<ed note: Yep - this is my brother...I'm so
proud *wiping away tear* -Scott>
Wiggly Haymacker (Fire/Eletric)
by Andrew Gerhardt
SoftWare Assylum
Andrew Gerhardt
Saturday, January 20th, 2001
8 total participants
Wiggly Haymacker
4 Jigglypuffs
3 WigglyTuffs
4 Electabuzzs
3 Magmars (Fossil)
1 Scyther
4 Professor Oaks
4 Bills
4 PlusPower
3 Nightly Garbage Runs
4 Gusts of Winds
4 Computer Searches
4 Item Finders
2 No Removal Gyms
6 Fire Energy
6 Eletric Engergy
4 Double Colorless Engergy
Round 1 vs Shawn (a Fighting/Eletric deck)
I realized as soon as we started that I was going to have fun with
this deck. With WigglyTuff as my main pokemon, and having a weakness to
fighting, I was going to have to watch my move (not to mention, so does
Electabuzz). After using Magmar to weaken his Hitmonchan, I brought out
WigglyTuff to finish him off with do the wave. I was going along fine
until he brought out another Hitmonchan that knocked out my Wigglytuff with a
quick Jab. I brought out Scyther until I figure out what I was going to
do. With luck in my side, I got an oak, to get out another Jigglypuff
and Wigglytuff in my hand. I sent out Electbuzz to stall for two turns
till my Wiggltuff is ready. After Wigglytuff got sent out, It was smooth
sailing to the win (Except that I had only 3 cards in my deck at the end).
1 - 0
Round 2 Vs I believe a grass deck
I can not say much about this round. I won
the coin toss. Jiggly was my main pokemon, and Zubat was his pokemon.
I attached a double colorless, Oaked to get a Plus Power and a Computer
search. I searched for another Plus Power and knocked him out in my
first turn.
Between round 2 and 3
As my next oppenent walked to the table I was at,
everyone started singing the funneral march since they knew she was facing me.
One person actually asked her if she wanted a black or brown coffin.
Round 3 Vs Alexi (My sister).
Of course, as fate would have it, I get to face my
sister in the tournement. She started off with a Chansey, and I started
off with Electabuzz. She built up Chansey for the Double Edge. I
used Thunder Shock and Thunder Punch (to put 40 damage on her, 10 on me).
She had one benched pokemon, and I had a Wigglytuff ready for action (along
with an arrange of other pokemon). After she Double Edge knocking us
both out, I won using the Do the Wave with WigglyTuff for another Victory.
3 - 0
Round 4 vs unkown deck
Like Round 2, there is not much to say about this
round. He had a Dratini and I had an Electabuzz. I had first turn,
but not a lot I could do with the hand I had. I Computer searched for a
Plus Power, then used oak to get a new hand. This hand had the Eletric
Energy that I needed, but I still needed 2 more Plus Powers to kill him.
I used 2 Bills to get another Oak and a Plus Power. I attached the plus
power and used oak for my third plus power and another victory.
4 - 0
Round 5 vs Enternal Flames.
We both started off slow with him having a
Growlith on the bench and I had Scyther as my starting pokemon, and had
Electabuzz, and Jigglypuff on the bench. He went first, and
attached a fire energy. On my turn, I attached a double Colorless
to Jigglypuff, but had no other ways to get Wigglytuff. His next turn,
he did not have another pokemon or energy; it was my turn again. I was
able to get an oak, but I did not want to discard my plus power in my hand,
and I did not want to tempt loosing it. His turn was up again.
he attached a recyclable Engergy, doing 40 damage to my Scyther. On
my third turn, I got the WigglyTuff I was looking for. I sent WigglyTuff
out, attached an energy and plus power, used oak, lay down another pokemon and
plus power to win this round.
5 - 0
Round 6 vs Alexi (Again) (The Finals)
How often can you face your own sister twice in
one tournement. I let her know that we are going to repeat round 3
with me winning the match and the prizes. She was telling me
something, but, like all brothers, we ignore our sister/brother. She
started off with HipHop as her basic pokemon, and I started off with Magmar.
I got to go first. I attached a fire Pokemon and smoke screened her for
20. Her turn, she attached a grass energy to HipHop and used sprout to
get another one. My turn, I used oak so I can have a bench just in case
she gets a good card out soon. I attached another fire Energy and used
Smog for my first Prize. She sent out Hip Hop but did not have any more
energies to attach. My turn, I used Computer Search for a Plus Power the
Victory in the tournement.
Props and Slops
Props: the use of my mom's car, and Step Dad
giving us the money to go to the tournment.
The 4 Deck Mechenics at Scott's place that help
fix up my deck to where it is at now (Especially you Spike).
Prizes: 12 dollar Store Credit with I got Typhlosion, Skarmory, Magby, Cleffa,
Xatu, 2 Sprout Towers, and a Erica's Bellsprout (all first edition).
Andrew Gerhardt
Slops: None really. Everything went my way