Hey PoJo, The tunie I went to was held at Brain Snacks In Downers Grove
Illinois, on Saturday. There were about 24 Participants and all the members
of the Haymaker Maphia were there except for Billal.

Rocket`s Sneak-A-Trap

Pokemon 11
3 Rocket Zapdos
3 Electabuzz
3 Magmar (Fossil)
2 Scyther

Trainers 36
4 Rocket`s Trap
3 Rocket Sneak Attack
1 Lass
4 Oak
3 Comp. Search
3 Item Finder
3 Bill
2 Plus Power
2 Gust
1 Scoop
2 Super E.R.
3 Removal
2 Narrow Gym

Energy 13
7 Electric
6 Fire




Round 1 Vs. My freind Joe
The first couple turns of this match were quite boring, I had an active Mag
against his Jiggly, I attached a fire, which was my only energy, and smoked
him, hoping he didnt have any sort of drawing power, he billed, then did
nothing, I draw, Nothing, This keeps happening until I finally draw an Oak,
use it And still no energy! Then I trap him with heads, and Item finder for
oak, use it, then scoop magmar and send Zap out and attach an electric and
Plasma him. He comp searched for Oak and uses it, Evolves Jiggly And sabrinas
Venonat then attaches a Psychic and lulabyes me, I wake up,  energy romove
him, attach an electric then plasma, he now has 10 hp left, He benches Gym
Mewtwo and attaches a Psy energy to it and passes. I attach a Fire to mag and
ko his Wiggly. He promotes Mewtwo and attaches a SPsy Nrg and Hypno blasts me
with sleep, Then I wake up and Electro burn him, doing 40 to my self, he
promotes Sabrinas Venomoth, and ko`s me with Psy distortion. I promote mag,
Attach a Fire and smog wi! ! th poison, He retreats, sends up a Mewtwo he just
benched and passes. I trap him with tails, then item finder for sneak attack
to get hiscomp search, and while looking at his hand, Chaos, Oak, 2
pluspowers, I Deside to comp search for lass, when I used it, I saw his face
start to daterialliyze, as his chances of winning just went down the drain. I
smogged him with poison. Next turn he juxtaposes me with heads. I smog. He
now has 40 on him, he uxtaposes.... TAILS! next turn I smog him for the win!



Round 2 Vs. This one kid.... with a weird deck
This didnt last to long, I trapped his hand down to 0 and i had a R zapdos
out against his lone Ericas clefairy, I oak then Plasma. He attaches an eergy
then moon watches. I attach a Plus power and plasma for an easy victory.



Round 3 Vs. Chris with Haymaker

Chris a pretty good player who would probbly beat me, but he got a teribble
hand.... I had a zap against his lone rocket Scyther, I RSA him getting an
oak then trapped twice, one heads, one tails, Then oaked and Trapped his hand
to zero then plasma. He gets nothing and I plasma with 2 Plus Power for the



Round 4 Vs. Shawn Bernacki

This match could of well been the hardest match that iv`e won here at the
turnie, it lasted long and us both being skilled players, all that mattered
was who drew the oak first, I trapped his hand then plasma`d is rocket
hitmonchan. he bill`s then Item finders for Bill then Cross counters.
I attach an electric to zapamados and plasma. He flips and its heads, doing
10 damage to me due to resistance. Then I drew an oak and started pouning on
his hand with traps and sneaks untill he has 2 cards in his hand, then plasma
for the KO. He brings up Buzz then draws a Comp search! He searches for an
oak and benches a Scyther then shocks me with parlyze. I attach an electric
and pass. He punches me with heads. I item finder for oak and use it, Put a
mag, Buzz, and zap on my bech and electro burn for the KO. I bring up a mag,
him scyther. He attaches a fighting and passes. I attack a fire and smoke
screen him. He attaches a fighting and passes.
I attach a fire and smog with poison for the KO, and the win.



I got lucky to not face any of the Haymaker Maphia people until this late in
the turnament. But the smile went away as I found out I was to play the best
player at the turnie, BoB. He is about 15 years old and is a very skilled
player. Anyway heres the battle!

Round 5 Vs. Bob

Wow! I cant beleive how lucky I am! I go first, with oak Scyther Magmar zap 2
traps and a RSA, and all he has is a Scyther. I RSA his oak then Trap twice,
BOTH HEADS!! then oak, with my active magmar and benched scyther and Zap. I
then smoke him. He draws, Attaches a fighting and passes. I attach a fire and
smog with no poison. He draws, I see him about to play an energy removal,
when he notices that wouldnt help him a bit, then he passes and I claim my



Round 6 Vs. Collin Another Haymaker Maphia Member

I got a Teribble hand, A buzz a scyth a gust an item finder an electric and 2
fire. I lose the flip and he has a scyther out and a benched Mewtwo (Mp)
He retreats Scyther and promotes mewtwo, then oaks discarding 2 Psy energy
then attaches a Psy and absorbs 2 Psychic. I attach an Electric and Bill,
then item finder for Bill, then scock with no Parilyze. He attaches 2 Plus
Power and oaks then comp searches for a Plus Power to KO me.



Round 7 Vs. Stephan Another Haymaker Maphia Member

This match I can`t remember quite clearly, all I know is I got 4 traps in my
oppening hand and only 1 of them worked, then I Oaked and plama`d. He had
buzz out and shocked with parilyze. I have nothing and pass. He gets an oak
and attaches 2 plus powers, then oaks, then oaks again then finnally gets the
3rd Plus Power and KO`s my Zap.



Round 8 Vs. I forgot his name, but was a member of the Haymaker Maphia

This was for me a fun match, I trapped twice both heads then oaked, and had
my Zap out to plasma his lone Scyther, I kept his hand at zero EVERY turn,
and when every he drew I hoped it wasnt an oak. Finnaly he benched an
electabuzz. Then I Koed his Scyther. He draws and gets a smile on his face,
Is it an oak? No, He would of played it, my turn I have no energy so I plasma
him. He draws, then Comp searches for oak! he draws his 7, Guess what? NO
BASIC!!! He passes and I electro burn for the win!



Well that was the last round and I had some real fun! I got 3rd place and got
$6.00 and a Gym Chalenge booster, the other Collin got first....
Well time for props and slops!

Props to Darren for running a good turnie!
Slops to Jason and Alex for not being their.
Props to Jason for winning the other turnie that he went to.
Slops for the judge that went crazy at the place where Jason went to.
Props to me For beating Bob!

Colin Peterik
