Amni Deck ( Dark, steel, and fighting)


                                         By: Kevin Townsend


                                                Davidsonville community center


                                                 30 people



       Hi my name is Kevin and I have just recently have had a brilliant idea for the deck I call it The amni deck I used this in a tournament and it was great.






2 x sneasle

1x skamory

2 x onix ( neo)

2 x steelix

4x hitmonchan

4x hitmonlee

4x hitmontop

4x tyrouge




2 x elm

4 x energy charge

4 x super energy removal

2 x item finder




4 x dark

4 x steel

4 x rainbow

1 x recycles

12 x fighting





Round 1 Me Vs brads raindance deck

               I win toss in my hand I had 2 chans 1 sneasle 1x lees

1x tyrouge 2 x dark energy hahahahahaha. This is a great hand and my best of the night.


 I wanted to finish this fast seeing he only has 2 squirtle and no energy so it was risky but it could be done. I started with tyrouge and put a dark on him and flipped a heads dead. I took 10 from darkness energy he drew and still no energy he passes. I was about to die with 20 damage but 1 heads will when and it is tai…..Heads yes I won.






I got a bye so it counted as a win ha






Me Vs a wiggly deck hahahahaha


 A great hand 2 x tyrouge and 5 fighting energy I go first. Tyrouge winds up heads sorry jiggly he attaches energy to jiggly and try’s to put me a sleep not I flipped another heads game tyrouge is the most vicious baby in this game he pulls through again.








Last mach me Vs a new bee with a fire deck he had wearied deck he told me after the match he has kadabra and alakazam in his deck but this was brutle he gose first abra out only he passes and it is my turn tyrouge enoughth said heads he is dead unbelievable I did not get out any other cards really other than little tyrouge



   I got a 1st Ed neo 2 booster box



Props and slops


Pops to little tyrouge finishing every one off

You for reading this

Pojo for posting this



Well there was no slops accept for poor sports.

See ya pojo intill next time signing off.