Deck name: Fire with mostly colorless deck. (A
Fire/Colorless deck)
Creator and user: Alex Scott
Location: L. King Collectables
Houston, Texas
Saturday, January 6, 2001
11 participants (Including me, 12 counting the store
This deck is just a little thing I made up in my spare
time. I decided to use this instead of one of my other
decks. I'm surprised it did as well as it had done! I
would have liked to play it more though. Anyways,
here's the deck:
Pokemon (18)
2 Clefairy
2 Clefable
3 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Fossil Magmar
1 Neo Magmar (I ran out of Fossil)
1 Rocket's Moltres
3 Scyther
Energy (17)
14 Fire
Trainers (25)
4 Bill
1 Challenge!
2 Gambler
2 Goop Gas Attack
3 Gust of Wind
2 No Removal Gym
3 PlusPower
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Oak
1 Rocket's Sneak Attack
1 Time Capsule
I only got to play 3 times due to only 11 people
showing up.(12 if you count the store owner)
Game 1
Me vs. some kid with what appeared to be a Haymaker
I don't exactly remember all details of the games, but
I remember a lot. Here I forgot some of the beginning.
I had started with a Wigglytuff active on turn 3.
Unfortunately, I had 1 benched Poke. He starts using
an Electabuzz or Scyther.(forgot which) He plays
Sprout Tower. I counter it with No Removal Gym. I
attack a couple of turns, then he uses Item Finder on
Sprout Temple. I turn to Lullaby and he stays asleep
for his turn, and my next turn. After a while, Wiggly
bites the dust, Magmar goes out, and I play NRGym. I
get more Magmar benched. He starts taking out Magmar
and plays Sprout Temple then starts SERing. I take
down 2 of his Pokemon. Eventually, I run out of
Pokemon, and he takes the prizes. A game lost to
relatively bad drawings.
Between Games: My friend buys 2 Neo packs. He gets
Murkrow and Azumarill.
Game 2
Me vs. my friend with Stall deck with Venonat/Venomoth
and no Chansey
My friend knew this would happen. I start out with a
good hand. My friend starts without energy. I start
powering up. My friend takes damage, retreats some,
and eventually gets a Grass on Venonat. Then I gust
out Venonat and kill it with Magmar. He wasn't happy.
He eventually Oaks for some cards. On my turn, in my
hand I have Oak, Imposter Oak's Revenge, RSA, 1 Fire,
and something I forgot. I use my fire, use Imposter
Oak, then RSA his only trainer he drew, then I Oak. He
eventually plays Challenge!, and I accept. I place
Jigglypuff and Clefairy. (I had Clefable in my hand)
He gets Mr. Mime & Ditto. On my turn, I draw
Wigglytuff! I attack him, he passes, then I evolve
Clefairy and Jigglypuff. Over the next turns we attack
each other until I fully power Wiggly, along with
others on the bench. I retreat Magmar and send
Wigglytuff out. For the rest of the game, I just Wave
out his Pokemon till I draw my last prize. I had fully
powered Magmar, Clefable, and Rocket's Moltres benched
Between Games: I buy a Neo booster. I get Energy
Game 3
Me vs. a kid with a Haymaker that has Ditto
I start with a bad hand. Scyther, 2 Jiggly, Clefairy,
2 Fire, and a trainer. Fortunately, I get some Bills
and get a Magmar and Scyther powered up. Magmar takes
out a lot after Scyther takes 30. I eventually get 2
Magmar(one Neo), 2 more Scyther, and I evolved my
second Jigglypuff earlier. Somewhere along, he
declines a Challenge!. I power up Wiggly, retreat
Magmar, and I Do The Wave to some of his Pokes, using
PlusPower against a Hitmonchan. Eventually, he sends
out Electabuzz with a benched Ditto. I then do one of
the sneakiest moves ever. I gust out Ditto, use Goop
Gas Attack, and Wave it out of existance. He sends
Electabuzz, has no Lightning, and gets no more basics.
I win due to not having an opponent to face.
After game: Someone gets a Shining Magikarp from a
booster, yells loudly, causes an uproar, and nearly
has a heart attack!!! It was pretty cool. I wasn't one
of the final four, so I was out. I had fun though.
Now for the part that appears in all Killer Deck
Reports, Props and Slops!
to winning twice.
to getting 25% off single Pokemon cards.
to my friend for getting Azumarill.
to the kid who got the Shining Magikarp.
to the last opponent for not being a sore loser and
comlimenting my deck.
to my friend letting me borrow a Clefairy.
to not getting a good card from my Neo pack.
to me not getting the Shining Magikarp.
for me not being in the final four.
for so little people showing up.
for my bad drawing in the first game.
for not getting more of a chance to play my deck.
Alex Scott
feel free to e-mail me with
comments, questions, discounts on Pokemon cards, and
recipies for pizza.
And I sure hope Pojo posts this. It took about an hour
to type!!!