Where's the Fire?
By: CGChewie
Pojo's Apprentice League.
There should be around 32 people...
Well, this deck is a grass energy only deck for Underdog's Tourny. I'm
playing the tourny as I write this, so here goes! Oh yeah, the decks could
have non-basic energies... But it was base- Gym Chall...
2 Full Heal Energies
14 Fire
4 Rainbow
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Potion
3 + power
3 Item Finder
4 Computer Search
3 Prof. Oak
3 Blaine's Vulpix
2 Blaine's Rapidash
2 Dodrio
3 Doduo
3 Misty Poliwhirl
3 Misty Poliwag L16
3 Squirtle (Team Rocket)
Well, Agian the tourny is semi-restricted to Fire pokemon. However, due to
Rainbow energy I can use some water pokemon. And I didn't read the basic
energy from flow in my last report. :(
Me Vs. Kenji
He was playing an illegal deck, with vending cards and neo2s so I
automatically won... We did play the game out though... and he won. =/
Me Vs. ReadyToRumble ****UPMATCH****
Uh oh... Doduo vs. Bench filled will painfull pokes. I think he was
trying to FTKO me... He oaked three times... Luckily he didn't kill me.
However on my next time I messed up big time... I wont go into detail but
lets just say that my numbers weren't adding up right... To top it off... I
got disconnected. So I just forfeited. No way I could win.
Me Vs. MegaManX11
Hmmmm... My player isn't here yet. So I get a bye.
I was tired after that so I withdrew. Stay tuned for another KillerDeck
Report tomorrow! :)
To Underdog for accepting my Vop Testing!
Umm... To underdog for having the tourny
To tiredness
And sleep
CGChewie (Chris) email: