3 Brocks Sandshrew(50hp)
2 Brocks Sandslash (70hp)
4 Hitmonchan (1 rocket an excellent addittion I might add I need more)
3 Magmar (fossil)
12 fighting
7 fire
4 Bill
3 Oak
3 Comp Search
4 Plus Power
3 Gust of Wind
2 Pewter Gym
1 Resistance Gym
2 Item Finder
4 Energy Removal
The story of this deck started when I first saw Brocks Sandslash(70hp).I thought "hey this would make an awesome fighting pokemon combined with pewter gym and some other fire pokes." "Plus I'll totally smoke Heith at the tourney!" however he didn't show up at this one. After a few weeks,some searching, and hard trades I finally got enough of the fellers and I started construction on this deck.Some may have recognized this deck from pojo's message boards and I thank all that helped me out.Anyway this deck is awesome and it totally kicked butt even though there was only 2 battles...::grumble::...Heh haven't even discussed the stragety yet...well here it is: Oak and Bill around until you get a Sandslash or some Chans.Afterwards (if you don't already have it) comp search for that elusive Pewter Gym or Resistance Gym.These make Sandslash and Chan unstoppable. Magmar is for this decks only weakness;Scyther!
The Turnout
Match 1
Me vs My best bud Micheal with a promo articuno deck and mistys pokes
Yikes! I actually dredded this match even though he's not as experienced as I am,my deck was very weak to his.Anyway I remember like 0% of this match but Ill still tell the blurry details. I pretty much played him very agressive.Non-stop removaling,gusting out all his weak pokes like tentacool and sabrinas psyduck..I remember that I got Sandslash out real quick and commenced the poisoning.He got kinda fed up and started huffing and puffing because he kept getting poisoned.Once I got pewter gym into play it was all over.His articuno's no longer had resistance to me plus I never layed a magmar down thus giving him no cheap 1 hit kills from a gust of wind.
Record 1-0
Match 2
Me vs Thomas with Lt Surges Fearow and Electabuzz deck
Boy was I cocky I thought I had this game in the bag.Turned out he had those pesky Surge's Spearows and the awesome Surge's Fearow.I got a bad start. I had like no pokemon and a mediocre hand of some gust of winds and bills.He started with a Surges Spearow.I had a Hitmonchan.I got lucky with the bills and ended up getting a brocks sandshrew.Layed it down and started to build it up.A few turns later the Hitmonchan was blown away leaving me with a magmar and the now evolved Sandslash.I got pewter gym into play later on and got about 2 prizes then.He kept supering my B. Sandslashs, then whirlwinding him around some.I got out R. Hitmonchan and then crossed my fingers and hoped for heads on cross counter.Made the flip.....HEADS! He's got out S. Fearow fully pumped he knows if he clutchs me or repeating drills its gonna hurt him pretty bad to.He never attacked with it but retreated for a buzz used thundershock and hoped the luck I had gotten.Too bad for him no paralysis he takes 40 due to weakness.Heheh.FastFoward a few turns...I finally get a sandslash pumped up thanks to the stalling done by magmars smokescreen. I send it out and gain about 2-3 more prizes then time is called...I won. wow despite all those SERs and S.Fearow resistance I came through and won the tourney!!!
WAHOO! got 10 in store credit and got myself 3 packs of gym challange along with the free one for just competing so that made 4.My rares were E.Venusaur,Surges Secret Plan,Surges Jolteon, and Sabrinas Golduck. Traded away the Venusaur to Thomas for another Jolteon and Golduck.
Props and Slops
Props to my mom for taking me
Props to winning the Tourneys despite the fact that was only 2 battles
Props the Lord for letting me win it
Props to all those that read this
Props Sabrinas Golduck its pretty good
Slops to Heith for not being there this deck was made specifically to kick his
well that wraps it up thanks to all who read this my name is at the top and heres my email address prs4him@bellsouth.net. as always I takes suggestions for this deck (not fixes),I fix decks, and I love for people to email me and talk about pokemon and other things please guys its christmas break now so I'll be bored I'll enjoy the extra company Later!!!