"Sic Powers" (Grass/Dark)
by Andrés Rodriguez
Third Planet
Torrance, California
Sunday, January 21th, 2001
Roughly 26 total participants

Hello everyone. Well I have a report from a great
tournament that took place at third planet. 7 rounds
of swiss, leading to the final 8, (single
   It was cool, almost everyone there knew me, and my
deck (which wasn't THAT great). Two people were
running my different decks. One was running "Occult
Powers" and Fartonsticks was running "Sloccult

"Sic Powers"

Pokemon 21
4 R Oddish
4 D Gloom
3 D Vileplume (2 misprint)
3 R Scyther
3 N Murkrow
3 N Cleffa
1 J Scyther

Energy 19
7 Grass
4 Dark
4 Full Heal
4 Doble Colorless

Trainer 20
4 Professor Oak
4 Comp. Search
4 Professor Elm
4 Lass
2 Gust
1 Ecogym
1 Sprout Temple

The strategy is fairly simple. Turn 1 go for the
lass/cleffa combo. By turn 3, you get vileplume out,
and beat down with R Scyther and Murkrow. It's a
pokemon lock. Also, mean look combined with hayfever
is just plain mean. :)

Round 1 vs Spencer (Fire)
Basically a bye. Little kid, about 7 years old,
running magby and blains aracanine. Turn 1 I used
shadow image, and lassed. He had 2 pokemon in hand. He
didn't bench any, and with magby active he used
sputter, but didn't do damage. I had a double
colorless energy, placed it, and fliped heads. Game
  This kid was soo cool though, he didnt get upset at
all. He explained that he saw Murkrow, and didnt want
his blains growlith to be damaged. :/

Round 2 vs wiggly sneasel
This guy's deck wasn't put together well at all. I
lassed/cleffa. I had 2 benched oddish. Turn 2 I
evolved to gloom, and used shadow images. Turn 3 I had
vileplume, and did 40 against his sneasel. Next turn I
killed sneasel, and the next 2 I killed another

Round 3 vs Fire Muk
Bad match up for me. Luckily I lassed/cleffa. Set up,
and he never saw muk. Seriously, if it wasn't for
lass, my deck would be horrible. :)

Round 4 vs. green fire hay
This was an interesting game. I dont remember too much
but I know this: I had vileplume and gloom on the
bench, And he had ditto active. I used glooms power,
and confused him. Then I used mean look. He wasnt
running any drak energy, so GAME OVER. I fient
attacked his bench the rest of the game, until I KO'd
the ditto.

Round 5 vs. Jojo, Local rep (Wiggly/Sneasel)
Me and him were the only two 4-0. This was basically
to see who would go into the finals #1. Well I wasn't
able to lass/cleffa. He got set up, threw out my only
sprout tower, and wailed on me.

Round 6 vs. Clefable/Muk
Another tough match up for this deck. I lassed/cleffa
(this combo is INSANE!). I killed 2 clefariy, and 1
cleffa with R scyther.

Round 7 vs. Clefable with muk!!!
THIS DECK AGAIN! No big deal, I was already assured
top 8, so no big deal. After seeing grimer benched, I
was discouraged a bit. But I prevailed. I lass/cleffa.
I get gloom, and use his power for 1 turn. But then
came the muk. But wait! I can play trainers too. :) It
was back and forth, but I gusted muk, and mean looked
it. No scoop for him :). I ate his bench.

Semifinals vs. guy from game 6
Well I knew his deck. :) No lass/cleffa meant this
deck was gonna be prolonged. He got muk, and I
controled. His clafable gave me trouble, but confusion
was an equalizer. He had a big mistake though. He
dropped Rocket training gym, put a dark energy on a
benched clefable, and tried to use murkrows free
retreat. Game to me!

Top 4 vs. Devon (Zapdos6669)
This was a cool deck. Arcanine w/steel energy. I knew
if I could lass/cleffa, he wouldnt set up, and game
would be mine, but no, I couldn't. Eventually he had 2
fire energy, and 2 steel, and a golden berry attached.
:( Game over. He dealt 60 damage, and took none (steel

Battle for Thrid vs. Fellow "Occult" Player
This guy was running me dek, "Occult Powers". It was
kinda cool, I mean he called it "Occult Powers" and
was suprized that I invented it. Well, he locked me
first, and took the game w/sneasels.

Props and Slops
Props to Fartonsticks for winning (actually tied for
first) with my "Sloccult Powers". I would have played
that if I had the cards. :( But he did GREAT with it.
Props to IPGEEK for running a GREAT tournament. I
heard about the camera getting stolen. That is
horrible, there were some CLASSICS shots. :( Hopefully
it turns up.
Props to me, for making the top 3 decks.
Props to Devon, for being tied for first with a great
original deck. :)

Slops to whoever stols the camera!

I'll have another report, Feb.4th, with FIRST place
next time. :)

Andrés Rodriguez