Playful Punch Maker
by Sina Hampel
Magic Toys
Heidelberg, Germany
Monday, June 25th, 2001
Roughly 20 participants
Well, it's the first time I played at a Pokemon League and I was a little bit
scared cause I thought the guys playing were Pokemon-Machines. It wasn't that bad
at all.
Playful Punch Maker
Pokemon (15)
3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
2 Elekid
3 Electabuzz
2 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
Trainers (27)
3 Energy Removal
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Lass
4 Gust Of Wind
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Super Energy Retrieval
2 Scoop Up
2 Gambler
2 Item Finder
2 Computer Search
3 Bill
4 Plus Power
Energy (18)
7 Fighting
7 Lightning
4 Double Colorless
This deck is similar to Jigglin Cheese Maker. Basicly I played Jigglin Cheese
Maker but a few days ago I filled my deck up with my favourite Pokemon Elekid. I
like this deck cause you can evolve Baby Pokemon into Basic Pokemon but also can
put Basic Pokemon normally onto your bench.
For example if your opponent puts Elekid into sleep, evolve it into Electabuzz.
But if you have a Wigglytuff as your Basic Pokemon, put Electabuzz onto your
First I got my membership card. Then I got a book which contained the data
about my participating. When I got in there were only three youths and one crazy
adult. I watched them playing. The children didn't want to fight the adult any
more. So he asked who wanted to loose next. I said, I wanted and he fought me.
---First round vs. Crazy adult with Imakuni-like water deck---
Well, I draw a Hitmonchan, an Elekid, a Jigglypuff, a Gambler, 2 Fighting Energy
and a Double Colorless Energy.
I played Hitmonchan as my Basic Pokemon and Elekid and Jigglypuff onto my bench.
He had a single Staryu. I won the coin flip.
I draw a Wigglytuff and attached a Fighting Energy to Hitmonchan for 20 damage.
Then he draw an additional Staryu and attached a Water Energy for 20 damage. Tjis
round I draw Electabuzz but didn't evolve. I attached Double Colorless Energy to
Jigglypuff and evolved into Wigglytuff. Then my Hitmonchan attacked for my first
prize card. He didn't draw any Energy but was sure he would win. Then I used
Elekid's Pokemon Power to do 40 damage because of weakness for my victory.
---Second round vs. Crazy adult with Gengar deck---
Well, he thought he could beat me so we played again.
I draw Hitmonchan, Electabuzz and a few Energy cards. Well, he didn't tell my
what color of deck he had. I guessed right he had a psychic deck and played
Electabuzz as my active Pokemon. The first few rounds were no problem against 
Slowpoke and Jynx.
Later he had a Haunter and thought he could hypnotize my Electabuzz. It didn't
work and so I had drawn 3 prize cards. He played Slowpoke as his active Pokemon
again and pleased me to knock out his Slowpoke cause on his bench there was a
Dark Kadabra with 2 Energy cards attached to it. Well, my Electabuzz got knocked
out by his Dark Kadabra and he thought he was god. Then I had a Wigglytuff with 5
benched Pokemon. It was no problem to knock out his Dark Kadabra and the last
Pokemon, a Haunter again.
---Third round vs. little boy with Unown deck---
This match was easy. He had a single Unown Which I could knock out with my active
---Fourth round vs. girl with fire/lightning deck---
This match wasn't as difficult either. She only had a few weak basic Pokemon like
Charmander and Voltorb so it was no problem for me.
I draw Hitmonchan, Scyther, Gust of Wind and a few Energy cards.I played
Hitmonchan as my basic Pokemon and Scyther on my bench. I played first and
knocked out her Voltorb. Then she played Charmander and did 10 damage to my
Hitmonchan. I defeated it in the third round. Then she had an additional Voltorb
which was no problem with my Hitmonchan.
---Fifth round vs. boy with Rain Dance deck---
I think that match could have been difficult if he hadn't tried to cheat all the
time. Well, I had a Scyther with not enough energy and a Jigglypuf on my bench.
You'd better say; I had NO energy. I'm sure I'd lost if he hadn't been
Well, that's all. At the end no one wanted to play against me anymore. I gained a
promotional holographic Eevee card which is all-new in Germany.
I think it was very fun and I'll go again to play next monday.
Props to...
... my grandma for watching me play
... Ebay for getting so many good cards
... my friends to trade me the cards I needed for my deck
... my booster packs which included a holographic card
... my opponents 1-4 who played very fair
Slops to...
... the boy with Rain Dance deck for cheating
... my booster packs which didn't include any holographic card
... a friend of mine didn't trade me his Hitmonchan even though he didn't need it
    at all
Thanx for reading!
Sina Hampel