Psyswap (Psy+ Colorless)
by Zach Zeidler
Saturday, December 9, 2000
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Roughly 20 participants
Hey Pojoholoics and Pojosami, it's me with another KILLER
deck report. I
haven't written in a while- sorry 'bout that. Anyway here's what you came
Presenting, weighing in, at below 1 pound,
3 Rockets Mewtwo's(try using Sabrina's Alakazam too-hint hint)
3 Movie Mewtwo's(two words Energy Absortion)
3 Mr. Mime's(Pokemon pokemon ahoy)
4 Abras(Rocket)
3 Kadabras(good attacker + Alakazam)
2 Alakazam(DAMAGE SWAP!!!!!)
3 Chanseys (SCOOP UP)
2 Jigglypuffs(good HP + Wigglytuff)
1 Wigglytuff(Do The Wave and dance on you grave)
Trainers= 16
1 Choas Gym(2 words. bye bye Professor Oak, wait, thats 4)
2 Resistance Gym(Bye bye colorless)
2 Energy Removal(no DCEs!!)
3 G.O.W( the "d" isn't nesicary)
3 Bills (Duh!)
2 Oaks(Double Duh!)
2 Poke' Breeders(Alakazam)
1 Poke'Traders(See Poke' Breeder)
Energys= 20
20 Psy(what did you expect, fire?)
Now here's the report!!!!
Round 1 vs. kid with odd Haymaker
This was a long match. For the first half we powered up our bench. Next I
sent out Mr. Mime and had Alakazam on the bench. Next, Meditate, Jab Damage
swap, Meditate, knock out. Leekslap, tails, Meditate, Pot smash for nothing,
Meditate, Pot smash, Meditate, knock out , Thundershock, tails, Damage swap,
Scoop Up Chansey, put it down. The rest of the game was like that.
Record: W: 1 L: 0
Round 2 vs Sean with Fight and Wat with Dark Machamp and Blastoise +
He put up one heck of a fight. Two Squirtles and a Machop active.
Me with
Mewtwo active and 2 Jigglys on my bench. heads, I went first. Draw attach
Mewtwo, Oak. Put down R's Mewtwo. Energy Absortion. Attaches Water to
Squirtle and pass. Draw, gust out Squirtle with energy and Psyburn. Sends out
Squirtle, Breeder Blastoise Ran Dance 4 water Oak. Raindances 1 more water to
blastoise and Plus power Hydropump for the knock out. I'm in trouble. send
out R's Mewtwo with no energys on him or in my hand. draw, darn, not a Psy.
pass. Hydropump. Draw Bill!!! Use it, Psy and E.R!!
Play energy removal on Blastoise and attach Psy to R's Mewtwo Juxtapose
HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He draws, and passes! Draw psy energy attach and
Hypnoblast. Heads. He flips tails. Attches fighting to Machop and passes.
Draw, Chansey. Put it down and Hypnoblast.
sends Machop and Low Kick. Hypnoblast,tails, low kick, Hypnoblast for the win.
Record: W: 2 L: 0
Round 3 vs. little kid
He sent out a R's charmander and I Rockets Mewtwo he attached fire and
tail for 20. Draw, attach Psy and Juxtapose, heads.
He Fire tails me for 20. I draw attach Psy and Hypnoblast for the win
Record: W: 3 L: 0
Round 4 vs. a very lucky person
I started out with base abra and him Hitmonchan. He goes first,
computersearch for pluspower and attach fighting. JAB.
Record: W: 3 L: 1
I managed to snag fourth in the playoffs to get a gym challenge booster.
Anyway, Props and Slops
Props to:
my dad for driving me
to Virginia the store owner
and to Pojo for..... just being Pojo!
Slops to:
me for not getting Rocket's Zapdos
anyway, if you want me to check out your deck and rate it, modify it, or
just tell me what you think of my report, e-mail me at
(Please, no hate mail.)