Cross-Counter and gets heads, though the Hitmonchan was
his only basic.
[Favorite Game play Moment: The element of surprise. When I used Chansey to
take out both of his basics, he never saw it coming] 4-0-0
Round 5: Nose Goblins versus an Arrogant Kid w/ beginner's deck
Opening Hand: Perfect, Grimer, Energy, Energy, Dk. Muk, Scyther, Energy
Removal, Sprout Tower. I begin with Scyther against Dratini with Squirtle,
Mime, and Jigglypuff on the bench. I attach to Grimer and pass. He draws his
card and attaches DCE to Jigglypuff and passes. I draw, remove the energy
and attach to Grimer, and evolve. I send out Dk. Muk and Sludge Punch. He
draws, attaches energy to Dratini, and evolves to Dragonair and passes. I
draw an Oak, and Sludge Punch. He draws, attaches to Dragonair and passes. I
draw an Item Finder and Sludge Punch to KO Dragonair. I get a Scoop Up. He
draws, sends out Jigglypuff, evolves it, and attaches energy and Lullabies.
I flip the evil Lugia coin. Heads. I draw an Energy Removal, which I use
immediately, and Sludge Punch. More drawing and passing ensues and I Sludge
Punch Wigglytuff into oblivion. He sends out Squirtle, which's also is
overcome by Sludge Punch. That same same fate also befell his lone Mime,
handing me the victory.
[Favorite Game play Moment: When I Sludge Punch his Dragonair, and he
doesn't know it's knocked out, and he gets that look of sorrow and hatred on
his face.]5-0-0
Thanx to those still reading. I hope I didn't bore you guys, it's kinda hard
to spice up a battle when no one can really see the cards. Anyway, I hope
you enjoyed yourselves. Now for Props and Slops.
Props to:
-Pojo for Posting this
-Pojo for allowing me to be a moderator on the Message Board, it's great!
-You for reading this.
-Clefairy Doll for giving me the idea to play Dk. Muk. [Editors
Note: Props to FemaleQ for being another female player cool enough to make the
difficult Dark Muk deck sing! ~ Doll =) ]
-My Mom for driving that far to that stanky league
Slops to:
-The league runners
-The "Gym Leader" for thinking you had to flip for Poison like
-Those people for not letting us get points
-That one kid for coughing on me, I know I'm gonna get sick.
Okay, you can reach me at:
Jill Hansen(aka FemaleQ)