by Jin Felipe
Comic Guru
Komingat, Horin
saterday,november 25th,2000
Every Week they pick a new Colorless Pokemon that has to be in every deck in
order to play, it costs $3.
Participants: 12
Games are played in Swiss format, you lose your out.
Deadly Dewgongs
1x Chansey
1x Tauros-the chosen Pokemon for the week
4x Misty's Seels (lvl. 14)
3x Misty's Dewgong
3x Seel
2x Dewgong
3x Mr. Mime
2x Lapras
3x Promo Mewtwo
2x Blaines Kangaskhan
Trainers x17
1x Gambler
2x Energy Retrival
3x Pluspower
2x Gust of Wind
3x Defender
2x Oak
2x Switch
2x Nightly Garbage Run
GOW x2
Blaines Quiz #1 x1
Switch x3
PokeBall x2
Energys x19
Water 9
Psy 6
Round 1: Deadly Dewgongs vs. Stephanie w/ Hitmonchan, Magmar deck
I was scared when i was put at the table with her, because she is the best
person there, and to hear that I had to play her first made me think that I
would not even place.
I started w/ Seel, and B. Kanga on the bench, she had a Hitmo, active, R.
Hitmo, hitmo, and mag and ditto on the bench. I went 1st. I drew an
and headbutt for 10. She attached and jabbed. I drew and attached to
and headbutt, she jabbed again, I draw a Chansey, yeah!, and put it on my
bench, then I headbutt, then she jabbs for the KO, i bring up Kanga, attach
DCE and hope for a heads, Yes, bye bye Hitmonchan. She brings up R. Hitmo,
and I get fried, I bring up chansey, put mime on bench, and switch, then I
attach psy and pass. Then she does nothing and passes, i eventually kill
her poke's exept diito and mag w/ ditto, then I leave that job for Mewtwo.
won, I couldn't believe it.
Round 2: Deadly Dewgongs vs. Jeorg w/ Wigglydeck, part electric (gulp)
He is my long friend, a good player, but chokes in times under pressure.
I start with M. Seel and mime on bench, he gets R. Zapdos (no) and
Electabuzz, syther and Mew2 on the bench. I got 1st, i attach and use
Frostbite. He gust for mime, no, he's taking mime out 1st, I attach psy,
gust for mew2 and pass. He attaches DCE and retreats Mew2, and then kills
Mime. I bring up M. Seel, attach DCE and oak, yes, a M. Dewgong, I get my
Chansey, and Tauros. I pass, then I get a defender, attach water, and
good-[bye Zapdos, I quickly then took out his other Pokemon, and all he had
left was a bunch of Erikas Dratini's and they were turned to Cow Pies.
Round 3: Deadly Dewgongs vs. Allen w/ Damage Swap stall
This was a quick round, i started with Tauros, he had an Arba (base) I got
1st attach DCE, get a head flip for stomp and it's over
Round 1: Deadly Dewgongs vs. Lorelei (becuase she uses ice Pokemon)
the girls only mistake is, she forgot to include Dewgong, come on what is an
ice deck without dewgong
She goes 1st, with a movie articuno active,and a pidgey on the bench (she has
a pidgey and not a Dewgong, she ain't wrapped too tight) i have m. seel, and
mewtwo on the bench. She goes first, attaches and passes. I attach
frostbite. Then she attaches again, and passes. I attach and evolve,
get a Seel on bench. I ice throw. then she has no energy, so i oak
just to find a DCE, and get a full bench in the process. Then I kill her
articuno, she brings up pidgey, gets a DCE and uses Whirlwind, i bring up
Chansey, use switch, and Then it's game.
Round 2: Deadly Dewgongs vs. kid who needs Ritalin w/ Bad Erika Status
I'm wondering how this kid got into the finals, he mulligan's 3 x in a row,
and then he starts w/ rattata, i have a Lapras, then i attach, and then I
drop a plus power, oak, no pluspower, oak again, no pluspower, so i gambler,
one card, but to my luck it's a pluspower, moment of the day.
Round 3 Deadly Dewgongs vs. Andrew w/ Classic Sponge
he is my best friend, we have done alot since we known each other,
Sorry for him we started playing, then we find a card under the table he was
playing at, in the beginning, it was his, he was DQ, i know he would have
beat me.
3 packs of Gym 2: i gave one to Andrew cuz he would have beat me anyway, he
gets a Giovanni Pinsir, i get a koga's pidgeotto, and a Giovanni's Gyrados.
and 2 cool porygons, and 2 psyducks
To Jeorg, for saying Dewgong is way to strong for him
To me for beating Stephanie, the funny thing is afterward she wooped me 3x in
a row.
To me geting Cool Porygon
Me getting a PLuspower from a tails on Gambler
Pojo, for hopefully posting this, it took me forerver to type (peck) this
To Andrew, for him losing his energy removal , and getting disqualified
To that dude with the bad Erika Status deck, he needs to calm down
To Allen for saying my dewgong was going down.
getting a koga's pidgeotto.
Jin Felipe