(R,F,L,C)                                       The changed one v.1.4

                                                     By Brandon Wallace
                                                     Toys R Us
                                                     Saturday,July 21
                                                       participants 15

Hey Pojo and Pojo Fans Im Back With Another Deck Report.Heres My Deck.

The changed one
pokemon 13
rocket chan 2
magby 2
electabuzz 3
clafairy(base) 3
clefable 3

trainers 27
ecogym 3
pro.oak 3
bill 3
pluspower 4
berry 4
Gold Berry 4

Energies 20
water 6
fighting 7
lighting 7


the strategy is to still get out clefable and also rocket chan.the tournament
was double-elimination.

Game 1 Vs. weird fire deck
i started with magby and he started out with brocks vulpix 40 hp.i go first
put a water down and oak i get a clafairy put it down and sputter.he goes and
put down a vulpix(base) a fire on b.vulpix and tried for flame tails.i go put
a water on fairy evolve to fable retreat and quick attack for 10.the rest
went on where i koed his b.vulpix with fable his vulpix with rocket chan and
his entei i did 50 he fliped and got heads.I Win.
game 2 Vs.doug
it was to easy i go first put a water on fairy and sing heads he sees if he
is awake tails his rocket zappy was useless he put a lighting and got heads i
evolve to fable and electroburn for the win.
game 3 Vs.pikachu deck
another fist turn when i start with electabuzz and he has a cleffa i put a
lighting 2 pluspowers and roll the die...........two=EVENS
i get two byes until i find out who i play in the semis
game 4
game 5
game 6 Vs.doug again
there was not much to this match but i started with buzz and he has
Eevee(promo) i go first put lighting and 1 pluspower then oak.i draw the
cards one at a time 5-6-7 and .......I Got It the second pluspower shock for
Finals Vs.josh
i dont remember much but i koed alot of his pokemon with fable.
7-0 what a great day the prize was one genesis pack and i got energy charge
now props and slops.
props:for my prize
to josh for being tough
to jared for being cool
to maccy for coming in ninth at the STS
Slops:to cindy for saying the losers tournament is a bad idea

my e-mail address is porygon146@aol.com i chat,fix,and want my deck to be
fixed well------------------------------------------------------LATER.