Thinking Outside Of The Box

Hi players. Today I
'm gonna come at you with some real madness. Now alot of
kids like playing Pokemon but always run into problems like always losing to
the same people or even always winning. Another problem is not having the
right number friends around to play. Well listen, you don
't have to go to
Official League events to get your game on. You can even have fun playing
against the same friends that you
've gotten tired of beating and getting
beaten by. Today we unveil some new rules.

Pokemon Multi-player

To play it best you should have 4-6 players. Three works but is very
cutthroat. :-)
Players roll a die to determine seating order with the highest player being
the “point”. The remaining players are seated clockwise (starting from the
left of the “point”) in order of high to low. In the event of a tie, only
those players will reroll with the higher result sitting closest to the
“point”. Starting order is determined by rolling the die again and the
highest roll goes first with play continuing clockwise (regardless of all
other rolls). In the event of a tie between the highest roll only, the
players reroll with the higher result going first. Players can attack only
the players on their immediate left or right. If a player is eliminated, the
circle closes. Players are eliminated in normal fashion. The winner is the
first player to pick up all of his prizes.

Now here
's what happens:
Billy, Maggie, David, Chris, Shante, & Kathy decide to play. They each roll a
20 sided die (to reduce the possibilities of a  tie) and get these numbers
Billy   9
Maggie   7
David   3
Chris   7
Shante 11
Kathy   12
Kathy is the Point here with 12, Shante sits on her left, Billy sits on
's left. Maggie and Chris reroll to break their tie (Maggie gets a 17,
Chris gets a 13). Maggie sits on Billy
's left, Chris sits on Maggie's left,
and David sits down last, closing the circle
            M   S
            C   B

They roll again to see who goes first. Chris gets the highest with 14. Maggie
and David tie with  10 but it doesn
't matter. Only the high roll counts and
all play goes clockwise from there. They all draw their starting hands. Kathy
and Billy have no Basic pokemon in their hands so all the other players get
to draw up to two more cards. Billy still has no Basic so now Kathy (who did
draw a Basic the second time) as well as everyone else get to draw two more
cards. Finally everyone has their Starting Pokemon face down in front of
them. They then lay down their prizes. Four is usually a good number. They
turn over their cards and Chris goes first. He draws a card, puts down Eevee,
and plays No Removal Gym. This card effects everyone and stays in play until
another Gym card comes out (like normal). He can only attack the players on
his left and right (Maggie or David) so he adds 1 L energy to his Rocket
Zapdos and does plasma to Maggie
's Marril (instead of David's Seel). Marril
is knocked out and Maggie had no one on the bench. Maggie is out of the game
on the first turn. Bad luck for her. Chris draws a prize, Maggie gets up, and
the circle closes in. Here
's what it looks like now.
            C   S
             D B

Kathy draws her card. She looks around and puts an Elekid on the bench. She
adds 1 P energy to her Jynx and does Playful punch to Chris
's Zapdos. He
takes 20 damage. Now Shante draws a card. She puts down an Unown N on her
bench next to the Mr. Mime. She adds 1 P energy to her Active Mr. Mime and
Gusts out Billy
's Blaine's Ponyta, sending his Magby to the bench. She ends
her turn. Billy draws and puts a Double Colorless on his Blaine
's Ponyta. He
puts promo Eevee on his bench, plays Erika, and selects Shante as the
opponent. This means only Shante and Billy may now draw 3 cards (whenever an
attack, Pokemon Power, or Trainer card involving another player is played the
Attacking Player must state who the opponent is). Billy plays a Berry on his
Magby and does Hind Kick to David
's Seel. He flips heads and has to switch
Ponyta with a bench Pokemon. He brings out Magby. David draws and adds 1 W
energy to his Seel. He can do 10 to Magby or Zapdos. He knows he
'll have to
flip a coin to attack Magby and Zapdos is the larger problem anyway since he
has no bench Pokemon. He plays a Sleep! card successfully putting Zapdos to
sleep. He adds 2 Pluspowers and attacks Zapdos.  Zapdos now has 50 damage on
him and is asleep. Not a good situation for Chris. Chris flips tails and
Zapdos stays asleep. He now draws a card and starts the second round. He
evolves his Eevee to Jolteon. This does not evolve Billy
's promo Eevee
because Chris is not on Billy
's immediate left or right. He plays a Switch
card, brings out Jolteon, adds a Double Colorless, and does Quick Attack to
's Seel. HEADS! David's Seel is KO'd and David leaves the circle.
            C   S

Play continues in this fashion until one of the win conditions is reached.
Obviously games do not go this fast, they actually tend to last a long time
as each player is hesitant to do enough damage so that another player will
get the kill and take the prize. A Player may use a Trainer Card or Pokemon
Power (such as Gust) on one player while Attacking the other.

Other rules:
Poison- If a Pokemon is KO
'd due to being poisoned the Player who poisoned
him gets the credit. If a Player poisons someone and is then eliminated, no
one draws a prize if the poison KO
's the Pokemon. The player poisoned takes
poison damage at the end of the attacker
's turn and the end of his own turn,
not the turns of the other players.
Burn- Works exactly like Poison. The Burned Pokemon must flip at the end of
his own turn and the turn of the Player that Burned him.
Sleep- The player flips at the end of the attacker
's turn and the end of his
own turn, not the turns of the other players.
Paralysis- The Player is paralyzed from the time of attack until the end of
his turn. In the above example, if Kathy were to paralyze Shante
's pokemon
then Mime would not be paralyzed on Billy
's turn also. If Billy were to
paralyze Mime he would be paralyzed until the end of Shante
's next turn.
Confusion- If the confused pokemon KO
's himself, the Player that Pokemon was
attacking gets the credit, not the one that confused him. If Billy confuses
' Zapdos and it KO's itself attacking Kathy's Jynx then Kathy takes the
Stadium Cards- Any Stadium card played affects all players. If a Player who
played a Stadium card is eliminated, the card remains until it would normally
be removed (another Gym card or Pokemon Attack or Power).

In the event of any confusion of ruling on a specific card, it should be
played as if the two people involved in the action were playing a two-player
game. Remember, each player can only affect the players on his/her immediate
left or right unless it is an environment effect (Gym card, etc).  

Now see if your deck is really good!

Send your Q
's to UD or visit me at The Unknown Dungeon