"Red Shogun V 1.0"
Browser Gaming Center, Houston, Tx
20 Participants, played on 1-7-01
Creator: Robbie Crosby (Aka Cyber Blastoise)
Deck Elements: Fire, Electric, Colorless.
(Deck report is done in Japanese fable format)
20 warlords gather at a temple, arguing who was the best. One among them
stood silent. He did not think he was best. He knew, however, that his
warriors were superior.
The priest announced a contest of organized war. The winner would receive
gold to purchase supplies; the Second place would receive a small sum.
The silent one, Cyber Blastoise, turned to his troops. No words were needed.
The face said it.
There would be war.
They would fight.
And they would win.
Red Shogun
3 F Magmar
1 Scyther
1 Wooper
2 Ditto
2 Electabuzz
2 R. Zapdos
8 Lightning
7 Fire
3 Pluspower
2 scoop Up
1 Gold Berry
3 Oak
3 Bill
3 ER
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Gust of wind
2 Itemfinder
2 Comp. Search
Wounds can be healed
And with magic arms and legs
But folly is fatal
Round One: Ballad begins…
It is quick. The other general is young and inexperienced. An R. Zapdos with
a pluspower takes down his lone eevee, ater it was attacked by a ditto.
Lone water card in
Sixty card deck for tourney
But still a warrior
Ode to Wooper, he who saved the game.
Round 2: Versus Arcanine army.
The general is worried.
With good reason.
His lone Growlithe is out, and Cyber Blastoise has a Tr's Zapdos and Ditto.
But he draws oak.
The battle, suddenly, becomes a tooth and nail contest of sheer deception and
intelligence. Cyber Blastoise is near defeat. No time (cards) is left.
Whatever is to be done-forfeit or fight-it must be done now.
The lone wooper carries a Double Colorless. It will either be his first
defeat or glory.
Cyber Blastoise looks at the young soldier, and with his eyes motions to the
spot where a weary Magmar holds back an Arcanine with Poison magic.
A single command.
The wooper leaps forward, and with a mighty yell, takes his tail-his only
weapon-and attacks, praying that the God above show him mercy.
A rain of water signifies Jehovah's favor.
The Dog of war falls, exhausted. Wooper wins…
A silent moment takes the place of it's victory cry, as some sort of humble
thanksgiving offering.
A single slash and
The foe breathes his final breath
Scyther wins again
The battle between Cyber Blastoise and the seasoned General is short.
Scyther, half amused at the weak troops, slices and slashes, dancing with
macabre beauty, and the Grim Reaper plays music to follow.
Compromise: God's Gift.
Alternitive to downfall
Brought by greedy eyes.
The two generals survey each others armies.
Their confident smiles fade like evening sun.
The question is not if soldiers will die, it is if they will die quickly or
with screams of agony.
They are generals, not demons.
A truce. No blood is shed. The spoils split, not skin.
One soldier is strong
And one has gifts of magic
But the team invincible.
Ditto against Ditto. Race against race. It is enough to make Cyber Blastoise
curse his own sword, to pit a species against his own, but he must do it.
It is near the end, with one enemy left. Electabuzz is up, charged with fire
and lightning, but the enemy has conjured dark magic, making even one armies
own weapon attack it's creator!
Cyber Blastoise now utters a prayer, asking the powers that be to grant him
He throws Electabuzz a dagger (pluspower), and the Dark Magic fails as a beam
of light (heads) pierces the infernal shrine (Chaos Gym).
The mighty soldier rushes forward at his target, an injured Ditto who now is
his doppleganger.
His hand charges with electricity. The clone suddenly knows it's dire fate.
A image of a fist is seen, and lighting bolts race each other in the sky.
The clone falls.
Greed can profit you or destroy you, but it's fees are extravagant
You will pay, win or lose, a due of flesh and of gold, of jewels and of
The two generals who made peace meet again. The gold rests between them.
A fight is inevitable.
Cyber Blastoise is hesitant to give the order to kill. He wants to be
remember as a hero, not a demon.
"Eleboo! (Electabuzz!)"
"The sum of the gold here."
"90 pieces."
An opportunity knocked. Cyber Blastoise answered.
"Care to split the spoils again? No more blood need be shed." He
motion with
his hand to the crimson field.
The general agrees with a nod.
The two bow in respect, and Cyber Blastoise addresses the soliders who have
survived and those who were just resurrected.
"I bid you good will next duel. May God bless thee and keep you from
Buying his supplies, he turns, and, army in tow, walks away, muttering this:
"So ends the infernal ballad of war, and peace prevails. Time to
Ok, so maybe it wasn't the hottest idea to do it this way. But hey, go with
what you know.
Now for props and slops:
Props to all the guys for actually showing a little variety other than
Slops to my last opponent for getting angry when the dice roll didn't go his
Props to Wooper, who helped KO all those cheap cleaners.
Props to RSA, which saved my butt at the final game.
