The 4th Little Pig's House
by Daniel Duterte (ebArtemis410)
Toys R Us, Raleigh, NC
Thursday, June 28th, 2001

Yo, it's ebArtemis410 reporting from Raleigh, NC's first DCI sanctioned tournament in over 2 years! =\  Anyway, STS had just come and gone, and I need a Standard deck.  I was playtesting my Steel deck online, so of course I choose to go with this latest version, which has just been doing awesome online and against my brother.  So here's the deck:

The 4th Little Pig's House
Pokemon (11)
3 Cleffa
3 Electabuzz
2 Chansey
1 Magby
1 Scyther
1 Unown N
Energy (15)
7 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Metal Energy
Trainers (34)
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Gold Berry
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
3 Gust of Wind
3 PlusPower
3 Ecogym
2 Energy Flow
2 Scoop Up
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Chaos Gym

Ideally, you would want to open with a Cleffa/Lass, then beat down with Electabuzz, and use Chansey to clean.  Of course, if you know the deck they're playing doesn't use Energy Removals or the such, you could probably use Chansey the whole way, and if you've got 2 Double Colorlesses and a Lass and they've got a lone Pokemon, you could always go for a second turn knockout with Chansey.  Unown N is godly broken with Chansey, as you can dish 70 and take 30, dish 60 and take 10, and so forth (sound like a certain card we all love?), and I teched in Scyther for Gligars.  Energy Flow combos with Scoop Up to protect your Energy and can be used to move it around.

There were 15 people when the tournament started, and about 4 more people came after the first round started (traffic was really really bad).  It was originally slated for 4 rounds.  Here we go!

Round 1 vs. Sneasel Trapper
I kinda get going kinda slow, stalled out with Electabuzz and Cleffa while I got a Chansey going, got his Sneasel, and I rolled the rest of his Pokemon.
Record: 1-0

Round 2 vs. Sneasel/Clefable
Another kind of slow start, but Electabuzz came through and Chansey ripped through the rest of him.  Yay.
Record: 2-0

Round 3 vs. Lightning Sneasel/Umbreon
I started slow (again), but got going, and had 2 prizes to go, and then he starts getting lame and stalls >=\.  I had to take a time win, and I was pretty pissed off.
Record: 3-0

Round 4 vs. Sneasel (AGAIN?!?!?!)
I pretty much 0wned the entire game.  I tried getting a Chansey early for a quick win, but he top decked an Search, but I rolled him through, thank god for Gold Berries ^_^
Record: 4-0

We had loads of time left, so Jeff fiddled around with Reporter and got another round in!

Round 5 vs. Steelix
Well, I never saw Steelix come out, I Cleffa/Lass him first turn, and my Chansey gets going and just rolls his Hitmonchan's and Zappies.  He wouldn't shake my hand at first, he would only when his mother told him to =\
Record: 5-0

I won the tournament, got a pack of League promos including the new Pikachu and Hitmontop and a Holo Happy Birthday Pikachu ^______^ Yay, and my DCI rating should hopefully hop above 1700 now, yay, now I can have 1 bye at the next STS =\

Props And Slops
Props to my dad for driving me and my bro to Toys R Us
Props to Jeff for holding the tournament
Props to me for winning and nabbing a Birthday Pikachu
Props to Pojo for being a cool Pokemon site
Slops to that stupid kid who kept talking to his cards as if they were real and being really frickin annoying
Slops to that kid who stalled to give me a time win =\
Slops to the stupid little kids who kept jumping on the swing sets or whatever =\
Slops to Duke

Anyway, that's all.  Jeff said the next Pokemon tournament might be STS format ^___^ Anyway, catch me on AIM at Daniel Duterte or catch me on IRC.  This is America's favorite Starmie, signing off =\

Daniel Duterte aka ebArtemis410
Webmaster of The Saffron City Gym
Writer at The Pokemon Ruins

(go heels)