by Mark S Dawson
Jan 6,'01
Let the Games Begin
Greenville , SC

I was never more disappointed than in this deck. I was going to try
a full out Lass assault and see if I could frustrate the opponent. What I
found out was that this was a good deck when it worked BUT lass is a
difficult card to play since I had trouble deciding when to play it. The
deck is:
4 Ditto (wanted 4 because it was the most adaptable card out there to any
given situation)
3 Gligar (a NEO. Good for it's free retreat and the ability to poison)
3 F. Magmar (always a good card. Smokescreen and then can still poison)

3 Lass (trying to build a deck around)
3 Oak (mainly for card recovery)
3 Comp Search (again card recovery)
3 Item Finder
3 Plus power
4 Energy Removal (can use this and still Lass. It worked quite well right
before a Lass)
3 NGR (maybe I did not need 3 since I was putting cards back with Lass)
2 Energy Retreival (great in this deck. Shoulda put in 3 and cut a NGR)
2 Gust
2 Switch
2 Scoop up

4 DCE (Ditto and this card were made for each other)
3 Full Heal energy
7 Fire
6 Fist

 The first round v. Vince w/Tuff and Sneasel
I like playing Vince cause he is not afraid to build different decks
with a theme. And of course this time he was using Sneasel, Elekid and
I took it on the chin early. I went out like a lamb as I was putting
up Ditto against his Sneasel and I flipped 7 straight tails on Beat-up(over
2 Dittos). Then he wiped out a Gligar and a F.Magmar and that was game 1.As
I was 0-9 for flips in that game it seemed as if he was winning 2/3s of his
Game2 was only moderately better as I was able to win 1/4 of my
flips but again he was winning 2/3 and it tore my pokemon up..I killed 2 of
his pokemon but again he killed 5 to bench me. This put me in a sour mood
until I found out that the better players were 1-1 or 2-1 and if I got real

2nd round v Scott W. w/ I can't remember
Scott is one of the better players and he was only 1-1 so this was
my chance to leap frog him. I was thinking that a sweep was in order but I
ended up going 2-1 against him. I cannot remember but a single thing about
our matches.I won the first(with a well-placed Lass that he never recovered
from) and the rubber match. This moved me up to 2-3. The good news was that
the four best players were 2-2, 2-3, 3-1 and 3-2. This still gave me a shot
at the top 4, since I figured the less-than-best players were probably
struggling around where I was at. Vince, by the way, was the player at 3-1
and I felt sure he was going to move on.

3rd round v Bryan W. (Scott's brother) w/ an odd deck
Obviously Bryan got a Lugia cause he was playing it and he had some
R Zapdos ,Sneasels and Wooper. I think Bryan threw together a deck with new
cards. He had said before the round started that he hoped he was gonna play
me, why, I don't know.
We started the first game and I had 2 Dittos out and a Gligar. I
just used Ditto as he had R Zapdos active and Lugia on the bench. He got no
energy for Zapdos until his third turn. I killed him in my third turn and
had a DCE on both Dittos.He then played Sprout Temple which killed my chance
of knocking out Lugia in one turn. I then had a Magmar in play and I
smokescreened, Then Smogged and then brought up Ditto to finish Lugia off.
Then my 2 dittos took out Wooper and Bryan did not WANT to play me as bad as
he did 15 minutes earlier.
Game 2 was great . I lassed him in turn 3 and he lost his whole
hand. He never recovered even tho he had 4 pokemon in play. He was not
getting energy so I was taking pot-shots at his active. By the time he got
Proff. Elm I was up three prize cards. We traded a few prizes and then I did
Beat-up to Sneasel with my Ditto and a full bench. That ended that game. I
was now 4-3 and the 4 other players I was concerned about ended up
3-4,4-4,5-1 and 4-2. I thought I had a shot and then Final Four was
announced and I wasn't even close. Vince's brother who struggles to get 3
wins in a tourney goes 6-0 and two other guys(decent players) get 5 wins.
Vince ended up winning it allso Congrats go to him. I lost too many flips
against him and that irked me a bit.
I stayed around and traded and got 2 Sneasel, a Dark energy, 2
Elekids, Muk, Sabrina, 2 S Golduck, Noctowl, another Gligar and 2 Kogas. I
have 3 decks in mind and these will help in all. What I need bad now are 3
Dark energy and 2 Resistance Gyms. I have a friend (Hi,Guy) who will help me
get the Dark energy I hope. E-mail me at Later Gator (and I want to say "HI" to my friend
Cole (60th?), too)