Dark Eevee Rainbow                       
                           Cade Spivey                           
   Evansville Indiana
 Toys R' Us
 July 7 01 
47 people
Brock's Lickitung x1
Kangaskhan x1
Magmar (Base 2) x1
Magmar (Neo) x2
Electabuzz (Base) x1
Electabuzz (Neo) x2
Squirtle (R) x1
Squirtle (Base) x1
Wartortle (Base) x1
Dark Wartortle x1
Dark Blastoise x1
Chansey (Base) x1
Eevee (Promo) x1
Eevee (Jungle) x1
Dark Eevee x1
Lt. Surge's Eevee x1
Dark Vaporeon x1
Dark Jolteon x1
Dark Flareon x2
Cool Porygon x1
Zapdos (Fossil) x1
Giovanni's Magikarp x2
Magikarp (Base) x1
Dark Garados x1
Giovanni's Garados x1
Garados (Base) x1
Bill x3
Oak x3
Cinnabar City Gym x1
Potion x2
Fire x10
Water x7
Electric x7
Round #1
Me vs. my friend Justin's reverse haymaker   (3 prizes)
    Justin won the coin toss and started off with a promo mewtwo and a scyther on the bench.  I started out with a promo eevee on my bench and a chansey in the arena.  After we both came up short with chanseys double edge attack and he knocked out my chansey with his other promo mewtwo he got by a draw I sent out my eevee and evolved into dark flareon.  His go.  I injured his mewtwo with my playing with fire move so he retreated and sent out his syther.  Bad move, but he had no choice.  I used playing with fire again and got lucky.  His go.  With nothing else but his mewtwo (which he had used a potion on to give him 40 hp) he sent it out.  No energies, my go.  I used playing with fire one more time for the win. 1-0
Me vs. Trevor's eevee deck
    I won the coin toss and started with a magmar(Base 2) and he had a Dark eevee laid a fire on magmar. His go no energies my go. Put a fire energy on magmar 30 to his deck eevee. His go no energy. My go 30 thats game because no basic. 2-0
Me vs.???
I won the coin toss had a dark eevee thats all. His go had a jigglypuff and put a double colorless energy on him.  He used jiggly's pound for the next 3 turns which got rid of my dark eevee and since i had no other basics that was game. 2-1
I had to leave early and didnt get to see the rest of the tournament. 
Props: mom,  toys r us, my friend justin for helping me make this heck-of-a-deck, trevor for taking his beating like a good little boy
Slops: mystery man for beating me down when I was on a role, mom for making me leave early, luck for never being in my favor and never seeming to want to be