Mind Games2
by Seena Ghaziaskar
250$Pokemon Challenge
This tournament was not DCI sanctioned but had DCI principles.I saw some cool people there like MTMike.Before the tourney, I played a kid with my Steelix deck which I planned on using.The deck didn't work,so I immediatly swapped protectors for Mind Games.Before anything else,here is the deck.
2Brock's Mankey(Taunt)
2Energy Removal
2Super Energy Removal
1Nightly Garbage Run
2Full Heal
The strategy is to get multiple Slowkings on the bench and Beat-Up with Sneasel.A first turn Lass/Eeeeeeek really helps since they lose their trainers giving time for King.Brock's Mankey,the new card,is to Taunt out Slowkings and Mean Look them with Krow. I saw small amounts of Iggly's which was a surprise.The winner of the tournament gets 250$$!!
Match1 vs. Kid with Rain Dance
This kid hadn't played Pokemon for a long time. He played a Rain Dance(?) deck. On turn 2, I Lass/Eeeeeeek and screw him.Eventually, I get a Sneasel and Beat-Up a Lapras,Squirtle,and Mantine.This kid rolled the dice weird and got heads 90% of the time.I think he waZs somewhat cheating.Oh well,we play for fun and he wins.1-0,3pts.
Match2 vs. Teen with R.Zapdos/Electabuzz/Metal
Yeah,I'm not calling it you know what(stupid name Ness)!I get 3 quick Slowkings and Mean Look his Scyhter.I deny him of his energy.I Feint two pokemon including a R.Zapdos and then get a fully powered Sneasel.I bring it up and knock out the rest of his pokemon with Beat-Up.The only attacks he used were ThunderShock and Swords Dance.2-0,6pts.
Match3 vs. Teen with Blaine's Rapidash
We decided to draw.I really regret that.We play for fun and I get 3 Slowkings and Murkrow and Sneasel kill all his poke's.I really shouldn't have drawn!2-0-1,7pts.
Match4 vs. Adam Trunzo with Dark Muk
He plays a decent Dark Muk deck.He also plays Iggly's so I only got to flip once every time he played a trainer.He Double Edged with a Sprout Tower in play to knock out 3 of my pokemon. He knocks out two other pokemon with his Dark Muk. I eventully stall out.Crap! 2-1-1,7pts.
Match5 vs. Teen with Energy Denial
His deck has Fossil Golduck, Ditto, and Movie Mewtwo! I Lass away his Oak and Search on the first turn with Cleffa. I get two Slowkings within the first three turns and deny him most of his trainers. I power up a Sneasel and sent it out to knock out the rest of his pokemon.3-1-1(10pts.)
I finish 5th place.If I finished in the Top4,I'd have a shot at the 250$ prize.Oh well.I'll go tomorrow instead of going to my weekly DCI tournament.Look for my next report.
Slops:Adam Trunzo(Stegyman)
Peace out-Seena