Slops to that one kid who kept calling me a cheater when I flipped heads for
Wanna talk to me? Email me at "Red
Shogun V 1.0"
Browser Gaming Center, Houston, Tx
20 Participants, played on 1-7-01
Creator: Robbie Crosby (Aka Cyber Blastoise)
(Deck report is done in Japanese fable format)
20 warlords gather at a temple, arguing who was the best. One among them
stood silent. He did not think he was best. He knew, however, that his
warriors were superior.
The priest announced a contest of organized war. The winner would receive
gold to purchase supplies; the Second place would receive a small sum.
The silent one, Cyber Blastoise, turned to his troops. No words were needed.
The face said it.
There would be war.
They would fight.
And they would win.
Red Shogun
3 F Magmar
1 Scyther
1 Wooper
2 Ditto
2 Electabuzz
2 R. Zapdos
8 Lightning
7 Fire
3 Pluspower
2 scoop Up
1 Gold Berry
3 Oak
3 Bill
3 ER
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Gust of wind
2 Itemfinder
2 Comp. Search
Wounds can be healed
And with magic arms and legs
But folly is fatal
Round One: Ballad begins…
It is quick. The other general is young and inexperienced. An R. Zapdos with
a pluspower takes down his lone eevee, ater it was attacked by a ditto.
Lone water card in
Sixty card deck for tourney
But still a warrior
Ode to Wooper, he who saved the game.
Round 2: Versus Arcanine army.
The general is worried.
With good reason.
His lone Growlithe is out, and Cyber Blastoise has a Tr's Zapdos and Ditto.
But he draws oak.
The battle, suddenly, becomes a tooth and nail contest of sheer deception and
intelligence. Cyber Blastoise is near defeat. No time (cards) is left.
Whatever is to be done-forfeit or fight-it must be done now.
The lone wooper carries a Double Colorless. It will either be his first
defeat or glory.
Cyber Blastoise looks at the young soldier, and with his eyes motions to the
spot where a weary Magmar holds back an Arcanine with Poison magic.
A single command.
The wooper leaps forward, and with a mighty yell, takes his tail-his only
weapon-and attacks, praying that the God above show him mercy.
A rain of water signifies Jehovah's favor.
The Dog of war falls, exhausted. Wooper wins…
A silent moment takes the place of it's victory cry, as some sort of humble
thanksgiving offering.
A single slash and
The foe breathes his final breath
Scyther wins again
The battle between Cyber Blastoise and the seasoned General is short.
Scyther, half amused at the weak troops, slices and slashes, dancing with
macabre beauty, and the Grim Reaper plays music to follow.
Compromise: God's Gift.
Alternitive to downfall
Brought by greedy eyes.
The two generals survey each others armies.
Their confident smiles fade like evening sun.
The question is not if soldiers will die, it is if they will die quickly or
with screams of agony.
They are generals, not demons.
A truce. No blood is shed. The spoils split, not skin.
One soldier is strong
And one has gifts of magic
But the team invincible.
Ditto against Ditto. Race against race. It is enough to make Cyber Blastoise
curse his own sword, to pit a species against his own, but he must do it.
It is near the end, with one enemy left. Electabuzz is up, charged with fire
and lightning, but the enemy has conjured dark magic, making even one armies
own weapon attack it's creator!
Cyber Blastoise now utters a prayer, asking the powers that be to grant him
He throws Electabuzz a dagger (pluspower), and the Dark Magic fails as a beam
of light (heads) pierces the infernal shrine (Chaos Gym).
The mighty soldier rushes forward at his target, an injured Ditto who now is
his doppleganger.
His hand charges with electricity. The clone suddenly knows it's dire fate.
A image of a fist is seen, and lighting bolts race each other in the sky.
The clone falls.
Greed can profit you or destroy you, but it's fees are extravagant
You will pay, win or lose, a due of flesh and of gold, of jewels and of
The two generals who made peace meet again. The gold rests between them.
A fight is inevitable.
Cyber Blastoise is hesitant to give the order to kill. He wants to be
remember as a hero, not a demon.
"Eleboo! (Electabuzz!)"
"The sum of the gold here."
"90 pieces."
An opportunity knocked. Cyber Blastoise answered.
"Care to split the spoils again? No more blood need be shed." He
motion with
his hand to the crimson field.
The general agrees with a nod.
The two bow in respect, and Cyber Blastoise addresses the soliders who have
survived and those who were just resurrected.
"I bid you good will next duel. May God bless thee and keep you from
Buying his supplies, he turns, and, army in tow, walks away, muttering this:
"So ends the infernal ballad of war, and peace prevails. Time to
Ok, so maybe it wasn't the hottest idea to do it this way. But hey, go with
what you know.
Now for props and slops:
Props to all the guys for actually showing a little variety other than
Slops to my last opponent for getting angry when the dice roll didn't go his
Props to Wooper, who helped KO all those cheap cleaners.
Props to RSA, which saved my butt at the final game.
Slops to that one kid who kept calling me a cheater when I flipped heads for
Wanna talk to me? Email me at RobbieCrosby@aol.com