Catch The Wave. Grass, electric, colorless
By David K.
Toy's R Us. Pokemon League.
Manchester, Ct
July 8, 2001

4 Scyther. (Base)
4 Wigglytuff
4 Electabuzz
4 Jigglypuff

14 Electric
4 Double Colorless 

4 Bill
4 Prof. Oak
4 Computer Searches
4 energy removal
2 super scoop up
2 full heal
2 gusts of wind
4 pluspowers

With this deck I try to get Wigglytuff out on turn 1. And of course filling
up my bench A.S.A.P.

First battle:
    Me V.S. Allen with Ditto, Scyther, Moltres, Electabuzz, and Magmar Deck.

    Since the league was a couple of days ago, I can't really remember all of
my matches.

    This first match was very easy since he only had one basic pokemon out. I
started out with Jigglypuff and went first. I attached a double colorless and
pounded him. He attached a fire energy and smokescreened me. I attached a
electric energy and since I had Wigglytuff in my hand I evolved. For the rest
of the match it was just like that. He couldn't get any other basics out.

    Me V.S. Allen. (Again)

    Again Allen couldn't get any other basics out, and I won.

    Me V.S. Dong with Dark Muk deck.

    Again this match was very easy. I don't clearly remember what happened
but I won. On a side note Dong is my rival from school. So far I'm am the
Pokemon Master from my High School.

    Me V.S. ??? kid with Haymaker Wigglytuff deck

    I probably shouldn't write about this match since he left in the middle
of it. In the end it was like 3 prizes against 5-6.

    Me V.S. Mary with ???? deck.

    I don't remember this match, but I did use Scyther's slash attack to win.

    In the end I won all of my matches as u can see.