Soda Pop
by: Muk007 (David Hausknecht)
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Gamer's Gathering
$4 entry fee
30 people methinks

Hey guys. It's been like....5minutes since I last wrote a KDR =P  I was
soooo happy they're finally having tournaments in Colorado Springs. Next
week, they're gonna be DCI-Sanctioned. Yipeee!!! Anyways, I was surprised
at the amount of people who came! Here's the deck

Soda Pop (also my STS qualifier winner)

 2 Cleffa
 3 Clefairy (Neo)
 3 Sneasel
 2 Murkrow (lock)
 2 R. Zapdos
 1 Pichu (TecH for Unown)
 1 Unown D (ark)

 4 Oak
 4 CP Search
 3 Itemfinder
 3 SER
 3 Pluspower
 2 Ecogym
 3 Gold Berry
 2 GOW
 1 NGR

 4 Dark
 3 Rainbow
 3 Recycle (perfect with SER and Clefable)
 6 Lightning
 2 Metal (Rocket's Zapdos)

Get a second turn Clefable to start copying, UNLESS they have some
weakling that copying their attacks would be useless (i.e. Phanpy). Start
powering up Rocket's Zapdos with a Metal Energy (newest addition). Use
Sneasel to clean. Murkrow is also nice to start with to lock em in.
Pretty much, this is a Clefable Lock.

Tournament was swiss, 5 rounds, best 2 out of 3.

Round 1 vs. Autumn Gligars, Mantines, and Lapras, OH MY! (notice the

First game: I started Sneasel and she had Lapras. I drew, put Cleffa on
the bench, retreated, attached an energy and Eeeeeeeked. She went,
attached a water energy and failed with Water Gun. I attach a Dark Energy
to Sneasel and pass. She attaches Water Energy to Lapras, puts Ditto on
the bench, and gets heads for 20. I draw, fill up my bench, retreat for
Sneasel, attach a Dark Energy, Gust up his Ditto and ko it with Beat Up.
After that, it went WAAAAY down hill for her and every pokemon she sent
up I koed.

Second game: Pretty much the same ordeal, but I used Rocket's Zapdos and
Metal Energy to continually ko her 60 hp basics.


Round 2 vs. Michael Perucca (my good friend) who's ranked 13th in the
world now with RAINDANCE!

Before I tell you about the battles, lemme explain that Michael wasn't
playing Raindance competitively. We both knew the metagame was really
easy (except for like Shaun Case [July reports--ZapHaymaker] and these 2
Steelix players) cause it was a bunch of people from our league. He was
just having fun.

First Game: I knew his deck and I knew I needed Rocket's Zapdos ASAP. I
did make a few kos, but he finally koed it with his Blastoise. DOH! After
that, I couldn't recover and I lost.

Second game: The first game took up so much time, we only had like 10
minutes. I got Clefable early but the coin flips were messing me up.
Actually, I could have won but time was called and since I didn't win in
one of the three ways, he got the win because he won the first game and
the second game was considered a tie.


Round 3 vs. n00b with dumb fighting deck

Since I was 1-1, I was getting paired up with another 1-1 d00d. All I
have to say is oh my gosh

First game: Phanpy. Phanpy. Yes, he was playing Phanpy....well then. I
started a Rocket's Zapdos which kinda sucked due to his resistance.
However, I knew he couldn't TOUCH me, but I could still do damage with
Electroburn. I got it with 3 Lightning and 1 Metal Energy and I kept CP
Searching for Pluspowers to send em up, set em down. I won with ease.

Second game: Guess what?! *GASP* He got a.....dun dun dun!!!! RHYDON!!
*GASP AGAIN* I almost started laughing. I used Clefable with a Gold Berry
to knock it out. He was very disappointed when I koed it. I won.


Round 4 vs. Energy Trans

First game: I start Murkrow and he goes with Exeggute. I go first and
Mean Look. Ok, I'll go past a lot of stuff. I manage to ko his benched
fully powered Venusaur and some other guys to bring me down to 2 prizes.
I end up retreating for Sneasel and continually koing his guys. 6-0 win.

Second game: I don't remember a thing about it except that I won.

Michael is the only one undefeated.

Last Round-5 vs. Damage Swap (there have been some OLD archetypes around

First game: I start a Sneasel and him a promo Mewtwo with Sneasel on the
bench. He starts cussing at Sneasel's resistance. I draw and put UNOWN D
ON THE BENCH!! I totally screw him over. I won with ease. Once, he tried
to Feint Attack Unown D. I explained and he started cussing again.

Second game: I was pretty confident. We were one of the battles that took
the longest, THUS, getting a huge crowd around us. 9/10 people were going
for me :-) I end up having 4 prizes left and he had 6 prizes left whe
time was called. We were told we each had 5 turns to finish. One of us
had to win in one of the 3 ways. I had a Rocket's Zapdos with 3 Lightning
and a Metal attached. I had 5 turns to get 4 prizes. First turn, I
couldn't do anything. Next turn-ko. Next turn-ko. Next turn-ko. Next
turn-he paralyzes me!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh well. I still got the win :-)

I end up getting 3rd overall. I got a gym heroes booster with a No
Removal Gym and $5 store credit. Michael went undefeated. Shaun got

NO time for props and slops!! Cyaz


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