Hello Pojo, waaassssss uuuuuuuup!!!!! This is my
first report so please
put this deck report up!
Enough with my plea, let's go to my deck.
Pokemon: 12
1 scyther
3 magmar (Fossil)
4 electabuzz
2 jigglypuff
2 wigglytuff
Trainers: 28
1 challenge
4 super energy removal
3 potion
2 energy retrieval
1 professor oak
1 gambler
3 rocket sneak attack
4 pluspowers
1 scoop up
1 bill
2 nightly garbage run
2 computer search
2 gust of wind
1 switch
Energy: 20
8 lighting
8 fire
4 double coloress energy ( D.C.E )
The rules for this sanctioned tournement is to play one person three times each. If you lose you get no points ( this tourney is decided by points ), if you tie ( don't finish the game ) you get 1 point, and if you win, you get three points. We only had 10-15 minute matches.
The real purpose of this deck is to get wiggly out and fully powered up by turn two with a full bench and knock out all of the opponent's pokemon with Do The Wave. Enough with the stragety, let's see the tourney results.
Round 1 Me v.s. Tommy w/ Hitomochan Magmar Haymaker
This is the person who always gets first to every tourney he
goes to. Anyway, I started with magmar as active and jigglypuff on the bench. i
forgot what my hand was ( Sorry! ) Tommy started with a lone hitmochan. I drew a
card, got super energy removal, attached a fire energy to magmar and used
smokescreen. He attached a fighting to hitmochan and tried to use jab, but got
tails. To make a long story short, I only had taken 1 prize and tommy had 2. We
both kept trading off until time ran out so we tied.
W-0 T-1 L-0
Round 2 me v.s. Tommy ( again )
We got the same hands again and we both stalled so we both
got a tie again
because time ran out. Exactly like the first round.
W-0 T-2 L-0
Round 3 Me v.s. Tommy
This time it was different, I got a magmar, 2 super energy
removals, 1 energy retrieval, 1 bill, and 2 nightly garbage runs. I sent up
magmar and tommy sent up hitmochan. Tommy had won the flip. He drew, attached a
fighting to hitmochan, and jabbed for 20. I drew a r.s.a, used it and threw
scoop up into his deck. Used bill, got switch and d.c.e., passed. Tomy kept
jabbing me while I kept getting the worst cards I could get and eventually
knocked my magmar out.
W-0 T-2 L-1
Round 4 me v.s. matthew w/ misty golduck deck
He started with a goldeen with krabby, misty's psyduck, and a
poliwag. While I started out with 2 electabuzz. After 2 turns, he only did 20 to
me while I had knoked out three of his pokemon with thunderpunch. He couldn't do
anything while I kept shocking his pokemon to death. After three more turns, I
came out victorious.
W-1 T-2 L-1
Round 5 me v.s. matthew
Once again, I got electabuzz and thunderpunched all of his
pokemon to get all of my prizes for the victory.
W-2 T-2 L-1
Round 6 me v.s. matthew
This match was a little different than the last 2 matches. I
started with magmar and he started once again with a goldeen with poliwag,
misty's psyduck, and another goldeen. I won the flip. Once the game began, I was
pretty confident that I would win. Because I had a computer search which I used
to get electabuzz. Attached an energy to electabuzz, used a switch with magmar
and electabuzz, then used thunder shocked goldeen and paralyzed it. All Matthew
did was attach an energy to misty's psyduck and passed. I drew an energy,
attached to electabuzz, and thunder shocked for the kill. He sent out Misty's
psyduck, evolved in to misty's golduck, attached a psychic energy, and used
super removal and failed. After I knocked out the golduck, I started knocking
out weak basics and wiinig the tournament.
W-3 T-2 L-1
Round 7 me v.s. Kyle Miley Nickname: Mini me w/customized water deck
To make this a very short report, I did the exact thing as i
did with Matthew, I got electabuzz and thunderpunched all of his pokemon for all
three games.
W-9 T-2 L-1
Now I was in the semi-finals, Tommy was playing Michelle for third place, and I was playing Miran for 1st. He only got this far becuase he played two easy kids and getting a bye ( which is 9 points. ) So I was playing Miran for first place.
Round 10 me v.s. Miran w/ Fire psychic deck
We only played with three prizes because of the rules. I
started with a magmar and a electabuzz, and he started out with a fossil magmar
and 2 mr.mimes on the bench. I won the flip. I drew, got an oak, attached fire
to magmar and used smokescreen. After a few smokescreens and a smog, I finally
knocked out his magmar. by this time, I had three electabuzz, a jigglypuff and a
magmar built up. He sent out mr. mime and passed. I used electabuzz's
thundershock and paralyzed. We both had two damage counters on us until he
knocked out electabuzz. Then I got another electabuzz out and thundershocked
with a pluspower to knock it out. We were both down to 1 prize, he sent out a
magmar, smoged, and poisoned. Then I drew a gust of wind, as soon as i drew it,
I knew I was going to win. I retreated electabuzz, sent out a fully powered up
magmar, gusted out a defenseless mime with 10 on it, I used smog but I needed a
heads to win the game. When I fliped, I got heads!! I won the tournement!! Yes!!
This is the first tournement that I won first at with Tommy in it!! Tommy got
3rd, Miran got 2nd, and I got 1st!! I got 6 gym challenge boosters, 2nd got 4,
and 3rd got 2!!
W-10 T-2 L-1
What I got in my boosters was Sabrina Non-Holo, Brock's
Protection, Giovanni Holo, Brock's Dugtrio, Koga's Pidgeotto, and finally
Rocket's Zapdos!!!!!! Yes!!!!!! I have been trying to get this card for a long
time and I finally got it Yes Yes Yes!!!!
Now It's time for props and slops!! I hope you enjoyed my report!!!
Props and Slops
props to Rocket's Zapdos!! Sweet!!
props to my mom for taking me
props for Miran for being a good sport
slops to Matthew for being a sore loser
slops to Brock's Protection
props to Tommy, who got third place ( Points and Laughs )
props for me, for getting first place!!
And finally, props for Pojo, you guys have a swwwweeeeet site!!! Thanks!!
Well, that's my report! If you made it this far, I really appreciate you for
reading it, Thanks!! If you want to E-mail me, my address is airboss@uswest.net
By Kyle from salem, oregon