"Artic Hydro Wave" (Blastoise/Wigglytuff)
By Yi-An Lu (Louis)
18th November 2000
STS 11-14 catergary, meadowland,
New Jersey,USA.
8 hours flight from London,UK
About 200 competitors.
    Hi here, this is my first ever killer deck report at pojo, so please don't get frustrated by a couple of spelling mistakes or so.
     As you know, I am from Britain, me and other 4 winners who all recived free tickets to New Jersey in a tourney came to US on a 8 hours flight. We were all ridiculously excited about the STS and we even had a mini tourney in our hotel!
   OK, enough of that, here is my deck:
Pokemon- 19
3 Squirtles
3 Blastoise
3 Articuno
1 Lapras
3 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
2 Dittos
1 Chancey
3 Prof. Oak
2 Breeder
2 Comp. Serach
2 Item Finder
3 Plus Power
1 Rocket's Sneak Attack(RSA)
2 Gust Of Wind(GOW)
Energy- 26
22 Water Energies
3 Double Colorless Energies(DCE)
1 Full Heal Energy
I know this look like a odd deck,( Blastoise and Wiggly together!!!!!!!????)
but you would find that it did very well in my report!
Swiss Round 1 Me VS No Idea! with a Rocket's Zapdos deck ( with TR Zapdos/Hitmochan...)
This game was fast, he had 2 TR Zapdos, I had a chansey active and a  benched squirtle, (I had a breeder, a Blastoise, a Oak and few energies.)
I start attached one energy to Squirtle and said go. He attached a lightning energy to TR Zapdos and do plasma for 20. My turn, I drew an energy, I evolved into Blastoise attach one to chansey, raindance on Blastoise and Oaked. I retreated my Chansey and killed all his pokemon with the almighty Blastoise.
Record 1-0
Swiss Round 2  Me VS A girl with a ponyta deck?
My Squirtle killed his ponyta on the secound turn using shellattack, fast game!
Record 2-0
Swiss Round 3  Me VS a boy with a Haymaker?( I only saw a Scyther in the whole match!)
Even faster game, he got Scyther with no bench, I got a Ditto and a benched Chansey. I start and attached one Water Energy to Ditto and do Sword Dance. He did nothing in his turn and say go, I attached a DCE onto Ditto and Slashed with a Plus Power for the win.
Record  3-0
Round 4 Me VS another guy with a Haymaker.
This is a much longer game, I start with a Squirtle and he start with  Scyther and a benched Electabuzz. He start, attached a Fighting to Scyther and said go. My turn, I attached one Water to Squirtle and passed. He attached a DCE to Scyther and slash for 30. I evolved into Blastoise, Oaked and done 60 to his Scyther. He attached one to Buzz and Slashed me again for 30. I now have 60 damage on my Blastoise, if i killed his Scyther he would kill my Blastoise as well, I was thinking that I am going to lose this game so I killed Scyther and got a Plus Power in the prize. I was going to say : " you won." when he Thundershocked because He had only one Energy, but guess what, he got a head! I was quite upset until I drew a full heal energy, I attached it to Blastoise, it was no longer paralized and I killed his Electabuzz with a Plus Power for this very close win.
Record  4-0
Swiss Round 4 Me VS a girl with a pair of mad contact lenses. She got a Wiggly Deck.
Another fast game, all I can say is one sentence: Turn2 Blastoise, Kill Kill Kill!!!!!!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Evil Grin) :>)
Record 5-0
Swiss Round 6  Me VS a boy with a fossil Magmar deck.
Close game, He had a Fossil Magmar, I had a Squirtle, I start and attached a DCE to Squirtle, I attacked for 40 and say go. He Smokescreened twice and I got 2 tails in a row, He finally attached another fire to Magmar and Smoged my Squirtle. The Whole game is depending on this flip, heads he won, tails he lose and it was tails! I shell attacked for the win.
Record  6-0
Swiss Round 7  Me VS ?
I couldn't remember anything on this round, all I know is that I won.
Record  7-0
Swiss Round 8 Me VS Carson White with a TR hitmochan/Brock's Sandslash deck.
This was the only game I lost in the Swiss round, it was a tough match, we were trading prizes all game but I decked out first since he was playing defensively.
Record  7-1
Although I lost one match in the swiss round, I still managed to get to the final 8, I never thought about getting into the final and I was extremely pleased with my deck's performance, I also got 8 boosters for the Swiss Round.OK now, the Finals:
Finals Round 1  Me VS James Obrien with a TR Zapdos/Wigglytuff/Scyther/Chansey deck
I started with a terrible hand of only one Squirtle and the rest are energies. He started with 2 TR Zapdos and a Chansey. He start, and Plasma my only Squirtle for 40 damage. I was lucky enough to get another Squirtle, Blastoise, and Wartortle in the next few turns, I did tried to Oak but I flipped tails because of the stinking Chaos Gym and he knocked out my Blastoise with his TR Zapdos. I guess that I am out of the STS.
Record  7-2
Although I didn't make it to the end, I think I did EXCELLENT in STS. I came 5th~8th place since there were 4 people that got knocked out first round in the finals. I recieved 16 more boosters, a cap and a cooooool folder with Super Trainer Showdown written on it, it was well worth it that I travel a long way to New Jersey.
Props & Slops
props to wizards for this FANTASTIC event
props to my friends for doing their best
props to Ken Sugiromi (spelling?) for signing my card
props to wizard for this free trip
props to pojo for posting this (hope so!)
slops to my luck in the final
slops to the passport problem i had in uk
Louis signing off
E- mail address : hlin1@hotmail.com
P.S. My name is Yi-An Lu, not An-Lu Yi! (pojo posted that name on the main page)