Saturday, Aug 5, 2000
              K B TOYS IN IRWIN, PA
              ABOUT 25 PEOPLE

Hello, it's Izzy here once again with my new deck
"ESP", but most people at my league call it "The
Unbeatable deck." I originally sent this in under
another name but they didn't post it so I fixed it up
and sent it in again.  Well, here's "ESP" a.k.a. "THE

3 Abra (2 base, 1 rocket) (needed for evolution)
2 Kadabra (unbelevible attack an its needed for
1 Alakazam (2 words: damage swap)
2 Tentacool (its half the strategy in this deck)
2 Drowzee (needed for evolution)
1 Hypno (back up for Mewtwo,ancient mew and Sneasel)
2 Lickitung (works good if i cant find Chansey and
stalls time for me to get out Alakazam)
1 Chansey (i only have 1!)
1 Blaine's Kanguskhan (see Hypno)
1 Mr. Mime (what would a psychic deck be without one?)
1 Jynx (see Hypno and meditate rules)
2 Dratini (an old friend I've used them in this deck
before i even had 2 Kadabras and needed for evolution)
1 Dark Dragonair (i want Alakazam and i want it now!)
1 Promo Mewtwo (1 of my main attackers in this deck)
1 Team Rocket's Mewtwo (my 2nd main attacker)
1 Ancient Mew (A.M.) (main attacker #3)
1 Sneasel (Nyuura) (the last main attacker)
2 Challenge (wow i have all my main attackers at once)

2 G.O.W. (my third favorite trainer next to comp.
search and super energy removal)
1 Pokemon Center( works in one of the many combos in
this deck)
2 Comp.. Search (after challenging i use this to get
kadabra and alakazam out)
1 Pokemon Breeder (to get alakazam out faster)
1 Pokemon Trader (see comp. search)
2 Potion (a psychic deck is defense so why does no one
use them?)
1 Super Potion (see potion)
23 Psychic Energy (what were u suspecting, electric?)
1 Full Heal Energy (without this, side-effect deck
could easily bring this thing down)

         Now the translations!   

    Sneasel (Nyuura)               60hp D (Dark)

  C: Fury Swipes 10x
      flip 3 coins. this attack does 10 times the
number of heads 

 DD: Beat Up  20x
      flip a coin for each of your pokemon. this
attack does 20 times the number of heads

W:            R:P -30            RC:

The strategy of this deck is to damage swap damage to
tentacool then use cowardice to heal it. This deck
works well because it's offensive and defensive. So
when decking your opponent seems out of reach you can
run them out of basics or gather your last prize and
when taking your last prize seems impossible just
start stalling away. (This strategy works MUCH more
effectively than you think! I've tried it and it
works! Try it!)                                      
                           Now on to the report!

     This day at the league began normal. All my
friends were there( Adam, Shawn, John, and so on...).
Most people wouldn't play me because either they were
afraid to lose or they heard about the one game I
played that took over an hour and they didn't want to
waste there time. However, Adam's sister thinks she
can beat me. She thinks she can beat anyone, but
really all she ever does is beg people to make her
good decks because her's is too bad! Plus, she never
listens to those rumors about the really long stalling
games. So, here comes my first opponent.

Round 1: Neighbor Lindsey wants to fight!           

  Unsurprisingly, my first match was against Lindsey
Downey, my best friend's sister and my neighbor. She
likes to show off with here Power Reserve deck. IMO,
Lindsey at the league is a waste of time (and Lindsey
on my bus is pure torture!). However, I had no one
else to play so I figured why not. It's an easy 20
points! This is the second time I've faced her in my
life time, and my current record against her is 1-0.
Well, I better stop telling about my history versus
her and start telling about this match. Anyways, she
started with Bellspout out and a benched Jynx. I
started with Sneasel and no bench. We barrowed a Lugia
coin from some kid and I won the coin toss. I attached
a psychic energy to Sneasel and used Fury Swipes.
Heads. Heads. Heads. Bellspout was brought down to 10.
Lindsey said "Go! I don't got no energys." I used Fury
Swipes. Heads. Heads. Tails. Bellspout's down and out.
She brings out Jynx, attaches a psychic energy to it
and says go because of my resistance. To make a long
story short, she couldn't do anything to Sneasel and
she didnt get anymore basics. So i just kept Fury
Swipesing away. Now change that record to 2-0.
1-0 prizes for:2 prizes against:0

I watched some matches, then I found my next opponent.
A pokenewbie (or IMO, poke Idiot)      

Round 2: New Kid ??? wants to fight! (mono-water)

