Warp Comics and Games
Grove, New Jersey
Rob Z., better known as leader of Team Meow
Saturday, December 2, First tournament- 9 Participants- Swiss
Saturday, December 9, Second tournament- 8 Participants- Swiss
Saturday, December 9, Third tournament- Around 8-12 Participants- Prop
2T(I'll explain later)
Hey everyone! This is me Rob Z., leader of Team Meow reporting three
tournaments I was at in the dates specified above. Without further a due here
is the decklist, and the deck which I call Sell Out, since I kinds sold out
by using Wigglytuff in order to win more often.
Sell Out 3.0
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Hitmochan
3 Rocket's Zapdos
1 Scyther
1 Ditto
1 Erika's Dratini
4 Double Colorless Energy
7 Fighting energy
7 Electric energy
3 Professor Oak
3 Bill
3 Item Finder
3 Computer Search
3 Pluspower
2 Gust of wind
2 Switch
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Goop Gas Attack
1 No removal gym
1 Resistance Lowering gym
1 Scoop up
1 Super Energy Removal
First tournament
Alright I was going to try out my new deck today.
First Round
Me vs. Kristian Alvarez (Haymaker)
Well sorry I can't remember more of the match. Me and Kris are friends, and
faced each other first round at the East Coast STS. I won pretty fast in this
game, but it was fun.
After the game Cole got into one of his speeches on certain cards and why
they are bad and how they should be banned, etc. Later I found out he lost.
Makes sense.
Second Round
Me vs. Rob P. (Wigglytuff)
Someone stole my name! And he was playing Wigglytuff too! This game went on
pretty long, until I got more serious at the end of the game. I took to long
to power up, but got the win at the end.
Third and final round
Me vs Pat P. (Wigglytuff)
Ok Pat has been doing good with his Wigglytuff, so I decided to get my first
place spot back. We fought back and forth, Wigglytuff dieing under the hand
of under Wigglytuff. Finally I pull the win for first place.
I won around $25 dollars in credit, not bad.
Second tournament
Yay, another tournament. Here we go again!
First Round
Me vs. Rob P. (Wigglytrap)
Another match against him. This time he was playing Wigglytrap, Wigglytuff
with Trap cards. He pulled off a couple of combos early on, but I topdecked
Professor Oaks and got the win. It was really close, as he needed one card
only to win, and one card and one prize left, and I was hoping it wasn't a
Gust of Wind. It wasn't, for the win.
Second Round
Me vs. Pat P. (Wigglytuff)
Is it just me or does this seem like deja vu? Another hard match, with Pat
trying to come back to first place spot. I wasn't about to give up, so I
found back and won again. Trust me, its fun to see Wiggly vs. Wiggly, except
mine had Hitmonchans :) .
Third and final round
Me vs. Lisenne (Haymaker)
Turn two win. She had a Brock's Ryhorn, and I had Rocket's Zapdos. She was
happy, but I switched, sent out another Pokemon, and hit it. Next turn I won
using a Pluspower I believe.
Yay! First prize again! $20 dollars credit which I used to enter a Magic: The
Gathering draft, but there was a problem...
Third tournament
This was Prop 2T(Two trainers only per turn) because it was a
held by Cole, and Cole, being the contradicting self that he is, placed that
rule on the tournament. You had to give in a rare to join, and me being the
mean one, gave in a non-first edition Misty's Goldeen (rare). First prize was
a Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur Base Set 2, and Dark Magneton Japanese, all
mint condition, donated by that crazy Kris A.
Here is the problem, we finished drafting(Magic: The Gathering), and Cole
started the tournament soon after. I had to make a choice between which
tournament to be in before any of the two started. I decided to juggle both
of them(yeah I was being too cocky, but hey, keep reading).
First Round
Me vs. ???(???)
Surprisely enough, I got a bye because the kid I was going to face left early
in the Pokemon tournament. I played James C. first round in the M:TG (Magic:
The Gathering) draft tournament, which we entered using the cards we drafted.
I pulled two foil commons by the way. James C. being cocky, and overlooking
the fact that just because I haven't been playing Pokemon as long as him,
doesn't mean I don't have the factor he thinks he has- skill. I beat him
straight two games, and had an automatic prize in the M:TG draft.
Second Round
Me vs. Mark (Haymaker)
Oh no, now I really had to decide which tournament to join. I had a plan.
Pokemon tournament I was East Coast STS style, every ten minutes you were
late, the opponent got a prize. I used this to my advantage, because I was
still playing James (read above, I beat James).
I was twenty minutes late, so Mark had 2 prizes ahead of me.
Surprisely enough, I was decking myself turn three, even with the Prop 2T
rule in there. I was fully powered up, but he had one prize left, I had two.
I started thinking. Yes I was right! I forgot to draw a prize after checking
his discard pile and getting a ruling by two judges watching the game. I
killed a Rocket's Zapdos with a Pluspower and Wigglytuff, and moved onto the
Third and final round
Me vs. Rob P.
I was TIRED! Not only was I juggling two tournaments a little while ago (I
forfieted the last match in the draft and pulled Captain Sisay in my pack.
Not bad if you guys know Magic: The Gathering- The Pojo guys know what I
mean. By the way, that was my first M:TG draft.)
I asked Rob P. if he wanted the split the the cards. He wanted to try, and I
admired that, but I wasn't going to go easy. Really all I did was leave a
Jigglypuff against Jigglypuff, pound for 20, pass. Next turn, retreat, send
out Hitmonchan, knock out the other Jigglypuff. I left out the energy part as
most of you know I had to attach energy to the Pokemon.
Well I got all these foils, and paid only a Misty's Goldeen rare. I actually
made a dollar profit and lost no money (long story, forget about it), not
even by paying for the second tournament(first of that Saturday).
Well so far I'v had a good December, keep hoping I will!
Now for props and slops.
God, even though I'v gotten many negative feedback, I love my religion and I
don't care what other people say.
Jesus, and read above too.
Holy Spirit, Mary, Joseph- I'm very religious. Also read above.
Bill and the other non-Team Meow members like Ralph.
Kris for giving in the great foils!
Pat P. for trying hard.
Rob P. for trying and fighting hard.
Me for winning three tournaments, and juggling two! Woohoo!
James for actually running half-decent Pokemon tournaments (yes the same
James I beat in the M:TG draft)
Cats of course(I love cats!)
Not many here.
Um sin?
Anti-cat people.
Can't think right now.
Thanks for reading- Rob Z. leader of Team Meow.
AIM- robcatpz