Beat and Burn v1.0
                        by Dragon Master
                        June 30th, 2001
                       Richmond, Virginia
                     Roughly 15 participants
    Well, this is interesting. I have a deck here that walloped everything it came across last night. I've been undefeated for 2 weeks now. My deck still needs to get better, but it's good enough right now to last where I play. Trust me, these people were very inexperienced. They have potential, though. Anyway, here's the report:

Beat and Burn v1.0

3 Electabuzz(Base Set)
3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Scyther(Jungle)
1 Cleffa(Neo Genesis)
3 Igglybuff(Neo Discovery)
2 Sneasel
1 Unown N

4 Professor Oak
3 Challenge!
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Super Energy Removal
1 Ecogym
1 Sprout Tower
3 Gust of Wind
2 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Gold Berry
2 Scoop Up

3 Double Colorless Energy
4 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
5 Lightning Energy
    The strategy of this deck is to either get Sneasel rolling on turn 2 for Beat Up or get Rocket's Zapdos up and moving to really hurt somebody. I've been playing this deck for so long and I'm on a long winning streak. Oh, before I go on, I can make this deck a whole lot better than it is right now. When I get the chance, I'm going to drop a Professor Oak and a Gust of Wind in favor of another Ecogym or another Sprout Tower. I might even get another Sneasel in there. Look, I know, in my article I said that Unown N was probably not worth it. For one thing, it's cool to play it in my environment because nobody plays Igglybuff and even though the most it did was act as a Computer Search and Item Finder fodder, it will eventually come to use, especially with Sprout Tower. If I start to see Igglybuff, though, you can be sure I'll drop it for another Sneasel. And now, the matches...

Round 1: Beat and Burn vs. Slow Sneasel Deck
  You see, my area has a lot of people who seek my advice, and I've taught most people here the art of Sneasel's Beat Up attack. This guy had a decent grasp of what to do with Sneasel, except for the fact that he had no Challenges, and he had a bunch of slow Pokémon on his Bench. Anyway, he started with Sneasel and so did I. He got the first move, attached a Rainbow Energy, took 10 damage, and then used Fury Swipes. He managed to get 1 heads, hitting my Sneasel for 10 damage. I attached my Darkness Energy, used Fury Swipes and hit him for 20 damage because of the Darkness Energy. Then, he used Beat Up with 4 Pokémon on the Bench(with 2 Rainbow Energy), managed to get 2 heads, which left me with almost no HP left. I attached a Gold Berry for safety, used Beat Up and destroyed the opposing Sneasel, and used my Gold Berry between turns. He sent out his Base Set Dratini and evolved into Dragonair. He couldn't attack since all he had on was a Lightning Energy. I just Beat Up Dragonair and took my 2nd prize. Then, he used his Base Set Electabuzz, hit me for Thundershock and paralyzed me. I attached another Gold Berry in case I ran into trouble and then he Thundershocked again but this time didn't paralyze me. I used Beat Up and eliminated Electabuzz. He unleashed a Fossil Zapdos, attached a Rainbow Energy and passed. I used Beat Up, hoping to Knock it Out, but instead I did 60 damage. He used 2 Potions and then attached another Rainbow Energy. He'd left himself with 40 damage. Then, I played Super Energy Removal(after Ecogym) sending the Energy back to his hand in case I didn't score a Knockout. I Beat Up Zapdos and Knocked it Out finally, and since he had no Pokémon left, I won.
Wins: 1
Losses: 0
Ties: 0

Round 2: Beat and Burn vs. Neo Discovery Beedrill/Butterfree Deck:
  Okay, the Coach has 2 sons, one of them is average, the other is a novice. This one happened to be the novice. I took him on and started with Sneasel. He got the first move with a Base Set Caterpie, using String Shot and paralyzing Sneasel. I attached my Darkness Energy and did nothing. He used String Shot again, flipped tails. I had 4 Pokémon on my Bench. I used Fury Swipes, getting 1 heads for 20 damage with Darkness Energy. He evolved into Neo Discovery Metapod, used Hatch, healed himself and then evolved into Neo Discovery Butterfree. I put Scyther on the Bench, attached my Darkness Energy to Sneasel, used Beat Up and flipped 3 heads, Knocking Butterfree out. I won because he had no Bench.
Wins: 2
Losses: 0
Ties: 0

Round 3: Beat and Burn vs. Psychic Deck
  This deck was played by a small boy and his father. Now, the boy had very little idea about the game and his father would give him pointers. I didn't mind. They had a Neo Discovery Eevee and I had a Base Set Electabuzz. I didn't even give them the chance to fill their Bench. I just Thundershocked and flipped tails. He used Smash Kick and did 10 damage. I'd attached a Rainbow Energy for 10 self-damage, and then another one. I used Thunderpunch, flipped heads, and won because that was the only Pokémon.
Wins: 3
Losses: 0
Ties: 0

