                          Dragon's Layer
                         By: Ryan Smith
                        Wizards of the Coast
                        Woodbridge Mall, NJ
                         Saturday June 23
                          League Play

Dragon's Layer
I am the dragon tamer!!

3 squirtle/rocket (Evolution)
2 wartortle/base (evolution)
2 blastoise/base (a little rain dance here, some 60 damage there, and
water energies everywhere!)
4 magikarp/2 rocket/2 base (EVOLVE ALREADY!)
4 gyarados/2 dark/2 base (base gyarados...hhhmmm.. 3 water 50 damage,
2 misty's tentacool/gym hero (evolve)
1 misty's tentacruel/ gym hero (great attack/ shall you be poisoned or
1 articuno/fossil (its a blizzard!)

Trainers: 18

2 brock (Articuno if you get tails)
1 Chaos gym (made chaos!!)
1 super energy removal (to slow down opponent)
1 erika's kindness (i am so kind, or not)
2 defender (weak magikarp)
1 focus band (stay alive blastoise and karp!)
1 bill (draw 2, why not?)
1 breeder (i'm getting blastoise whether you like it or not!)
1 goop gas (you never know when this might come in handy(cough, dark
vile, brock's nintales, feraligatr, and slowking)
1 energy removal (slow down there tiger)
2 oak (can you say water energies, raindance, and drawing power?)
1 pluspower (always comes in handy)
3 Rocket's sneak attack (bye, bye trainers)
1 Here comes team rocket! (find gyarados....)

23 water (duh, it wouldn't be a water deck w/o water energies now would

1st play:

me vs. blaine fire deck

1st hand mulli, 2nd hand 1 squirtle, 2 wartortle, 1 dark gyarados, and 3
water.  i win flip he has 1 brock's rhyhorn, 1 blain ponyta, and
blaine's growlithe. Attack water he goes. He attaches fire o brocks
rhyhorn my turn.I attack water energy evolve into wartortle an withdraw
got tails. he evolves blaine's ponyta and attaches fire horn toss for
20. i draw attach water to wartortle and bite for 40. he uses blaine on
blaines rapidash and horn toss for 20. I draw, finally an oak, but
before i did that i made sure i attached at least 1 water then
got........2 karp, 1 base gyarados, misty's tentacool, water, defender
and.......BLASTOISE, so i evolve and raindance and attach defender and
killed rhyhorn and got R.S.A. he attaches fire to his blaine rapidash
and stamp 10 cause of the defender and my bech is safe. I draw a karp
and evolve 1 of my 3 karp into gyarados, then R.S.A. even though i found
out he only had a fire energy( oh well) i hydro pump /bye blaines
rapidash.  He evolves ponyta attaches a fire and fire mane for 20. i
draw a squirtle and use H.C.T.R! and i got 2 r.s.a., water and gyarados,
the use hydro pump and pick up gyarados. he goes puts out a narrow gym
and no energy and has blaines growlithe and i go draw a misty's
tentacruel and hydro pump for the win!


me vs. eevee evolution deck

All he had of course was an eevee and i had Articuno and within 5 turns
he had a jolteon with 1 electric and no others and i used freeze dry the
turn before and the blizzard on turn 5 for the win.( piece of cake)

me vs. electric cleffa and rocket zappy

she starts with elekid to my suprise and i won coin flip and i had 2
karp 1 squirtle and water i attach and she goe,she attaches an electric
and playful punch and got heads 40 damage(ouch!) I go i draw a plus
power and attach water to squirtle and got heads and she was K.O.ed by
the dragon tamer.


me and a psy deck with mewtwo mullie( really stupid deck)

He had a mewtwo after 4 mullies and i bring out karp. he goes first and
attaches psy to mew2. I got i attach water energie to karp and flop for
10. he draws attaches and whadda you know barrier. I go evolve into
gyarados. he goes same thing as last turn. i go draw an energy removal
and attach a water to gyarados and E.R. he goes. Same as last turn but
no barrier use dragon rage for 50 hes dead cause of my karp and


propz- blastoise and gyardos
-people who i played against
 slopz- weak against electric and grass
- thatz bout it!

email bout comments and how i can fix my deck at  Thanx 4 reading!!!!