Damage Swap and Shift
Joshua Lemly
Bel Air, Md.
The Castle
about 30 people in tornament

4 abra (rocket)
3 alakazam (base)
3 chansey
4 Sabrina's Psyduck
3 Sabrina's golduck
2 Ditto
13 phychic energy
5 water energy
3 doublecolorless energy
3 oak
3 computer search
3 item finder
3 breeder
3 super energy removal
3 switch
2 Rocket's minefield gym

Previous to tornament: I was talkin to my friends Cuz and Cartman about my
deck (they are ranked high in DCI format) and did a couple test draws. This
is a double elimanation Tournament. Now to the rounds.

Round 1 vs. Bryan w/ Koga deck
This kid was new to the castle so I tried to take it easy on him. He started
with a Koga ditto and koga grimer benched. I started with ditto and abra on
bench. Basically i stalled for a while with a chansey till i got a alakazam
on bench with pumped golduck. Brought out Golduck and use Alakazams swap to
max out Golducks damage shift attack for the win.
Round 2 vs. Relento (weezing/ Buzz)
This guy I had played so many times that i had his deck memorized. But to my
suprise he had a new deck going and almost caught me unprepared. This game
was long but Alakazam kept his weezing from comeing out in fear while i just  
confused his other pokes and got golduck ready then with enough stored up
damage i just Shift him out of pokes.
Round 3 vs BYE
I would regret getting the BYE so early in the tornament.
Round 4 vs. Cartman (Dark Vileplume/ Snealsel)
Of all people i didnt want to vs in the semi's was him. Basically it was
short with me getting one phyduck with his dark Villeplume turn 3 so i
couldnt save myself.
oh well can't make 1st or second now got to go for third. This is when I
would have liked to get my bye but because i had one i had to play.
Round 5 vs Wave (gyrados/ Kingdra)
This game was too close so i forgot to write stuff about it down but i know
ditto save me at the end with no cards in deck left.
Round 6 vs. Cuz (Buzz/ R. Zapdos trap deck)
Argh what was this! I take on the best here gee. Well it was short like my
game vs Cartman 2 basics that couldnt get over first turn trap attack. Oh
well next time i'll get him.

Props and slops
To the Castle for havin tornament
To the Rent-a-Deck crew
To the Chronic Castle team
Never been to DCI tornament
to bad hands
to the guys who cheated with 63 card deck against my brother

Wait till my Sneak attack deck comes out next week...muhhahaha
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