Where's the Grass?
By: CGChewie
Pojo's Apprentice League.
There should be around 40 people...
Well, this deck is a grass energy only deck for Underdog's Tourny. I'm playing
the tourny as I write this, so here goes! Oh yeah, the decks could have
non-basic energies... But it was base- Gym Chall...
4 Rainbow
14 Grass
2 Energy Flow
2 Potion
4 PlusPower
2 Imposter oak's Revege
4 Computer Search
4 Item Finder
4 Oak
3 Chansey
3 Scyther
2 Charmeleon
3 Charmander
2 Sabrina's Kadabra
3 Sabrina's Abra
Well as you can see the grass pokes is very low... But I have Both of grass's
weaknesses, so I should do good... Flow's there to take rainbow from a nearly
ko'ed abra/kadabra... Well, on to the first Round!!
Me vs. ringmastabockie
I start with two charmanders to his Grimer. And i go first. I scratch for 10.
he sticky gooes for 10 and para. I draw an oak. I think that maybe if I can
get some plus powers and charmeleon for the win! Well, I oak... again...
attach a plus power.... oak agian... and got a comp search and found
Charmeleon! Ko for the game! Only two rounds!
Me vs. Goldeneye007
Yay! Upmatch! =) I get an abra... he gets ditto and charmder and the first
turn. He quick attacks me for 20 but I potion and use a rainbow energy. Then,
I QA for a ko. Then he uses chooses charmander... Well, long story short, he
locks my hand and kos my only basic. Oh well... At least its Swiss!
Me vs. Son_Goten
Wow, lots of people withdrew... Anyway, I get Scyther and he gets ponyta and
Pinsir. He energies pony and passes. Then I SD scy after computer searching a
charmander. Then out comes Rapidash and stomps me for 60. So I plus power for
a ko. He sends out Pinsir and grasses. Then I draw an oak! So I comp Search
for a plus... oak... use pluspower... oak agian... and Item find for another
+. So another win for me! ;)
Me vs. [st]band_player
I was able to take the lead by using slash with 4 plus powers to ko a ditto.
Then I played a Chansey and it was all down hill from there.
Me vs. ICE_BURN222
VERY good game. I was winning until he gusted out and ko'ed my fully powered
chansey. I didn't have anymore energy to fight with and before I knew it, I
saw a powered scyther and Pinsir in front of me. =P
All in all it lasted around 3 hours. It was a great tourny. Underdog/ShoeShineBoy's
tournies never fail to please me.
SSB/Underdog for the tourny
For having two upmatches
Kazer for winning
ICE_BURN222 for giving me a great match
For making it last a long time. =/
For losing BOTH upmatched. :(
For me for not winning. ;)