Zeldafreak235`s Surprise Thunder Storm(lightning)
by zeldafreak235
Toys R Us
St. Clairsville, OH.
Saturday, November 18th, 2000
`bout 30 total people
Well when i played this deck.............It was awsome,
it went
undefeated during every game i played with it! Well, enough with my
over-excitement, here`s my deck(modifications after tornament.)
Zeldafreak235`s Surprise Thunder Storm
30 lightning energy
1 Dark Raichu( the title of the deck comes from..........Hmm.....I wonder.)
2 Pikachu( one video insert, one ivy)
2 Electabuzz
1 base set Zapdos
3 Lt. Surge`s Rattata( gym heroes)
1 Lt. Surge`s Raticate(gym heroes)
3 Lt. Surge`s Magnemite(1 level 12 2 level 10)
2 Lt. Surge`s Magneton
2 Lt. Surge`s Voltorb( 1 level 12 1 level 15)
1 Lt. Surge`s Electrode
2 Lt. Surge`s Spearow( common)
trainers: 10
3 Lt. Surge(to get that very injured active outta there)
2 Secret Mission
1 Blaine`s Quiz #1
3 Vermilion City Gym
1 The Boss`s Way(to get Dark Raichu, I guess)
Round 1
zeldafreak235 vs. ????????
The round started off with my opponent`s Scyther
vs.base set Pikachu.
If it wasn`t for Dark Raichu in my hand I would of lost heavily.
Resault: win 1-0
Round 2
zeldafreak235 vs. the Gym Leader`s helper(nice deck,
except he
shouldn`t have told me what he was puting in......Dark Blastiose.)
Well, here`s what happened, I had my Lt. Surge`s
Magnemite(level 10)
against a squirtle from TR. I play a Vermilion City Gym then gym
check.....It was heads 10 damage then removal palse for 20. He put an energy
down then removal pulse for 20 more.
Resault: win 2-0
Round 3
zeldafreak235 vs. A girl who was on victory
road(she had a very nice
deck she gave me some big trouble)
Well, she started off with a Tauros
with 2 pokemon on her bench I
had all Lt. Surge`s Magnemite in play. The battle went on we were both down
to 1 prize i beat her with my Lt. Surg`s Magneton.
Resault: win 3-0
What I have learned from this
is that there are other people out
there who are better than I and can beat me in 3.2 seconds flat. I want to
meet those people and challenge them(to compare the power of my decks and
the strateties of my own.)
If you have any suggestions for
my deck, my e-mial is: