by Seena Ghaziaskar
Game Trader
8-9 Participants(I forgot)
Cuyahoga Falls,Ohio
Hello Pojo again its me Seena with another deck report. I went 6-0 last week and was hoping to have another good week.We'll see what happens.Jee, nothing much to say so here is the deck I used this week.
3Item Finder
3Super Energy Removal
2Gold Berry
2Narrow Gym
4energy Removal
4Full Heal
4Double Colorless
Strategy = get Clefable or Scyther powered up and attack.Muk shuts down Slowking and Elekid(who is played more than usual at my store) and other pokemon powers for that matter.ER and SER with Recycle to slow the opponent down. Now,they can't attack because of energy denial and you can Metronome for just 1 energy!Here is the report
Match1 vs. Andy(0-0) with Dark Muk,R. Scyther, Movie Mewtwo
The game was farely close the whole time. My Fables KOed his R.Scythers and Movie Mewtwos and Scythers killed his Grimers. With 1 monute left, we were tied in prizes but I managed to kill two of his pokemon. Time was called and I won.
Match2 vs. Matt Mashek(1-0) with Umbreon(holo and non-holo)
In this game, I continualously super energy removaled his pokemon with recycle energy. he was really short on energy and Scyther was damaging all his pokemon. In the end, he starting making mistakes and Oaked with his small deck. He eventually decks and I win. In the end, we figure out he has 2 Darks in his discard pile.
Match3 vs. Adam Barker(1-1?) with Clefable/Buzz/Dark Raichu
On the roll to see who goes first(2oDice), I roll a 20! So I lass/eeeeeeek first turn and totally disrupt him. Clefable kills 1-2 pokemon but actually gets killed by Buzz. Scyther however comes out and kills Buzz. He is down to a lone Clefairy and tops a PC Search. Evolves and Metronomes.I eventually kill Clefable and now he is down to 2 Promo Movie Pikas. I get Clefable and kill both. Now he has Base Pika up.I do 30 and he evolves to Dark Raichu who I eventually kill for the game.
3-0,9 pts
Match4 vs. Brian Kostura with Rocket's Mewtwo,Promo Mewtwo,Lickitung,Magmar,Gastly
Clefable hurts him early and I get 3 quick pizes. I Metronome Psyburn on his R.Mewtwo and he fails Juxtapose and I kill. He gets a KO actually by gusting my
Muk and Psyburning but then I kill his Mewtwo. I eventually draw my last card but eeeeeeek a 14 card hand back into my deck.When time is called,Im winning by two prizes.Good Game 
4-0,12pts. (
Im first seed.
Semis vs. Andy from Round1
This game is a blur. Scyther and Fable KO his Grimers,R.Scythers,and Promo Mewtwos. but he gets some KOs to by gusting Muk and Psyburning. However, I continuously SER with Recycle and Gust R.Scythers for the kills. I eventually pick my last prize.
5-0,15pts. (11 game winning streak)
Championship vs. Julius with Baby Deck with Chansey's
His deck had a copy of every baby card to date. He kills some pokes with Chansey. My Scyther kills 3 babies and a Chansey. I draw last card and Lass some cards back. Slash fails against one of his babies. He brings out Cleffa and I drwa last card. Send out my Cleffa and fail eeeeeeek. Good Game! I won't give Julius a slop since he won the tourney with a baby deck which is quite impressive.
5-1,15 pts.
6.72 store credit-2packs of Neo2.rares=HoloForetress and Non-Holo Umbreon
Matt for trading me. I get 2 Cleffa
Mom for taking me
Glitch for taking over KDR(Scott was great as well)
MLB Showdown kid(what a loser)
My name is Seena Ghaziaskar,you can contact me at seena@netmost.com. I'll be happy to help you with Pokemon.No junk/hate mail.