Caked on Grease (the fantasy)
by Mark S Dawson
December 16, 2000
at Timewarp Comics in Cedar Grove,NJ
10 participants
3 (2 out of 3) rounds Swiss
Could not go to my regular tourney, as I was up in Joisey visiting
my Aunt and Uncle. But I knew that PokePunk was gonna be at Timewarp on
Saturday. Me and the 'punk (or is it the 'punk and I) have engaged in some
written cyberspace sparring and I relished the chance to see if he was as
good as his own press.
I was stoked as I had made my 'Caked on Grease' deck to face off
most likely against his 'Brillo', the logic being that I could not stop the
'punk I could only hope to contain him. To do this I would sap up Brillo's
strength with as much Caked on Grease as possible and then destroy him as it
became a battle of wits.
My (original) deck is:
3 Clefairy (the first block in total domination)
  3 Clefable (my cleaner,my ne'er do well)
3 S Abra (the Energy Loop one. The one thee 'punk said could
not win in Joisey. My goal is to use Abra to drop the 'punk like a bad
3 Ditto (this tub o' goo rocks)
2 Lickitung (the best time-buyer out there. Plus his low
cost attacks conserve my modicum of energy)
14 pokemon

3 Oak
4 Garbage run
3 Energy Retrieval
2 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
4 Plus Power
4 Energy Removals
3 Switch
3 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop up
3 Poke Center
34 Trainers

4 Full Heal Energy
4 Psychic Energy
12 Energy (a wise poke man once wrote not to skimp
on energy and being so full of myself I did. I loaded up on trainers and
went to town. You can never have too many trainers, is what I always say)

I got to the tourney with little time to spare. So I signed up and
settled in by re-counting my deck. I was paired against a "Jim" and I heard
called "Dennis and Kohl". I figured out the kid in the Red Yankees Cap was
the 'punk , knowing from an old Ness report that 'punk's name was Kohl.
Round 1 vs. Jim w/ a Blaine's Fire deck
Now this was a good deck and I was impressed. Fire does not get
alot of play where I normally play at. But it proved to not be the match for
"Caked on Grease". As I was able to use Ditto and Clefable in the first game
, getting a very  fortuitous hand, I started my own Grease Fire and won 6-0,
as I was able to avoid taking alot of serious hits.
Game 2 was nice. I could only get S Abra in my opening hand and I
started to get nervous BUT I won the coin flip and he played a Rocket
Charmander only and nothing to his bench. After my first draw I had 2 FHE, 2
Garbage run,2 Energy Removals and a Computer Search. Knowing I was gonna go
for the 1st turn kill I oaked. This netted me the Psychic Energy(2) , 2
Dittos, Tung, Gust and an Item Finder.  I played the Dittos to the bench
added a Psychic to Abra and then Item Findered the Oak and oaked.  This got
me only a plus power that I could use and still yet another item finder so I
itemfindered for the Oak again and oaked and finally got the... Comp Search.
I comp searched for the Plus Power and ended it.
I looked over to see how the 'punk was doing and he was sweating it
so I went next door to get a slice of pizza and relax before round 2.

