UAE. Dubai
Fun corner, Spinneys
Pokemon Tourney
roughly 12 players

Hi my name is Tnavrey... Pokemon league started here just couple months ago...
Enough talking heres my deck I call it "Twisted Raindance"

<ed. note:  Here's the's nothing LIKE Raindance!!!!  -Scott>


3 Rocket's Scyther
3 Electabuzz
3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther


 12 Fighting   "
  9  Grass        "
  4  Double Colerless


3 Bill
3 Gust of Wind
3 computer search
2 No removal Gym
2 Super energy Removal
2 Nightly garbage run
2 item finders
2 Prof Oak
4 Plus power


Round 1:Me vs. a guy with Rain dance
1 / 0

He started with a Lapras active and and no bench ihad a scyther active ans a rockests scyter on bench.He attached a water energy and did water gun to my scyther. i draw a pluspower, attached a grass to scyther and did swords dance. he did water gun again. i put down plus power and attach a double colorless and did slash for 70 next turn did slash and i win!

Roun 2: vs a kid with blackout theme deck
he had machop out and chan on the bench.My active was Rocket's scyther and chan on bench i loaded My active used plus power and finished his machop, he took out chan with no energies, finished him in 2 turns

Round 3: Me vs mohammad
He had a fire/fighting deck...It was a very long battle he kept on getting close to winning BUT he had No E.Rs or S.E.R...i used SER on his blaines Vulpix for 2 fire he had Brocks Onix on bench no damage counters and a Brocks Sandslash.did slash to the B Vulpix then used switch took out Brocks Onix gusted for Electabuzz(2 damage counters)and used rock throw!He used Lass right when i got NGR to get back chan from the discard pile BUT BOOM i'm done for! he got all the prizes.

Round 4: vs David with a colorless/Psy Deck

He had a clefairy active and base set MEWTWO(ooooooh) on bench with a promo mew.took out chan and jabes his clefairy he took out mew put down  magmar and switched it with mew used firepunch i jabed and attached D.C.E to R. Scyther then used Jab again he put down clefairy evolved it to clefable ,he didn't attck!!! i jabed his dead he took out mew gusted for R.Scyther switched with clefable attched energy used metronome for 40 i used SER put down 2 plus powers and did 60
he had no energies did 40 again its knocked out he sent out mew killed it in 2 turns  then he took mewtwo i computer searched for one more plus power(had one in my hand) and finished it off!

round 5: vs fighting deck

he had machop out 2 kabutos onthe bench. I had r. scyther no bench i finished his machop with plus power, He used scratch! only 10 same with the other one! But finished both! basically i did 80 damage to each for weakness!

Props to POJO to post my deck(if they do)
Props to U for reading this Report
Props to my dad for taking me to the tourney
Slops for loosing against Mohammad!

send ur comments to my hotmail:

Tnavrey out.