Clefable's Revenge
Gary Walley
The Toy Chest
Pascagoula Mississippi
Saturday, 6-23-01
Around 16 participants
15 Pokémon
4 Clefairy
3 Clefable
4 Scyther
4 Chansey
16 Energies
4 Potion Energy
4 Full Heal Energy
4 Recycle Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
29 Trainers
3 Item Finder
3 Computer Search
3 Scoop Up
3 Pokémon Flute
4 Gust of Wind
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Professor Oak
3 Super Potion
This tournament allows any kind of cards, japanesse, american etc.
But I did
not run into any that weren't already in american.
Okay I'm gonna give you the basic run down of the deck before I list how it
did, just so you know a little about how it works. It gets the title
the type of deck it is. I was sick and tired of hearing only about
Zapdos everytime I heard Pokémon, so I made an anti-deck, hence the Revenge
part. The deck has several key combos against the Rocket's Zapdos
Clefable, Pokémon Flute and Gust of wind are the key cards in it.
Clefable against an Active Rocket's Zapdos, you Metronome it's Electroburn
attack killing it in one turn and doing no damage to yourself, next turn
Pokémon Flute it back to their bench and Gust of Wind it back out.
only three cards, you can get two prizes, easily. Using Items Finders
more of these you could get a lot of prizes before they can do anything
it. Recycle Energy is very good against all the Energy Removals
around, also. All other cards are for back-up in case you can't get
combo going early on. And now for the Status Report.
Round one vs. some boy.
He was running a fire deck, and all I got in my draw were two grass
He started out with a Fossil Magmar. He played that Headband
card on his
first turn. You know the one where if the Pokémon it'sd attached to
is gonna
die, flip a coin, if heads it still has 10 HP left. It was the
version, so I asked around for an American one, to be safe and read it my
way. Badically the first three turns for both of us were for
energy. I kept him at bay with my energy removals as he attacked me
Smokescreen. My Super Potions came in handy a lot. As I
eventually started
wearing the Magmar down and he never got another basic as I killed it for
Round two vs. another boy.[ The store moved and I don't know all the new
people, sheesh ]
This guy was the only one daring to use a Fighting Deck in the Rocket's
Zapdos environment. And it wasn't a very good on at that. He
put up a Base
Set Onix in the Begining, thinking it would last against my Scyther,
duh. I
went first and attached an energy to Scyther. He attached an energy
to his
benched Hitmonchan. I energy Removaled that and attached a DCE doing
60 to
his Onix. He didn't do anything his next turn, he was afraid I had
energy removal in my hand. Onix died that turn and I drew a
prize. He
brought up a Sandshrew, killed next turn. This is where my combo came
handy. I Pokémon Flute/Gust of Wind comboed against his Onix, killing
again. Then he brought in another Sandshrew, he was new. I
killed it next
I comboed it back in, killing the Sandshrew again. He then brought in
Hitmmonchan and did 10 damage to me, due to resistance. The only
damage he
did that game was that 10. I Gusted in a Gligar he had on bench
for the win.
Round 3 against Devin, the owners son.
This was the first round I actually had to play against a Rocket's Zapdos
deck. I couldn't get my combo going so it was a long game. We
started out
with Chanseys and and kept Energy Removaling away each other's
But, eventually claimed 4 to his two prizes. MY deck was devistated,
He started stalling and I kept trying to get my last two prizes, his
had a lot more in it than mine. He made a key error when he scooped
up his
Chansey and put down a 70 HP creature. With only 9 cards left in my
deck I
killed it with a chansey. He didn't do anything his next turn except
play a
Rocet's Zapdos. But he put up another Chansey instead of the
Zapdos. I
discarded the last two cards in my Hand for a Gust of Wind, and double
sacrificing the Chansey for the 80 damage to the Zapdos, giving me the
I only had 8 cards left.
Campionship round against Patrick.
There weren't many people there that weekend so I was already at the final
round. This guy was actually playing a deck he got from me and
changed about
4 cards around. Oh, well. This game was interesting. We
both got out
Chanseys and tried to constantly kill each other with them. That was
it for a long time, until the energies atarted running dry and we went into
stall mode, but he had done himself in with all the Professor Oaks he had
used in the beginnning. It was 4-3 with him in the lead, but as the
went on his time was definintely limited. Our Clefables and Chanseys
up canceling out each other in this game and it turned into who had more
cards. I decked him with three cards left in my deck. This was
my first
time to win the tournament. It was great.
4-0 Final
Well, that was the tournament, it's not much most of the time, but it's all
we've got. See ya.
If you'd like to contact me, Gary Walley, you can at the following
LBE Captain