Charred Black Metal (dark, metal, fire)

By Mad Mike

Bell’s Comics

Grove City, Pennsylvania

Thursday, June 21

Normal League Night

This is my first killer deck report, so tell me what you think.

This deck relies on speed and gaining a rapid advantage. Few people at my league were prepared for this deck. No one uses murkrow or for that matter almost any of the new energy types. Without further adieu, here is Charred Black Metal

Pokemon: 14

4x Growlithe

3x Arcanine

3x Skarmory

3x Murkrow

1x Magby

Trainers: 23

4x Computer Search

3x Professor Elm

4x Bill

3x Gold Berry

4x Gust of Win(d)

3x NGR

2x Eco Gym

Energy: 23

4x Metal

4x Darkness

15x Fire


1 vs. Josh with "The Cleaner"

this kid plays an interesting deck. He is amazingly lucky. His deck is pure fire with no trainers, and he has about 4 stage 2’s, but if I have a bad draw, he makes it tough. But with an early murkrow and him not knowing to power up his active until it was too late, this was an easy match


2 vs. Josh again

new deck this time. All that I saw was a lone magicarp that was dead on turn two.


3 rematch from previous

we agreed that he had a bad draw and deserved another chance to prove himself. He lost miserably, said that I was evil, and he didn’t play again me the rest of the night.


4 vs. new kid with water/grass

My skarmory vs. his army of hoppips. It was a slaughter.


5. vs. another new kid with Psychic/colorless

all he got was a lickitung. A first turn skarmory with metal eliminated all hope.


6 rematch.

Forfeited as soon as I mean looked his Kadabra.


7. vs. Chris with haymaker

Chris is my oldest and most challenging rival. That night he had just put Mr. Mime into his deck along with scyther and Hitmonchan. Skarmory stole the show. In my opening hand I had Skarmory and 3 metal energies. By the time he could remove them, I had murkrow and gusts to deal with mimes for another 2 and ended it with arcanine against hitmon.


8. Chris borrowed an old school haymaker with resistance gym and creamed me. My ecogym never showed and he removed all special energies. I ended on my own terms by attaching a dark energy to growlith to kill a hitmonchan and myself.


9/10 vs Bobby with fire/colorless

these matches were so similar that I forget witch was witch. I lost both, ending my last battle with arcanine vs. 2 Ditto’s. he had 1 prize, and I was hurt badly. When I killed the first one, I had 90 on arcanine and all gold berries in the discard, and he flamethrowered for a win.



props and slops (who started these, anyway?)


Josh for being original

Chris for always challenging me

Bobby for putting me in my place


Kids who forfit

Bad draws

Questions? Comments? Hate Mail? Write me at