Round 2 vs Kohl (aka 'punk) w/ Brillo
UN-believable. Just as I was walking in the door they announced this
pairing. I knew who Kohl was (ya think he'd spell it 'Cole' but ya know New
Jersey people, they are weird.) but he did not know who I was.
I sat down and wished him luck. He was playing that Brillo deck (a
souped up sponge).  We cut decks and dealt. He got to go first...
I started with S Abra active and Ditto and Clefairy on the bench. He
started out with a benched Movie Mew2 and active R Zapdos.  After he
attached a Lightning and did 20 to my Abra I gusted the Mew2 and did 40 to
it getting back the energy in Energy Loop. I watched as he then scooped the
Mew2 and then did not play it back to his bench, I assume cause of his
weakness. This was beautiful as he then drew first blood by smiting my Abra
(and telling me how lame S Abra is. This is when I saw the first hint of
recognition from him as he put 2+2 together . He had told me in previous
e-mails how S Abra would be nothing, do nothing at Time Warp) .Unknowingly
he set me up for the game. I promoted Clefairy and attached the Psychic
energy. I then Comp Searched for the Clefable and ended it quick as I
evolved Clefairy and did 70 to R Zapdos, what made it the most enjoyable is
that I could see the look on his face as he glanced in his hand knowing
Mew2 (the Gifted and Talented Psy feline) was still there and he allowed
himself to be benched. I marked this up as a score for S Abra because he
kept Mew2 off the bench all by his wittle self. Also, I just gained a huge
advantage because it became pain-stakingly obvious that Zapdos was just a
Clefable solo shot from dying anytime, anywhere.
As we started the 2nd game I asked him how he did in the first
round. I got a mumble about going 1-2 and Dennis playing a deck that had psy
and lightning resistance. Po' po' pitiful 'punk. This game turned into a
masterpiece. I could not get my Clefables out to save my life but some
well-placed Energy Removals kept him at bay for a good while. My Dittos were
doing their job and I took down a Mew2 with a sole S Abra. It was  4-3 (my
advantage) but I only had 4 cards left in my deck and burned all my garbage
runs. The 'punk started to stall when I had 9 cards left and he had 21. That
was to my advantage as my Licki then took out a Mew2 to give me the one
prize card lead I enjoyed and my prize was an item finder.
All I had now was an unpowered Ditto and a benched Clefairy against an
unpowered Mew2 active for the 'punk and a benched Mime with 1 energy . I
drew and got an energy which I attached and then absorbed 2 DCE . He
attached a DCE to Mew2 and retreated bringing up the Mime to stall me. I
then drew a FHE and attached that to Clefairy. I gusted the Mew2 and killed
it , leaving me with one prize card left and only 2 cards in my library but
a huge hand of 11 cards. He had to figure I was gonna gamble or lass and
either way get alot of cards back in my deck. He had seen neither in both
games but I think he was afraid of a lone wolf. For a prize I drew my last
DCE. He re-promoted the Mime and did 20 to me. I then drew and attached
another energy to Clefairy and did 20 to his Mime. Down to my last card in
my deck he was content to SER my Clefairy and let me go. I drew and then
item findered my NGR and put back 3 Psychic energy; I laid down my Lickitung
with an energy and retreated Ditto doing 10 and paralysis to Mime with the
Tung . Then he did what I was hoping for. He laid down R Zapdos from his
hand and scooped the Mime and he HAD to make Zapdos active. He then passed .
I geuss he had no energy. I laid down a Clefable (I had in my hand the whole
time but I kept attaching to Clefairy earlier so he might think I did not
have one waiting.) , scooped the Tung, attached my final DCE and...
minimized. NO. Kidding. Did the 70 to Zapdos and won.
I got what I came for ... Total domination,Personal Gratification;
Pound of Flesh

Round 3 vs. Tim w/ Poison Grass
We kept poisoning each other and it was alot of damage counters
being thrown about. I do not remember too much as I was still high from the
previous round . I won 2 of 3 and advanced to the play off round.

I opened up against Rob. Nice guy and an original deck . After
talking to him for awhile I started to wonder who was stealing whose decks.
I was able to luck up and advance to the finals as he played a mainly
Psychic deck. My Tungs and Fables were put thru their paces and I was able
to slowly go thru his Pokemon (he had a nice blend of Drowzee/Hypno and
Slopoke/Slobro). I was just happy to be able to advance.
I had to face Dennis, the one who punked the 'punk in the first
round. We were both wore out (we played alot of games) so he suggested we
split the prize money and hit the pizza place next door. We did and I ate

... I ate so much I musta fell asleep, cause the next thing I know I
was waking up in my bed in SC. Maybe it was all just a dream... but it
seemed so real.  I woke up and told Auntie Em," You were there and so was

To Time Warp- if you are ever in Joisey check out this tourney it is
weel run which leads me to...
To the Gym Leader- didn't catch your name but you did a great job.

To fertile imaginations- they build the best decks and tell the
None- it is all good

Feel free to write me at and remember it is
just a game , have fun with it