Round 4: Beat and Burn vs. Fire Deck
  This was a novice who thought experienced levels were judged by how many battles you win. I showed him. He started with a Fossil Magmar and I started with Scyther. He used Smokescreen, I retreated. He said something about how he only likes cards if they look good. I used Plasma. He used Smog and poisoned me. I used Plasma again and he used Smog again. I Scooped Up Rocket's Zapdos after playing Ecogym. I sent out and retreated Scyther. He evolved a benched Quilava into Typhlosion(Lv. 57). He flipped tails on Fire Boost. I used Plasma after recharging Rocket's Zapdos and then brought him to 10 HP after using Super Energy Removal. He used Smokescreen. I used Super Energy Removal on Typhlosion and Gusted out Neo Magmar. Then, I used Plasma and flipped heads, it was successful. He couldn't do a thing. I used Plasma. He attached an Energy to Typhlosion. I Item Findered a Super Energy Removal and used it. Then, I used Plasma. He didn't do a thing but recharge Typhlosion. I used Rocket's Sneak Attack to get rid of his Energy Retrieval. And then I used Plasma to get rid of Neo Magmar. Then, he sent out Fossil Magmar. He used Potion twice and then Smog and Poisoned me. I used Electroburn and beat us both. Out came his Typhlosion that had not been powered. I sent out Scyther and retreated in favor of Rocket's Zapdos and used Plasma. He  attached a third Energy. I used Item Finder to get back Super Energy Removal and used it after attaching another Energy. Then, I used Plasma again. He was helpless to do anything now. I used Electroburn after attaching my final Energy and finished the job, winning because he lacked a Bench.
Wins: 4
Losses: 0
Ties: 0

Round 5: Beat and Burn vs. Slow Grass Deck:
  This was a kid who was not very experienced and didn't quite understand the meaning of the term speed, like most of the people here. He started with a Base Set Tangela and I had a Sneasel. I had 4 Pokémon on my Bench already. He couldn't attack yet, I used Fury Swipes and flipped all tails. Then, he just attached a Grass Energy to his Benched Tangela, knowing that next turn it would be lights out for his Active(since he'd played me so many times in the past). I put a Scyther and a Rocket's Zapdos on my Bench and used Beat Up after Gusting out his energized Tangela. I used Beat Up and stopped it. Then, he sent out another Tangela, but I beat it with Beat Up. Out came his 3rd Tangela. He couldn't attack and I used Beat Up and won because he had no Bench.
Wins: 5
Losses: 0
Ties: 0

