Blitz Krieg/Haymaker with a Touch o Wiggly
By Duo "Shinigami" Maxwell
On Que
About 20 or so people.
Well it started about 30 minutes before we (me,my sis and friend Gene) and
I come to believe she didn't want me there because I and two others usually beat
everyone else but the prize was a lv 16 1st edition pikachu card,enough of my
chatter lets get down to the blitz!
Jigglypuff x4
Wigglytuff x3
Hitmonchan x4 (and they say no one uses hitmonchan anymore!)
Scyther x3
Cleffa x2 (neo)
pluspower x4
gust of wind x3
NGR x 3
berry x4
er x 2
oak x2
bills teleporter x2
bill x2
super potion x2
here come team rocket x1
energy retrivel x1
fighting energy x 15
DCE x3 (only had 3 o well)
Fight 1: Me vs Gene w/Arcanine deck
I went first and got hitmonchan,pluspower etc etc,he got a lone growlithe,I
jabbed for 30 and his turn.Attached energy and low n behold i drew pluspower to
finish game.
Round 2:Me vs Eric(baby pokemon + sneasel)
I don't remember too much of this battle because we were both sweating
bullets when it came down to 1 prize each and one of the biggest mistakes i ever
made in Pokemon cards I've played yet.He had a sprout tower out so my full
bench and mostly jacked up bench,Wigglytuff could not kill sneasel in one turn
so i brought out scyther gusted in a baby pokemon and flipped tails,you do not
have to flip if you gust the buggers in!! so he brought another sneasel in and
killed the grass slasher...and I lost...
We came so late that i got a good spot on the tourney ladder.When Raiden
and SNowy got there they weren't happy with me losing to baby pokemon.But oh
well theres always next Saturaday and you can only get one muahahaha!
For me getting another SER for Scyther deck
Getting my badge
dunt have any yet
Feel free to email me about anything about this deck at 'til then EUS 4 LIFE!