by Thomas Teixeira  
Santiago, Chile                                
18/11 2000
15 participants 

     I have wrote this mail to show my deck
slashwave.I have the idea of do this deck when I sow
the wiglituff and scyther they where a great
opportunity to do 60 in the second turn.

deck type: grass

pokemons: 16
4 scyther
2 rocket scyther
2 ditto
4 jigglypuff
4 wigglytuff


4 pluspower
4 computer search
4 bill
4 oak
3 sneak attack
3 rocket trap
2 nightly
2 item finder
2 no removal
2 gust of wind

energy 14

4 full heal
4 double colorless
6 grass

The strategy of this deck is to do 60 in the 2 turn
with scyther or wigly
I put a lot of computer search and oak  to envolve my
I put 14 energies because this deck don't need a lot
of energies.

slashwave vs raindance

This was easy he put a squartle and I a jigglypuff I
win the coin flip
I put a double in jigglypuff I put 2 pluspower and I
draw a prize.
he send articuno  and then I evolve my jiggly in
wiggly I do a oak full bench pluspower and I win.

slashwave vs muk

I start with a scyther and he with scyther I start and
I do sword dance he do the same I put a double and
pluspower. He send a grimer envoled in muk  then I do
30 to the muk he don't do enything and I put a
pluspower and I win

slashwave vs physic control

He start with a abra base and I with a ditto I start
put a full heal in ditto
pluspower and I win.

slashwave vs hitmonchan deck

This was a very long match sow I don't remember all I
remember that I win with a

Finally I was 4