Round 6: Beat and Burn vs. Lightning/Fighting Deck:
  No, this was not a Haymaker. A kid who built this deck had a lot of old Evolution chains that were proven sub-par in the past and just threw them together to make this deck. He could score some Knockouts, but couldn't win the game itself. I offered to fix his deck later, though. He sent out a Promo (Lv. 16) Pikachu(known to many as the Ivy Forest Pikachu) and I started with Scyther. He used Growl. I attached a Double Colorless Energy. He used Thundershock and paralyzed me. I attached a Gold Berry. He used Thundershock again but flipped tails. I removed the 40 damage with the Gold Berry and then attached a Double Colorless Energy to my Benched Scyther. He evolved into Dark Raichu. I attached a Rainbow Energy to my Benched Scyther for 10 self-damage and played Computer Search to grab Ecogym. Then, I played Ecogym and then Super Energy Removal. He just attached another Energy. I attached the Rainbow Energy to my Active Scyther and used Swords Dance. I don't do that unless I'm absolutely sure I can get a good hit, whether or not it's for a Knockout or a setup. This time, I was sure I could and I did because if I didn't, Dark Raichu would have been out a lot longer. He just attached another Energy. I used Slash and hit for 60. Then, he used two Potions and a Surprise Thunder. I knew I didn't have my Gold Berry in my hand, but I forgot to Scoop Up Scyther, oh, man!! I just Slashed him for 30. He beat Scyther with Surprise Thunder and successfully did 10 damage to my Benched Scyther. I sent out my other Scyther, attached a Rainbow Energy and then a Gold Berry that I finally drew, and Slashed his Dark Raichu away. Then, out came a Kangaskhan. He used Fetch after attaching a Lightning Energy. I used Swords Dance. He used Fetch again after attaching another Energy. I used Slash. He attached his fourth Energy and Comet Punched Scyther away, but by this time, I had a Benched Pokémon. I sent out Sneasel since I'd been charging it up, but I only had 2 benched Pokémon and no Challenge! Man!! I used Beat Up but flipped all tails. He used Potion and Comet Punched Sneasel for 40 damage. I used Beat Up and hit for 40. He only had 10 HP left, but still Comet Punched away my Sneasel. Out came Rocket's Zapdos. I used Plasma and stopped Kangaskhan in its tracks. He sent out a Rhydon that he'd just evolved on his Bench. The match had already lasted 35 minutes, but it was still far from over. He attached an Energy. I used Plasma but could only suck up a discarded Lightning Energy that I'd gotten rid of with Computer Search. Rhydon had Lightning Resistance, though. He couldn't do a thing to me because I had Fighting Resistance, too. I attached my final Energy, attached a Gold Berry, and used Gust of Wind to bring out his Benched Cubone. I used Electroburn and it was Cubone's demise. I used Gold Berry to heal myself afterward. Out came Dark Jolteon. He used Lightning Flash, I failed to Electroburn. Then he used Thunder Attack and paralyzed me. Luckily, I had a Super Energy Removal. I used it and then Scooped Up Rocket's Zapdos in favor of another Rocket's Zapdos. I used Plasma finally. He used Lightning Flash. I used Plasma and flipped heads. He used Lightning Flash. I used Item Finder to retrieve a Gold Berry and attached it after using my last Plasma on Dark Jolteon. I used Gold Berry between turns. He then sent Rhydon back out I had 4 Energy on Rocket's Zapdos and an Item Finder in hand. I knew that even though Rhydon had Energy, it could barely do a thing at all since I had Resistance. He used Ram for 20 damage and 20 damage to himself and I chose to replace Rocket's Zapdos with a fresh Scyther. Yet, I didn't have Energy. I retreated Scyther and unleashed Rocket's Zapdos. I used Item Finder to get back Gold Berry and Super Energy Removaled Rhydon. I attached my Energy to Rocket's Zapdos and Electroburned Rhydon for 40 due to Resistance. He couldn't do a thing. I just used Item Finder again to get Gold Berry back again and attached it to Rocket's Zapdos, using Electroburn again and beating Rhydon for good. He sent out a Jungle Eevee but didn't have any Energy. I just Electroburned Eevee and won the game.
Wins: 6
Losses: 0
Ties: 0
Round 7: Beat and Burn vs. Grass/Fighting Deck:
   This was the same kid I battled in Round 1, only this time with a more powerful deck. He started with Tyrogue and I started with Electabuzz. I used a successful Thundershock and successfully paralyzed Tyrogue. I couldn't do a thing to Tyrogue because of the Baby Power for the next 2 turns. He couldn't do a thing to me either for the next 2 turns because of his 50% effective attack. He retreated Tyrogue in favor of Pupitar. He used Skull Bash for 40 damage. I Gusted out Tyrogue and tried to do Thunderpunch but miserably failed. Tyrogue finally put Electabuzz to rest with a successful Smash Punch attack. I sent out a Scyther. He retreated Tyrogue and sent out Pupitar. He used Dust-devil and damaged his own Scyther and all of my Pokémon. Then, I still couldn't Slash that thing. He didn't do Dust-devil again. Instead, he retreated and sent out his Neo Discovery Scyther. He used Fury Cutter and put my Scyther to rest. I sent out an Electabuzz to sacrifice. He used Fury Cutter to wither Electabuzz's HP down to almost nothing. I finally drew my Professor Oak, and used it. I drew my Sneasel, a Rainbow Energy, a Darkness Energy, and much more. I played Sneasel, attached a Rainbow Energy, played Ecogym, and Scooped Electabuzz. I sent out Sneasel and used Fury Swipes. I did a successful 10 damage. He used Fury Cutter but did 40 damage. I attached Gold Berry and Darkness Energy, and then I Beat Up Scyther. Between turns, I used Gold Berry and rid myself of 40 out of 50 damage. He sent out Pupitar, used Skull Bash, and then I Beat Up Pupitar and won because he ran out of time and decided to call it a victory for me since he knew he couldn't win. After all, I'd beaten him so many times. Still, he's learning a lot from me.
Wins: 7
Losses: 0
Ties: 0
   Well, that's all the matches I had.
Props and Slops:

--Props to Murkrow, he's thinking about reopening his site. His Homestead e-mail address is down, but you can send me opinions as to whether or not you want his site back up.
--Props to me for trading away my bad cards for some good cards.
--Props to for being such a cool site.

--Slops to me for getting there late
   Well, that's about it.
For questions, comments, fixes(if desired, I already plan on fixing this deck), e-mail me at

Dragon Master
---P.S.: 1) Keep all e-mails clean. 2) Include in your e-mail whether or not you want Murkrow to put his site back up so I can tell him the results. It's up to the populace now to decide whether Murkrow should fly back up North.
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