This kid was a piece of cake. I started with Promo
Mewtwo and he started with Tentacool. None of us had a
bench. I go first and attach an energy and say go. He
attaches an energy to Tentacool and he says "Can I
change him?" *muffled laughter* My best friend Adam,
who was watching says "No u cant EVOLVE on your first
turn," so he uses Acid for 10. I use challenge and he
accepts and fills his bench with Squirtle, Krabby,
Psyduck, Articuno, and someone else that i creamed.I
think it was Staryu. I attach an energy to Mewtwo and
say go. He evolves Tentacool into Tentacruel and
confuses me with Supersonic. I attach an energy and
used Psyburn. Heads. He attached an energy to
Tentacruel and used Jelly Fish Sting and brought me
down to 40. I used potion. Then i used full heal
energy and said "Yeah, now poison isn't gonna kill
me!" and he said "But your still confused." We got
into an argument and yelled at each other for quite a
while. Then I saw a lot of kids leaving and since we
both had 6 prizes left if time was up it would be a
tie (and this deck isn't sposta tie)so I just said
whatever and continued my turn. I used a Gust Of Wind
and gusted out Squirtle. Then I used psyburn. Tails.
He attached an energy to Squirtle and Bubbled. Tails.
I used a potion. then i looked around and thought
"Where did tentacruel go?" Then i gusted out the
pokemon i didnt remember. I think it might have been a
staryu. Then he said "Why haven't you drawn any
prizes? You knocked out 2 of my pokemon." *muffled
laughter* I said "whatever" and drew 2 prizes. To make
a long story short, i creamed the rest of his pokemon
with Mewtwo and G.O.W.. He never got any energy.

Prizes for:6 Prizes against:0

     As it turns out, those people leaving were just
one big family that had to leave early, so I had time
for another match. I decided to face Adam, my friend
and my neighbor. Adam is sorta like his sister,
Lindsey. Always begging for someone to build him a
deck. At least he didn't torture me on the bus. Except
for, everyone thinks Adam's cool (and he is) so
everyone DOES build him deck and he does dcently. (A
lot better than his sister). On to the match!
Round 3:Neighbor Adam wants to fight! (mono-lightning)

     He went down really fast (another free 20
points). We played with 6 prizes. He used Snorlax,
Kanguskhan, Farfetch'd, Magnaton (base), Joltoeon, and
Pikachu (jungle). I got Sneasel, Team Rocket's Mewtwo,
and Promo Mewtwo all pumped up really fast. After I
K.O.ed is first pokemon, he benched another Pikachu
(jungle), and slowly built it up. I took down all his
pokemon in 3 turns (at the most). When I was down to
one prize left and his active Snorlax was really weak,
he evolved the fully powered benched Pikachu into
Raichu (base) with an evil grin. I K.O.d Snorlax, he
brought out Raichu and said something like "Goodbye,
Sneasel!" I said something like "Goodbye, Adam. That
was my last prize!" With an expression of frustration
on his face, and a usual expression of victory on
mine, we went are seperet ways. He went to the door to
wait for his ride and I went to go see my friend Jon,
who was watching my cards.
Prizes for:6 Prizes against: like 1

This deck is now 3-0. So far, I have drawn 14 prizes
and my opponents have drawn 1.  At the pokemon league
everyone except my friends call me "The kid with the
Unbeatable deck". My friends just call me pokeman.

Props and Slops

PROPS to Sneasel and Promo Mewtwo kicking butt when I
had no bench.
PROPS to my deck for being 3-0 at the pokemon league
and 5-1 against everyone I've battled so far at the
pokemon league and over Adam's house.
PROPS to Pojo for posting my first report (balloon
PROPS to Pojo for posting this.
PROPS to Rachel Weiss. She's cool.
PROPS to Izzy Sherman. He's cool too.
SLOPS to Adam's other cousin  (name unknown) for
trying to get me to go out with Lindsey. No way!
SLOPS to Lindsey for being in love with me.
SLOPS to the person who sent me a deck to fix with
like 1 basic pokemon in and a ton of evolutions. (That
was the most horrid deck I've ever fixed.)


Please post this because this took about 5 days to do
and everyday it got so cold up here in the computer
room and I had to deal with Adam calling about 5 times
a day at least. My point is it was extremely hard work
and I would really liked to have this posted. However,
I have no clue how the phone was able to ring while I
was on the Internet.

 E-mail me if you have any comments, suggestions,or
need deck help at
I hope you all had a nice holiday! Until next time,
this is Izzy "psy"ning off. See you in January!

P.S.: Thanks to all the people who have e-mailed me
for me to help them fix there decks! I've always
wanted to be a deck mechanic!