Rocket's Dark Side (Fighting/Grass/Dark)
                By Akin Dursun
     Mr Games-Cards and games shop
                 London, UK
            Saturday, 30th June
          Roughly 15 partcipants
On Saturday I went to my game store to play pokemon trading card game. I had a lot of fun playing and trading. My deck was very good and I had fun playing with it!
Rocket's Dark Side
Pokemon 17 
R's Hitmonchan 4
Gligar 4
R's Scyther 4
Sneasel 3
Igglybuff 2
Trainers 22
Proffessor Oak 2
Proffessor Elms 3
Bill 2
Computer Search 3
Nigthly Garbage Run 2
Energy Flow 2
Gold Berry 4
Swicth 2
Berry 2
Energy 21
Figting 11
Grass 6
Dark 4
1. Me VS  Serah's Mistys Poliwhirl and Blastiose Deck
This deck was really good. She Knew what she was doing and played very good.
In my oppening hand I had 2 R's Hitmoncan, 2 R's Scyther, 2 Gold Berry, 1 Poffessor Elms. I had R's Scyther as my active while she had a Lickitung. I had 3 benched pokemon and she had her bench full of Sguirtels and Misty's Poliwags. The battle started very irritating, she was keep on paraliyzing my R's Hitmonchan while pumping up M's Poliwhirls with Blastiose's Rain Dance Power. Finaly I knocked her Lickitung out in turn 5, but then came in M's Poliwhirl and Knocked out my R's Hitmoncan and then My R's Scyther. But my Sneasel was ready for this, I knocked out her M's Polwhirl, but there was still 2 more to go. For the next few rounds I tried to get my I gglybuffs in to play to stop that stupid Rain Dance. I used many trainers during the battle and managed to knock out one more of the Polis and a Blastiose. Then she Knocked out my 2 Gligars and had 2 prizes left. But I attached 3 Dark energys on Sneasel and a Gold Berry and Knocked out one of  her Polis and a Lickitung for the victory!
2. Tony's Burn Deck (Fire/Fighting)
This boy was quite clever. He was using a technice that I had seen before, he was trying to deck me out using Moltres's Wild Fire attack. I started with Electabuzz while he started with fossil Magmer. I went first. I had a Scyther and a Hitmonchan on the bench and he had 2 Moltress, a Machop and some other pokemons. The battle started very disturbing for me because of Magmer's Smoke Screen attack. While I was trying to knock out Magmer he was pumping up one of his Moltress.Wen ever one of his pokemon was damaged severly he retreated it and took out a another Magmer or a Lickitung to stall for time. He was using lots of energy on Moltres and not really pumping up any other of his pokemon, so I realized that I could quikly Gust his Moltress and knock them out and the rest of his pokemon will be easy, but before I could do that he used his Moltres's Wild Fire and discarded the top 6 cards of my deck but that didn't effect me much because of the Nightly Garbage Runs. I quikely knocked out the rest of his Moltress before he could do much. The rest of his pokemon came alone easy for my fully pumped pokemons.
3. Leandrew's Evil Attack Deck (Grass/Phsychic)
This deck was made up of dark pokemons. Dark Muk and Dark Golduck were this boy's main attackers, I really had a hard time with this bunch of Dark Pokemons. The battle went for a long time, him killing my pokemon with his Dark Muk and Golduck, While me killing his pokemon with my Hitmonchans and Electabuzzs.His Dark Muks were really difficult to beat because of their nasty pokemon powers making it difficult for me to retreat, and just poisining my pokemon to death. And even worst he was using Energy Removal (dam! I should had enclude a No Removal Gym). But I carried on with the battle with the hope of winning. And I won the battle using my clever trainer technics and unbeateble pokemon (well all most), and drawing my last prize and leaving him with 1 prize.
I came 1st and won 3 Gym Challenge packs! 
Well laters!