Crowd Control
                                                                                by Shiraz (Meta) Noor
                                                                                 Baltimore, Maryland
                                                                                 New Years Eve, 2000
                                                                                 25 total participants

   Wow!  It has really been a while since I've written a Killer Deck Report.  My last one was STS Swingers in the STS qualifiers.  I've been to a few tournaments since then, but I've been too depressed to write a report.  This is because I couldn't make it to the STS due to some things that needed care in my family.  Oh well.  I'm not going to whine about my life in a KDR, so let me get to this new deck I created for the arrival of Neo.  It's called "Crowd Control" because it keeps an advantage over opponents with Stadium cards that suit me best at that moment.  Here it goes-

Crowd Control

4 Sabrina's Gastly (40 HP)
4 Sabrina's Haunter (50 HP)
3 Chansey
3 Skarmory

4 Professor Oak
4 Energy Removal
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
2 Scoop Up
2 Pokemon March
2 Lass
2 Challenge!
2 Nightly Garbage Run

2 Chaos Gym
2 Rocket's Minefield Gym
2 Sprout Tower

8 Psychic
4 Double Colorless
4 Metal

Oh yea- the reason that I'm trying this deck out in a tournament is because we had to use a non-archtype deck.  Here's the report:

Round 1 vs All Steel
    Normally,  this is the type of match up that makes me grin.  Only  when I am playing my Potpourri or Trap, though.  I have 2 Gastly's (Gastlies?) and a Skarmory, she has Onix and Skarmory.  I have resistance to her Onix, which I have to kill ASAP, and confidence that a quick Haunter would take Skarmory.  I go first, Search for an Oak, and use it.  Put an energy on Gastly, bench another and a Chansey, then use Pokemon March for the last Gastly.  Then, Minefield Gym.  She puts a Metal on Onix and gusts out a helpless Gastly.  Luckily, I have two Haunters in my hand.  Evolve my Gastlies, Energy Removal, and play Chaos Gym since I'm set up.  Attack her, and it's three out of four heads, which kills Skarmory.  On her turn, I get to use her Nightly Garbage Run, but she pulls off a Computer Search and evolves with a Double Colorless.  My Haunter's dead on her next turn due to a successful Gust AND PlusPower, but I fight her off with Skarmory and my other Haunter for the win.

Round 2 vs Dark Electric Deck
    He has the works:  Electabuzz,  Rocket's Zapdos, and Sneasel.  None of his Pokemon had more than 70 HP, so I ended up using Double Edge four times between 2 Chansies.  But my Gastlies were dropping like flies to his Sneasel.  With prizes tied four a piece, it was up to my lone Skarmory to do battle with an Electabuzz and a Sneasel.  Loading him with three Metal Energies, I slowly killed off my opponent's last Pokemon.

Round 3 vs Turbo Machamp
    I will give him credit because he played his deck beyond well.  But turbo or not, Machamp is not going to touch my Haunters.  He had four Chansies, but I kept Sprout Tower in play and used Skarmory whenever I could.  Great game, man, but you couldn't have expected to win.

Semi-finals vs Blaine's Ninetales
    Horrible.  That stupid fox (sorry Spike, I was frustrated) burned up two Haunters and two Skarmories.  I tried my best to remain patient, and it paid off because he eventually ran out of energy.  Then, since I had been saving up Double Colorless energies, I sent an army of Chansies to town.  After two of those fires had been extinguished, I let a Skarmory hit his Kangaskhans, having Sprout Tower in play.  Then, his Magmar shows up.  It kills Skarmory, so I have a Gastly with four energies attack.  Finally, it was a Gastly with four energies against a promo Eevee.  Sad, because Sprout Tower was in play.  I had three cards in my deck when I won.

Finals vs Water Deck
    Kingdra is powerful.  I don't like him.  But on the bright side, he never showed up since my turn-two Haunters wreaked havoc on her Horseas.  She accepted my Challenge! and crumbled to my Chaos Gym.  Lapri  were a problem since they confused some of my Pokemon, but not my pumped Chansey :)
Then it came:  Ditto.  Believe me, it was hell to deal with, but I managed soon enough.  Bench out.  I win.

You feel this deck?  No?  Well, come on over and I'll convince you:)

Props to..
anyone who likes this
anyone that I know
anyone that I don't know

Slops to..
Not making it to the STS

Thanks for Reading!!

Shiraz "Meta" Noor