HOT-WALL (Fire-Psychic)
By Nik Safi
Asheville, North Carolina
Saturday, July 27, 2001
Around 16 players
This is my first Killer deck Report, and my first tournament. I made my deck with the central idea of heavy-hitting. The problem was that most of those kinds of PokeMon are stage 1 or 2 and need a lot of energy and support. When I was thinking of which strong PokeMon that I was going to use I though of Arcanine. He can do a massive 80 damage with the drawback of 30 to himself. So this is my Arcanine Deck called Hot-wall that actually did pretty good.
2 Mewtwo (Promo#3)
2 Mr.Mimes
2 Scyther
1 Pichu (Promo#35)
2 Magby
3 magmar (Fossil)
2 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
4 Potion
3 Plus-Power
2 Switch
4 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
2 Professor Oak
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Computer Search
2 Super Rods
1 Bills Teleporter
8 Psychic Energy
10 Fire Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
Well, I got to Books-A-million three minutes late. When I got there, the Gym leader gave me a 'temporary' Badge Book, and a few Promos which consisted of, Scizor, Igglybuff, Smeargle, Pikachu and Togepi. After that I went on to my battles for my badge.
ROUND 1: Danny with Espeon, Cleffa Deck
Well, I started off O.K. I had Mr.Mime, Fossil magmar and a Growlithe. I played Magmar and benched Mr..Mime and Growlithe. I flipped, called heads.....Heads! He had a Mr.Mime out and had three sabrinas Gastly and Rockets Eevee on his Bench. I drew a Plus-power and attached it to Magmar. Then I played a fire and Smokes-Sreened him. He drew, played an Espeon, attached a psychic energy on a Sabrinas Gastly and passed.I drew, played Bill, and drew a psychic and a Professor Oak. I attached a fire to magmar and used Smog for the K.O. I drew Mewtwo as a prize. After the loss of his Mr. Mime, it went downhill for him. I knocked out all his Gastlys  and Cleffas with Magmar and finally beat Espeon with Mewtwo.
                    Record: 1-0  
ROUND 2: Score-Keeper with Muk, DragonairDeck
  He was easy to beat. He started with Dratini, and only Dratini. I started with a hand that included Magmar, Scyther and 2 Plus-Powers. We flipped, I lost. I bet that you can guess how the game ended up, even though he went first . (Who wouldn't?) I beat his Dratini on turn 2 with Magmar and 2 Plus powers.
                     Record: 2-0
In between Matches: I traded a German Promo Zapdos for a Japanese Holo Rockets Scyther.
ROUND 3: Dylan with an Electric, Promo Mewtwo deck
Well he started with a Magnemite active and a Mewtwo benched. We flipped, I chose heads again. Heads. I played a Magmar active and a Mr. Mime on the bench. I attached a fire NRG to Magmar and Smoke-Screened. He drew and attached a Psychic energy to Mewtwo. I played Bill, and got a Plus-Power and Arcanine. I attached an energy to Magmar and used Smog. I flipped heads and poisoned him. He took 10 poison damage, which knocked out his Magnemite. I drew a prize. He sent out Mewtwo with one energy and passed.  I drew, benched a Scyther, and attached a double colorless to it.Then I attacked with Smog and poisoned him. He was down to 40 HP. He played a psychic energy on Mewtwo, then used Gust of Wind on my Scyther? I retreated for free, sent out my Mr. Mime and finished his Mewtwo off.
                     Record: 3-0
In between Matches: They held a trivia. I entered but I knew I would lose really quickly. I was right. I lost the first question! My brother got third, winning a Promo # 35 Pichu.
ROUND 4: Kid with a Fire/Grass Rocket Deck
I started with Mr.Mime, Mewtwo and Magmar. He started with Rockets Scyther active and Rockets Moltres benched. I decided my Mr. Mime should take the active position. Well, I don't remember much, but my Mr. Mime was pummeling his Moltres, which he had switched with. I finally knocked it out, but it came right back to his hand, due to his Rebirth Pokemon Power. He sent out Rockets Scyther and kept using Shadow Images which made it hard to deal damage. Finally I got lucky and K.Oed the Scyther. He sent out Moltres, but this time I had an idea. I beat him down , then he had to bring out a Vulpix  with one energy. I beat it easily with a Mewtwo and a Plus-power. I ended up getting all my prizes, winning the match. (When you beat Moltres you still get a prize...)
                     Record: 4-0
In between Matches: I trade a Sabrinas Golduck for a No-Removal Gym and a Sabrinas Abra.
ROUND 5: Rusty with Mew, Mewtwo Deck
She ended up with a Mew, and Mewtwo, I with a Mr. Mime and Growlithe. She began with Mew and I decided to play Mr. Mime as my active PokeMon. She kept trying to Psy-Wave me, but it kept doing 40, which was prevented by Invisible Wall. I knocked Mew out with 2 Meditates. When she brought out Mewtwo I was ready. (You'd be ready to if you had a fully powered Mr.Mime and a pumped-up Arcanine) I kept attacking with Meditate, but he kept healing himself with potions and stuff. Then I had an Idea. I waited until Mewtwo had 20 or more damage on it, then brought out Arcanine and Flame-Throwered for the win.
                    Record: 5-0
In between Matches: I had 25 points so I got a Hitmontop Promo. Cool!
ROUND 6: Chris (My Brother) with Rain-Dance
I was in trouble. Rain-Dance is my worst fear! This Rain -Dance deck had a few electric PokeMon. I started with a Growlithe. That's all. Chris had a Lapras, a Squirtle, and a Lt. Surge Electabuzz (The one with Discharge) I started by putting a fire NRG on Growlithe. Pass. He attaches a water to use Water Gun. 20 damage. I drew, Mr. Mime. I played Mr. Mime, retreated Growlithe and passed. He water Guns me for twenty. Uh-oh. I draw a card. Plus-Power. Worthless. I end up sacrificing Mr. Mime. I draw a card. Then I know I lost. There's no possible way for me to win. He won. I guess my deck isn't undefeatable...
                    Record: 5-1
I ended up with 30 points. I had to leave 'cause the session was over. Me and Dylan got to be friends to. Were going next week. 10 more points and I win my first Badge.... When we were leaving I asked if I could buy a Neo 2 Pack. They were sold out! Oh, well. I got some at the mall. Now time for Props and Slops.
Props to the Gym Leader for the five free Promos.
Props for Book-A-Million for being so close to me.
Props for the kid who traded me that Rockets Scyther.
Props to the mall for holding Neo 2 packs AND Magic: The Gathering.
Slops to Books-A-Million to being sold out of PokeMon Neo 2
Slops to ,well, there are no more slops today
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