Smack Up Side The Head (grass/fire)
by anonymous
Schumer's baseball cards and comics
Centerville, OH
Thursday December 28, 2000
5 or 6 participants (small isn't it)

Hey there I just thought I'd take the time to try and write up my first
tourney report.  Although it was a small tournament it was somewhat
interesting.  This was my first tournament in about 2 or 3 months cuz ive
been playing Magic alot.  So as you might expect when i was playtesting at
home i was a wreck.  I was accidentally mixing the games together into a
mess, so i finally just sat down took it slow and attempted to recall all of
the rules so that i wouldn't completely screw up in the tourney.  Anyway
after about and hour or so i finally had it down good enough that i thought i
could play decent.  I decided to play my old Magmar Scyther Haymaker, I would
have played Turbo Wiggly but looking through my binder i realized i had sold
a couple of wiggly's when i needed some money for magic, stupid me.  Oh well
i figured the Magmar Scyther deck was good enough to beat wigglyif it showed
up at the tournament. 
 When i showed up at Schumers card store for the tournament i realized there
were only 5 people including myself which made for a short tournament and
also a smaller prize, oh well.  I was a little late so i didn't have time to
playtest any so i jusy watched the end of a game between a couple of my
friends. Now on with the tourney report.
 Round 1 VS Clay playing Trapper
 I was unsure how this matchup would go but i thought i had and okay chance. 
My opening hand was pretty good with a nice balance of energy and trainers
with an oak. I played out most of my hand with a Scyther active and a Magmar
bench. I had a couple of energy and the oak left and for some strange reason
i decided to wait till next turn to play the oak even though i knew i was
playing trapper, stupid me. I attached the energy and said go.  On his turn
he proceeded to trap my hand away leaving him with a Chansey with a dce on it
and scyther benched and me with no hand.  Well i was in top deck mode and i
didn't draw anything so he smacked me up side the head a couple of times with
Chansey and i was through
 record 0-1
 Round 2 I get the bye like i do in every tourney where i lose the first round
 record 1-1
 Round 3 VS Adam playing Wiggly w/ weird trainers like good manners and alot
of berries
 He's playing a good version of Wiggly with magmar, scyther, and 4 wiggly. 
He's known for top decking like a madman and i don't know what will happen in
my game against him.  Luckily he can't find wiggly and doesn't draw many of
those annoying berries so i slowly work my way through his pokemon using gust
of wind and use scoop up to keep from dieing.
 record 2-1
 Round 3 VS Darren (hope i spelled your name right) playing wiggly
 his version uses scyther, ditto, and maybe magmar, i forget. I get a weird
draw with 3 magmar trainers that i don't need at the beginning of the game
and no energy.  I though i was screwed but luckily he didn't get a fast draw
with two ditto and i managed to sneak away one of his needed trainers.  This
bought me the time i needed to draw into energy and eventually uses gust of
wind and smog, thank god for poison, to finish him.
 record 3-1
 so here i am facing Adam again in the finals and i figure i have a fair
chance of beating him.
 Final Round VS Adam playing Wiggly
 I got what looked like a good draw but he got his bench full, dropped
berries everywhere and eventually got out wiggly at which point he proceeded
to take out my pokemon one by one with me slowing him down and stalling with
gust of wind and scoop up.  the game lasted about 20 minutes which is a long
time when the pairing is turbo wiggly vs Haymaker both of which are supposed
to be quick.  He finally oaked and emptied his deck to get his last wiggly
and beat me.  it was a good game.  despite losing i still got 3 packs 2 of
which were foils that i sold to Mr. Schumer for $10 to buy more magic.

And here's the decklist

Smack Up Side The Head

4 Magmar
4 Scyther
4 Bill
4 Oak
4 Scoop Up
4 Gust of Wind
4 Sneak Attack
4 Pluspower
4 Cmputer Search
4 Item Finder
4 Garbage Run
2 No Removal Gym (will be Chaos Gym when i get em)
4 Double Colorless Energy
10 Fire Energy
Props and Slops
I'm to tired to do Props and Slop so ill just say i had a lot of fun and it
was a good tournament

til next time
